Bibliography of Isoetes
Quillwort in degraded wetland. Village of Menges, Akkar region, Lebanon. This is the only known population of Isoetes in Lebanon. 24 February 2002. 2n=22, counted by R. Bray. See
Lebanon quillwort
Michel Desfayes
Abraham, A. & C.A. Ninan, 1958. Cytology of Isoetes. Current Sci . 27: 60-61.
Allen, B.M. 1975. A note on the distribution of Isoetes in the Cadiz Province, Spain. Fern Gaz. (U.K.) 11 ( 2-3): 163-164.
Allorge, P. 1932. L' Isoetes lacustris dans la chaîne cantabrique. Cavanillesia 5: 28-30.
Allorge, V. & P. Allorge , 1941. Plantes rares ou intéressantes du nw de l'Espagne. Bull. Soc. Bot. France 88: 226-254.
Alonso, Paz, E . 1989. Notas sobre plantas nuevas o interesantes para la flora Uruguaya: 1. Comun. Bot. Mus. Hist. Nat. Montevideo 5 (91): 1-4. - Isoetes pp. 2-3.
Alston, A.H.G. 1945. A new species of Isoëtes from New Guinea . Botanical results of the Richard Archbold expeditions. J. Arnold Arbor . 26: 180.
Alston, A.H.G. 1956. New African ferns. Bol. Soc. Broter . Ser. 2, 30: 5-27
Alston, A.H.G. 1982. Isoetaceae: 1. In Steenis, C.G.G.J. van, Holtum, R. E., eds. Flora Malesiana, series 2. Pteridophytes, volume 1. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, Dr. W. Junk Publ. 62-64. - illus., chrom. nos., key.
Amigo, J.-J. 1996. Flore et végétation de la partie orientale des Pyrénées. Ptéridophytes, Isoétacées. Naturalia Ruscinonensia , Revue de la Soc. d'Histoire naturelle de Perpignan et des Pyrénées-Orientales, sér. Générale, sect. Botanique, fasc. 6: 1-52.
Amstutz, E., 1957. Stylites , a new genus of Isoetaceae. Ann. Missouri Bot. Garden 44: 121-123.
Andreis, C. & G. Rodondi, 1986, publ. 1987. Alcune stazioni di Isoetes echinospora Dur. nel Bresciano e osservazioni al SEM delle spore delle Isoetes della flora Italica. Natura Bresciana no.23: 119-130. - illus., maps.
Anthony , N.C. & E.A. Schelpe, 1985. Two new taxa and a new combination in southern African Pteridophyta. Bothalia , 15 ( 3 & 4): 554-555.
Arreguin-Sanchez, M., 1986. Nuevos registros y taxa interesantes de pteridofitas del Valle de Mexico (Isoetaceae, Psilotaceae y Selaginellaceae). Phytologia 59 ( 7): 451-453.
Ash, S. & K.B. Pigg, 1991. A new Jurassic Isoetites (Isoetales) from the Wallowa Terrane in Hells Canyon Oregon and Idaho . Amer. J. Bot . 78: 1636-1642.
Aulio K ., 1985. Biomass and chlorophyll contents of Isoetes lacustris as related to water depth in the Lake Pyhäjärvi , SW Finland . Aqua Fennica 15:127-131.
Badré, F. & R. Deschatres , 1979. Les Ptéridophytes de la France, liste commentée des espèces (taxinomie, cytologie, écologie et répartition générale). Candeollea 34: 379-457.
Bajpai, U. & H.K. Maheshwari , 1984, publ. 1985. EM studies on the megaspores of Isoetes coromandelina. Phytomorphology , 34(1-4): 226-231. - illus.
Baker, J.G . 1880. A synopsis of the species of Isoetes . J. Bot . 18: 65-70, 105-109.
Baldwin , W.K.W. 1933. The organization of the young sporophyte of Isoetes engelmanni, A. Br. Trans. roy. Soc. Canada , ser. 3, sec. V, 27, 11-30.
Barale G., F. Thévenard, M. Philippe & M. Zarbout, 1998. A new species of the genus Isoetites Münster from the Early Cretaceous of South Tunisia. 5th European Palaeobotanical Palynological Conference Cracow , Abstract p. 11.
Barale, G., 1999. Sur la présence d'une nouvelle espèce d' Isoetites dans la flore du Crétacé inférieur de la région de Tataouine (Sud-Tunisien): implications paleoclimatiques et phylogénétiques. Can. Journ. Bot. 77, 2: 189-196. ( I. daharensis nov. sp.)
Baskin, J.M. & C.C. Baskin, 1978. Geographical distribution of Isoetes butleri in the southeastern United States . Amer. Fern J. 68(1): 7 - 8. - Map.
