Chair's Welcome

Hear from School of Dental Hygiene chair, Professor Ann Bruhn.

Awards & Recognitions

Our students, faculty and alumni have been recognized by the ODU community and beyond.

Research Leaders

With more than $500,000 in funded grants, and numerous publications, our faculty are leaders in the field.

Continuing Education for Dental Hygiene

ODU's School of Continuing Education, in collaboration with the Gene W. Hirschfeld School of Dental Hygiene, is committed to providing you with educational experiences that meet state licensure requirements and that are relevant to your needs for practice. We are pleased to serve as an educational resource for your continuing competency and lifelong learning.

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Dental Hygiene Care Facility

We teach dental hygiene students to provide quality preventive care for our patients, and to research health care issues that will keep our profession in the forefront of scientific knowledge.