Bateman, R.M. 1992. Morphogenetic reconstruction, palaeoecology, and phylogeny of Oxroadia gracilis Alvin emend., and O. conferta sp. nov.: anatomically preserved lycopods from Oxroad Bay , SE Scotland . Palaeontographica , vol. 228: 29.
Benl, G. 1988. The Pteridophyta of Bioko ( Fernando Po ) (Contributions to a flora of the island). 4: Isoetaceae, Pteridaceae, Acrostichaceae, Dennstaedtiaceae, Hypolepidaceae, Athyriaceae, Thelypteridaceae, Blechnaceae. Acta Bot. Barcin . 38: 3-69.
Bennert, H.W., A. Giers, A. Guldenpenning, A. Herbik & A. Katheder, 1992. Some new observations on the fern flora of the Azores . Fern Gaz . 14: 146-148.
Beri, A. & E. Alonso, 1987. Sobre la presencia del género Isoetes en el Uruguay. Resúmenes de las II Jornadas Uruguayas de Botánica . Depto. de Paleontología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República, Montevideo.
Berkutenko, A.N. & N.A. Sazanova, 1992. O nakhodke Isoetes maritima (Isoetaceae) v Magadanskoi oblasti. [On the finding of Isoetes maritima (Isoetaceae) in the Magadan region.] Bot. Zhurn . 77 ( 7): 115-117.
Berthet, P. & M. Lecocq, 1977. Morphologie sporale des espèces françaises du genre Isoetes L. Pollen, Spores 19(3): 329 - 359. - illus.
Berthet, P. & R. Pépin, 1984. Isoetes brochonii Motelay est une bonne espèce. Bull. Soc. Bot. France Lett. Bot., 131(2): 139-145. - illus. (but see Prelli & Bock, 1989).
Bhambie, S. 1957. Studies in pteridophytes. I. The shoot apex of Isoetes coromandelina L . J. Indian bot. Soc . 36, 491-502.
Bhambie, S . 1962a. Morphological and anatomical studies in Isoetes and other related genera. Agra Univ. J. Res. Sci . 11(2), 233-6. [ Biol. Abstr . 43 (1963) No. 24862.]
Bhambie, S. 1962b. Studies in pteridophytes. II. A contribution to the anatomy of the axis of Isoetes coromandelina L. and some other species. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 56, 56-76.
Bhambie, S. 1963a. Studies in pteridophytes. III. On the structure and development of the leaf and sporophyll of Isoetes coromandelina . Proc. Nat. Inst. Sci. India 29B, 169-90.
Bhambie, S. 1963b. The development, structure and organization of root in Isoetes coromandelina L. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci . 58B, 153-64. [ Biol. Abstr . 45 (1964), No. 56811.]
Bhambie, S. 1971. Studies in pteridophytes. VIII. An appraisal of the nature of the rhizomorph in Isoetes . J. Indian bot. Soc . 50(1): 56-62.
Bhardwaj, N. & C.B. Gena, 1992 Cytological studies of Rajasthan species of Isoetes L. In Bhardwaja T.N., Gena C.B., eds. Perspectives in pteridology : present and future (Professor S.S. Bir commemoration volume). Part 2. New Delhi : Today and Tomorrow's, 1992 pp.495-499 - series ( Aspects of plant sciences ; v.14) ISBN 817019413X. Chromosome numbers.
Bhardwaja, T.N. 1984, Three new species of genus Isoetes L. from Rajasthan , India . J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 81 (1): 165-168 - illus., key.
Bhu, I. & H.K. Goswami , 1990. A new line of chromosomal evolution in Isoetes. Bionature 10(1-2): 45-53.
Bociag, K. 1999. New sites for Isoetes echinospora (Isoetaceae) in the Pomeranian lakes (NW Poland). Fragm. Flor. Geobot . 44 (2): 423-427.
Bock, W. 1962. A study on fossil Isoetes . J. Paleontol . 36: 53-59.
Bohra, D.R., B.D. Sharma & R. Singh, 1980. Isoetes in Rajasthan: a study of spores. In Nair, P.K.K., Nagaraj, M., Agashe, S.N., eds. Advances in pollen-spore research : volumes 5-7. New Delhi , Today and Tomorrow's Printers and Publishers.
Boom, B.L., 1980. Instersectional hybrids in Isoetes. Amer. Fern J. 70: 1-4.
Boom, B.M. & A.M. Evans, 1979. Isoetes butleri in Georgia . Amer. Fern J. 69 (2): 62.
Boom, B.M. 1979. Spore ornamentation as a useful character in delimiting Isoetes taxa in the southeastern United States . A.S.B.Bull . 26 (2): 75 - key.
Boom, B.M. 1982. Synopsis of Isoetes in the south eastern United States . Castanea , 47 (1): 38-59 - maps, key.
Bory de Saint-Vincent, J.-B. , 1844. Sur les Isoëtes et les espèces nouvelles de cette famille découvertes in Algérie. Compte-rendu séances Acad. Sc., Paris 18(26): 1163-1168.
Bose, M.N. & S.K. Roy, 1964. Studies on the upper Gondwana of Kutch - 2. Isoetaceae. Paleobotanist 12: 226-227.
Boston, H.L., M.S. Adams, and T.P. Pienkowski , 1987. Models of the use of root-zone CO2 by selected North American isoetids. Annals of Botany 60: 495-503.
Braun, A.C.H. 1862. Anhang über einige auslandische Arten der Gattung Isoetes . Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 3: 326-333.
Braun, A.C.H. 1862. Zwei deutsche Isoetes -Arten nebst Winken zur Aufsuchung derselben. Verh. bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 3-4: 299-333.
Braun, A.C.H. 1864a. Bemerkungen über die Isoetes -Arten der Insel Sardinien. Monatsber. Königl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1863: 554-624.
Braun, A.C.H. 1864b. Les espèces d' Isoetes de l'île de Sardaigne. Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot . sér. V, vol. 2: 306-377. [p. 306-351: discusses the morphology of the following taxa: adspersa, boryana, brachyglossa, capsularis, coromandelina, duriaei, dubia, echinospora, engelmannii, gardneriana, gymnocarpa, histrix, japonica, karstenii, lacustris, lechleri, longissima, malinverniana, riparia, "regulensis" ( = tegulensis ), setacea, tenuissima, tripus, velata ].
Braun, A . C.H. 1868. Über die australischen Arten der Gattung Isoetes . Monatsber. Königl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1868: 523-545.
Brautigam, S., C. Li, A. Mudry, G. Miller & E. Prebil , 2001 . An analysis of the evolution of the vascular cryptogams, Lycopodophyta, Sphenophyta, and the Pteridophyta, through examination of extinct and extant genera. J. Syst. Biology , Susquehanna University Vol. 8, Number 4.
Britton, D.M. 1991. A hybrid Isoetes , I. x harveyi , in northeastern North America. Canad. J. Bot. 69 ( 3): 634-640 (1991) - illus., map.
Britton, D.M. 1993 Isoetes reticulata R.S. Hill 1987 ( Alcheringa 12:158) is an illegitimate name. Amer. Fern J. 83 ( 4): 128
Britton, D.M. & D.F. Brunton, 1989. A new Isoetes hybrid ( Isoetes echinospora x riparia ) for Canada. Canad. J. Bot. 67 (10): 2995-3002 - illus., maps.
Britton, D.M. & D.F. Brunton, 1991a. The spores and affinities of Isoetes taiwanensis (Isoetaceae: Pteridophyta). Fern Gaz. (UK) 14(2): 73-83 - illus., chromosome numbers, reproductive biology.
Britton, D.M. & D.F. Brunton, 1991b. The spores and affinities of Isoetes taiwanensis (Isoetaceae: Pteridophyta). Fern Gaz. (UK) 14(2): 73-83 - illus.
Britton, D.M. & D.F. Brunton, 1992. Isoetes x jeffreyi , hybr. nov., a new Isoetes ( Isoetes macrospora x Isoetes riparia ) from Quebec, Canada. Canad. J. Bot. 70 ( 3): 447-452.
Britton, D.M. & D.F. Brunton, 1993. Isoetes x truncata : a newly considered pentaploid hybrid from western North America. Canad. J. Bot. 71 ( 8): 1016-1025 - illus.
Britton, D.M. & D.F. Brunton, 1995. Isoetes x marensis , a new interspecific hybrid from western Canada. Canad. J. Bot. 73 ( 9): 1345-1353 - illus.
Britton, D.M. & D.F. Brunton, 1996a. Isoetes x pseudotruncata , a new triploid hybrid from western Canada and Alaska. Canad. J. Bot. 74 ( 1): 51-59 - illus.
Britton, D.M. & D.F. Brunton, 1996b. Spore morphology and cytology of Isoetes azorica (Pteridophyta Isoetaceae) and its affinity with North America. Fern Gaz. (UK) 15 ( 4): 113-118 - illus. chromosome numbers, anatomy and morphology, palynology, reproductive biology.
Britton, D.M. & D.F. Brunton, 1996c. Isoetes x pseudotruncata , a new triploid hybrid from western Canada. Canad. J. Bot. 74: 51-59.
Britton, D.M. & J.P. Goltz, 1991. Isoetes prototypus, a new diploid species from eastern Canada. Canad. J. Bot. 69 ( 2): 277-281 - illus., maps, chromosome numbers, keys.
Britton, D.M., D.F. Brunton & S.S. Talbot, 1999. Isoetes in Alaska and the Aleutians. Amer. Fern J. 89 ( 2): 133-141 - illus., maps, chromosome numbers, natomy and morphology, palynology, keys
Britton, D.M., D.F. Brunton, & S.S. Talbot , 1999. Isoetes in Alaska and the Aleutians. Amer. Fern J. 89(2): 133-141 (1999) - illus. Icones, Maps, Chromosome numbers, Anatomy and morphology, Palynology, Keys.
Brooks, J.H. & R.S. Maples , 1971. A recent find of Isoetes in Louisiana. Amer. Fern J. 61 ( 4): 186 .
Brown, L.E. & R.D. Thomas , 1992. Isoetes engelmanii (Isoetaceae) and Juncus trigonocarpus (Juncaceae) new to Arkansas. Sida 15 ( 1): 162.
Brown, R.C. & B.E. Lemmon , 1984. Plastid apportionment and preprophase microtubule bands in monoplastidic root meristem cells of Isoetes and Selaginella . Protoplasma 123, 95-103.
Brown, R.W. 1939. Some American fossil plants belonging to the Isoetales. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 29: 261-269.
Brown, R.W. 1958. New occurrences of the fossil quillworts called Isoetites . J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 48: 358-361.
Brunton, D.F & D.M. Britton, 1991a. Isoetes x hickeyi (Isoetaceae: Pteridophyta) in Canada. Fern Gaz . (UK) 14(1): 17-23 - illus.
Brunton, D.F. & D.M. Britton, 1991b. Isoetes x hickeyi in Canada and the Aleutians. Amer. Fern J. 89(2): 133-141.
Brunton, D.F. & D.M. Britton, 1993. Isoetes prototypus (Isoetaceae) in the United States. Rhodora 95 ( 882): 122-128 - illus.
Brunton, D.F. & D.M. Britton, 1996a. The status, distribution, and identification of Georgia quillwort ( Isoetes georgiana : Isoetaceae). Amer. Fern J. 86 ( 4): 105-113 - illus.
Brunton, D.F. & D.M. Britton, 1996b. Taxonomy and distribution of Isoetes valida . Amer. Fern J. 86 ( 1): 16-25 - illus., maps, chromosome numbers.
Brunton, D.F. & D.M. Britton, 1997. Appalachian quillwort ( Isoetes appalachiana , sp. nov.; Isoetaceae), a new pteridophyte from the eastern United States. Rhodora 99: 118-133 - illus.
Brunton, D.F. & D.M. Britton, 1998. Isoetes microvela (Isoetaceae), a new quillwort from the coastal plain of the southeastern United States. Rhodora 100 ( 903): 261-275 - illus. maps, chromosome numbers, anatomy and morphology, palynology, keys.
Brunton, D.F. & D.M. Britton, 1999a. Isoetes x echtuckerii . Maritime quillwort, Isoetes maritima (Isoetaceae), in the Yukon Territory. Canad. Field-Nat. 113 ( 4): 641-645 (1999) - maps, chromosome numbers, anatomy and morphology, palynology, reproductive biology.
Brunton, D.F. & D.M. Britton, 1999b. Rush quillwort ( Isoetes junciformis , sp. nov.), a new pteridophyte from southern Georgia. Amer. Fern J. 89 ( 3): 187-197 (1999) - illus. chromosome numbers, anatomy and morphology.
Brunton, D.F. & D.M. Britton, Taylor, W.C. 1994. Isoetes hyemalis , sp. nov. Isoetaceae: a new quillwort from the southeastern United States. Castanea 59 ( 1): 12-21 - illus. maps, chromosome numbers, anatomy and morphology, palynology
Brunton, D.F. & W.C. Taylor, 1990. Isoetes x brittonii hyb. nov. (Isoetaceae): a naturally occurring hybrid ( I. engelmannii x I. riparia ) in the eastern United States. Amer. Fern J. 80 ( 3): 82-89 - illus., map.
Brunton, D.F., D.M. Britton & T.F. Wieboldt , 1996. Taxonomy, identity, and status of Isoetes virginica (Isoetaceae). Castanea 61 (2): 145-160 - illus.
Budke,J.M., R.J. Hickey, & K.D. Heafner, 2005. Analysis of morphological and anatomical characteristics of Isoetes using Isoetes tennesseensis . Brittonia 57 (2): 167-182.
Burbanck, M.P. & R.B. Platt, 1964. Granite outcrop communities of the Piedmont Plateau in Georgia. Ecology 45: 292-306.
Burrows, John, E. 1990. Southern African ferns and fern allies . Frandsen Publishers Sandton.
Camus, J.M. et al. , 1988. Hybridization and speciation in north temperate Isoetes . BSBI News no.49: 41-42.
Caplen, C.A. & C.R. Werth, 2000a. Isozymes of the Isoetes riparia complex, 1. Genetic variation and relatedness of diploid species. Syst. Bot . 25 (2): 235-259 - illus.
Caplen, C.A. & C.R. Werth, 2000b. Isozymes of the Isoetes riparia complex, 2. Ancestry and relationships of polyploids. Syst. Bot . 25 (2): 260-280 - illus.
Carroll, N. & R.D. Thomas, 1981. Isoetes melanopoda in Sabine Parish, Louisiana. Phytologia 48 (3): 274 - 275.
Carvalho e Vasconcellos, J. de, 1968. Pteridófitas de Portugal continental e ilhas adjacentes. Fundação Calouste, Gulbekian, Lisboa, pp. 1-190.
Casper, S.J. & H.-D. Krausch , 1980. Pteridophyta und Anthophyta . In Süsswasserflora von Mitteleuropa . H. Ettl, J. Gerloff & H.Heynig, eds., Bd. 23, Teil 1.
Cavot, A., E. & Y. Lemoigne , 1978. La ligule chez les ptéridophytes fossiles et actuelles. Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Lyon 47, 506-16, 581-94.
Cesca, G. & L. Peruzzi, 2001. Isoetes (Lycophytina, Isoetaceae) with terrestrial habitat in Calabria (Italy). New karyological and taxonomical data. Flora Medit . 11: 303-309 - illus.
Ceska, Adolf & Oldriska, 2001. Isoetes minima A.A. Eaton, an overlooked terrestrial quillwort of the pacific northwest. Bot. Electronic News No. 269, 2001.
Chang, H.J. & K.S. Hsu, 1977. ( Isoetes taiwanensis De Vol and its associates.) Quart. J. Chinese Forest. 10 (2): 138 - 142 - illus., map.
Chevalier, A. & P. Monnier, 1946. Une espèce d' Isoetes de l'Afrique Occidentale française. Bull. Mus. nation. Hist. nat., Paris , ser 2, 18, 91-7.
Chiang, S.H.T. 1976. The growth cycle of cambium and the structure of the vascular tissue in the corm of Isoetes taiwanensis . Taiwania 21 (1): 14 - 26 - illus.
Chinnock, R.J. 1993. Notes on Isoetes and Tmesipteris in Victoria. Muelleria 8 (1): 57-60 - illus., keys 2 spp. nov.; 1 subsp. nov.
Chung, YH. & H.K. Choi, 1986. ( Isoetes coreana , a new species from Korea.) Korean J. Pl. Taxon . 16 (1): 1-12 (1986) - illus., anatomy and morphology.
Clute, W. N. 1905. The fern allies of North America north of Mexico. Frederick A. Stockes Co., publ.
Cody, W.J. & D.M. Britton, 1989. Ferns and fern allies of Canada . Publication 1829/E, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa.
Cook, C.D.K. 2004. Aquatic and wetland plants of southern Africa . Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, the Netherlands.
Cox, P.A. & R.J. Hickey, 1984, Convergent megaspore evolution and Isoetes . Amer. Nat ., 124 (3): 437-441.
Croft, J.R. 1985. Ferns and Fern Allies, in Leach, G.J. & Osborne, P.L. 1985. Freshwater Plants of Papua New Guinea . 33 - 74, f. 6 - 13, pl. 5 - 7.
Croft, J.R., 1980. A taxonomic revision of Isoetes L. in Papuasia. Blumea 26: 177-190, f. 1, pl. 1 -21.Illustr., map, key.
Dansereau, P. 1961. Etudes macronésiennes. I. Géographie des cryptogames vasculaires. Agronomia Lusitana 25: 152-181.
Darshan, D. & G.I. Srivastava , 1962. The genus Isoetes in India. Proc. Nat. Inst. Sci. India , vol. 28, part B: 242-280 (with key to species).
DeCamp J.D, D.A. Stetler, A.E. DeMaggio, 1994. Expression of sporophytic Storage proteins in the corm of the quillwort ( Isoetes echinospora Dur.). Plant Physiol . 106 (4):1395-1402.
Delile, A.R. 1827. Examen de la végétation de l' Isoetes setacea , et exposition de ses caractères. Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 14: 100-119.
DeMason, D.A, 1983. The primary thickening meristem: definition and function in monocotyledons. Amer. J. Bot. 70, 955-62.
Dennis, W.M., A.M. Evans & B.E. Wofford, 1979. Disjunct populations of Isoetes macrospora in Southeastern Tennessee. Amer. Fern J. 69 (4): 97 - 99 (1979).
Depoux, M. & A. Pitot, 1965. Etude anatomique de la région ligulaire de la feuille fertile chez Isoetes melanotheca Alston et Isoetes pitotii Alston. Bull. Inst. fr. Afr. noire 27A, 514-50.
Depoux, M. & A. Pitot, 1965. Isoetes pitotii . Bull. Inst. fr. Afr. noire , A, 27, 1-33.
Desvaux, N. A. , 1827. Prodrome de la famille des fougères. Ann. Soc. linn., Paris, Mém. 6 (2): 171-212, 6 (3): 213-336.
DeVol, C.E. 1972. Isoetes found on Taiwan. Taiwania 17 (1): 1-7.
DeVol, C.E. 1972. A correction for Isoetes taiwanensis DeVol. Taiwania 17 (3): 304-305.
DeVol, C.E. Flora of Taiwan . (Isoetaceae, I. taiwanensis , ill.)
Dhien, R. 1963. Répartition géographique des Isoetes de la France. Bull. mensuel Soc. Linnéenne Lyon 32: 223-229.
DiMichele, W.A. & R.M. Bateman, 1996, publ. 1997. The rhizomorphic lycopsids: a case-study in paleobotanical classification. Syst. Bot. 21 (4): 535-552.
DiMichele, WA & J.E. Skog, 1992. The Lycopsida: a symposium. Ann. Missouri bot. Gard. 79, 447-9.
Dixon, K.W., J. Kuo & J.S. Pate, 1983. Storage reserves of the seed-like, aestivating organs of geophytes inhabiting granite outcrops in south-western Australia. Aust. J. Bot . 31, 85-103.
Dodge, R. 1897. A new quillwort. Bot. Gaz . (Crawfordsville) 23: 32-39.
Dombrovska O. & Y.L. Qiu, 2004. Distribution of introns in the mitochondrial gene nad1 in land plants: phylogenetic and molecular evolutionary implications. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 32 (1):246-263.
Dorn, R.D. 1972. The nomenclature of Isoetes echinospora and Isoetes muricata . Amer. Fern J. 62 (3): 80-81.
Druce, G.C. 1912. Isoëtes lacustris L., forma longifolia strictior Caspary. Bot. exchange Club Soc. Brit. Isles , report 1911, 3 (2): 145-146.
Duff, R.J. & A.M. Evans, 1992. Allozyme electrophoresis and the taxonomy of two species of Isoetes in southeastern Appalachians. Amer. Fern J. 82 (4): 129-141 - illus.
Dunlop, D.W. 1949a. Casparian strips in Isoetes macrospora . Bull. Torrey bot . Cl. 76: 134-5.
Dunlop, D.W. 1949b. Notes on the cytology of some lycopsids. Bull. Torrey bot . Cl. 76 (4): 266-277.
Dunlop, D.W. 1949c. Ligule-endodermis of Isoetes muricata var. braunii . Bull. Torrey bot . Cl 76: 440-443.
Durieu de Maisonneuve, M.-C . 1864. Notes sur quelques espèces nouvelles d' Isoetes de l'Amérique du Nord et de l'Australie. Bull. Soc. Bot. France 11: 100-105.
Durieu de Maisonneuve, M.-C . 1864. Notes sur quelques espèces nouvelles d' Isoëtes de l'Amérique du Nord et de l'Australie. Bull. Soc. Bot. France 11: 100-105.
Duthie, A.W., 1929. The species of Isoetes found in the Union of South Africa. Trans. Roy. Soc. South Africa 17: 321-334.
Eaton, A.A. 1898. A new Isoëtes. Fern Bull . 6: 5-7.
Eaton, A.A. 1900. The genus Isoetes in New England. Fernwort Papers 2: 1-16.
Ekstrand, H. 1920. Über die Microsporenbildung von Isoetes echinospora Dur. Svensk. Bot. Tidskr. 14 312-318.
Endress, P.K. & S. Graeser, 1972. Isoetes lacustris L. ein Neufund in der Schweiz und seine pflanzengeographische Bedeutung. Mitt. Bot. Mus. Univ. Zurich , no.258: 1-13.
Engelmann, G . 1886. The genus Isoetes in North America. Trans. Acad. Sc. St. Louis 4 (4): 358-390.
Evans, A.M. & B. Boom, 1980. Species delimitation in the genus Isoetes . A.S.B. Bull. 27 (2): 33 (1980). 4 184 (Abstract only). Paper presented at the 41st AGM of the Association of Southeastern Biologists.
Farmer, J.B. 1890. On Isoetes lacustris L. Ann. Bot . 5, 37-62.
Fassett, N.C. 1966, with Revision Appendix by E.C. Ogden. A manual of aquatic plants. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, Milwaukee, London.
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Jung, Jong-duck & Hong-Keun Choi . (A study of Isoetes L. in Korea).Dept. of Biological Sciences, Ajou Univ., Suwon 442-749.
Abstract . Isoetes L. is a pteridophyte which belongs to Isoetaceae. It has various habitats of submersed, amphibious, terrestrial and alpine. It has two type of spores; megaspore and microspore. Isoetes was divided to four sections by the criteria of megaspore by N. E. Pfeiffer (1922). Isoetes japonica A. BR and I. coreana Chung et Choi was reported in South Korea. Both species are submerged or amphibious. I. coreana (Sect. Cristatae) produces megaspore with irregular, branching crested ornaments on surface. The other species I. japonica (Sect. Cristatae) produces megaspore that has evidently reticulate ornaments. So these two species are distinguishable easily. But reconsideration of the fact whether I. japonica exist or not in South Korea has became to be required. Because a interesting Isoetes material was collected from Island Che-ju. This Isoetes differs from other Isoetes species on the base of many morphological characters. To confirm the identity and phylogenetic relationships among Korean Isoetes we compared ITS sequences for three taxa. (Megaspore, ITS, phylogenetic relationship).
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Abstract . Isoëtes tennesseensis , an octoploid species with a chromosome count of 2n=88, is described. It occurs in the Hiwassee River in Tennessee. Past collections of this species have been misidentified as Isoëtes macrospora (= I. lacustris ). Isoëtes tennesseensis differs from I. lacustris in chromosome number, megaspore and microspore morphology and distribution. Speculation on the origin of this new species is presented. Also: Luebke, Neil T., W. Carl Taylor & Mary Ann Polasek, Botany, Abstracts.
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Prada C. & C.H. Rolleri , 2005. A new species of Isoetes (Isoetaceae) from Turkey, with a study of microphyll intercellular pectic protuberances and their potential taxonomic value. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 147 (2): 213- 228. Abstract . Isoetes anatolica sp. nov. is described from a population growing in seasonal ponds of a mountain near the southern coast of the Black Sea in Bolu, Turkey. It is a robust, amphibious quillwort, characterized by semiterete, carnose microphylls, semicircular foliar section, smooth cuticle, prominent cuticular pegs, stomata, several collenchymatous strands, abundant pectic filaments and connections in the cells of the translacunar diaphragms, incurved alae, well developed ligula, small carnose labium, no velum, well-formed bulliform megaspores and obscurely muriform microspores. Plants were investigated anatomically and a description with additional diagnostic characters is included. Morphological affinities with other species of the genus are discussed. Intercellular pectic protuberances (IPP) were studied in the cells of the translacunar diaphragms of the microphylls of several species of Isoetes including I.anatolica . The IPP were examined to determine if they could provide diagnostic characters. They were detected with TBO and analysed using light and scanning electron microscopy. Types of IPP and species bearing them were as follows: warts in I.adspersa, I.andina, I.boliviensis, I.duriei, I.engelmannii, I.lechleri, I.longissima, I.melanopoda, I.storkii, I.velata ssp. velata, and I.velata ssp. asturicense ; warts and filaments in I.brochonii , I.lacustris , and I.setacea , and connections in I.anatolica and I.malinverniana . IPP are lacking in I.boryana , I.echinospora , I.histrix and I.novogranadensis. Combination of type, density, and distribution of IPP promises to be a useful vegetative character in a genus in which diagnostic characters are scarce.
Prado, C., B. Cabezudo & E. Dominguez, 1986. Notas taxonomicas y corologicas sobre la flora de Andalucía Occidental: 141 - 257. 160 - 257. Notas breves: 160. Isoetes setacea Lam. Lagascalia 14 (1): 126. (= I. setacea Bosc ex Delile, non Lam.).
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Taylor, W.C., W.H. Wagner , R.W. Hobdy & F.R. Warshauer , 1993. Isoetes hawaiiensis : a previously undescribed quillwort from Hawaii. Amer. Fern J. 83 (2): 67-70 - illus. Chromosome numbers
Taylor, W.C., N.T. Luebke, D.M. Britton, R.J. Hickey & D.F. Brunton, 1993. Isoetaceae. Pp. 64-75, in: Flora of North America North of Mexico . Vol. 2. Convening ed.. Oxford Univ. Press, New York.
Taylor, W.C. & S.B. Hoot, 1997. Evolutionary relationships of Isoetes species based on ITS sequences. Amer. J. Bot. 84 (6), suppl. 163.
Taylor, W. Carl, Neil T. Luebke & Sara B. Hoot , 2002. Phylogeny and allopolyploidy of South American Isoëtes based on morphology, chromosome counts, and DNA sequences. Botany 2002 Botany in the Curriculum: Integrating Research and Teaching August 2-4: Forum on Botanical Education & Outreach, August 4-7: Annual Scientific Conference. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin.
Abstract . Phylogenetic trees derived from nuclear ribosomal ITS sequences reveal several well-supported lineages within Isoëtes e.g., an Australasian clade, a southern Africa clade, and a clade containing species from Europe, northern Africa, and western North America. Caribbean species I. cubana and I. jamaicensis and Central American I. panamensis are in a more ancient "Gondwanan" clade that includes I. coromandelina from India. Isoëtes lechleri, I. novo-granadensis, and I. savatieri from South America and I. storkii from Central America form a clade of recently derived and rapidly radiated taxa that also includes most of the species from North America. Morphology, chromosome counts, and DNA sequences indicate that there are undescribed species and interspecific hybrids between the South American members of this clade. Study of Isoëtes collections from the paramos of Ecuador and Venezuela reveal populations of multiple taxa growing together with chromosome counts of 2n=22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 88, and 132, indicating a pattern of reticulate evolution similar to that found in North America. Plants with 2n=33, 55, and 66 produce irregularly formed spores typical of interspecific hybrids. Morphology and chromosome counts were used to construct hypothetical pedigrees of the Andean Isoëtes that will be further tested with ITS and LFY sequence data. Morphology and chromosome counts suggest that Isoëtes killipii, which appears to be an octoploid (2n=88), has crossed with an undescribed tetraploid species (2n=44) to form a hexaploid hybrid (2n=66) that subsequently doubled its chromosome number to form the dodecaploid, I. novo-granadensis (2n=132). Similarly, I. karstenii, a basic diploid (2n=22), has crossed with a tetraploid, possibly I. palmeri, to produce a triploid hybrid (2n=33) and with I. andina, an octoploid, to produce a pentaploid hybrid (2n=55). Morphology, chromosome counts, and DNA sequences provide clues to resolving a phylogeny in Isoëtes.
Taylor, W.C., Neil T. Luebke & Angel R. Lekschas , 2003. Taxonomic status and evolutionary relationship of Isoetes minima A.A. Eaton (Isoetaceae) based on nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer sequences. Botanical Electronic News , No. 304, March 6, 2003.
Taylor,W. Carl, Angel R. Lekschas, Qing-Feng Wang, Xing Liu, Nancy S. Napier & Sara B. Hoot, 2004. Phylogenetic relationships of Isoëtes (Isoëtaceae) in China as revealed by nucleotide sequences of the nuclear ribosomal ITS Region and the second intron of a leafy homolog. American Fern Journal 94 (4): 196-205. Abstract : Isoëtes is an ancient lycopod lineage with a highly conserved morphology that provides few morphological characters to resolve the phylogeny of its species. Species appear to have evolved by divergence and allopolyploidy. The basic diploids I. hypsophila , I. taiwanensis , and I. yunguiensis and the tetraploid I. sinensis occur in China. Analysis of ITS sequences indicates that the Chinese Isoëtes species are part of an Australasian clade including I. brevicula from Western Australia and I. kirkii from New Zealand. Two distinct cloned sequences of the second intron of a leafy homolog were recovered from I. sinensis supporting the hypothesis that I. sinensis is an allotetraploid. One of the I. sinensis cloned sequences was similar to the I. taiwanensis sequence and the other cloned sequence was similar to the I. yunguiensis sequence identifying I. taiwanensis and I. yunguiensis as the likely parents of I. sinensis . Other cloned sequences recovered from I. sinensis were recombined parts of the two distinct sequences. Morphological evidence supporting an allotetraploid origin of I. sinensis is found in its larger microspore size and intermediate megaspore texture compared to I. taiwanensis , and I. yunguiensis .
Taylor, W. Carl , Sara B.Hoot & Nancy S.Napier , 2004. Phylogeny and Biogeography of Isoetes on Oceanic and Terrestrial Islands . Botany 2004 Conference Abstracts.
Abstract . Isoetes is an ancient genus of lycopods with approximately 250 or more species, ranging from ephemeral terrestrials to evergreen aquatics. They are found on every continent except Antarctica and on many islands. In this presentation, we explore two kinds of islands: 1) oceanic islands, often isolated considerable distances from continental land masses and 2) terrestrial, granitic outcrop islands found in the United States, South Africa, and Western Australia. Using a combination of nuclear ribosomal ITS, chloroplast rbcL-atpB spacer data, and a homolog of nuclear LFY intron 2 region (either separately or combined), we present phylogenies that show the likely origins of such oceanic island endemics as I. hawaiiensis, I. azorica, I. cubana, I. jamaicensis, I. taiwanensis, I. kirkii from New Zealand, I. habbemensis from New Guinea, I. gunnii from Tasmania, and several species from Australia. In general, the oceanic island species appear to have their origins from the nearest landmasses, although several of them ( I. cubana and I. jamaicensis ) are intriguing because they are among the earliest branching lineages within the family. The granite outcrop species of North America, South Africa, and Western Australia are found in distant clades and exhibit convergent evolution, having attained similar morphological characteristics in adapting to similar habitats. We hypothesize that the same dispersal agents (migratory birds) are mainly responsible for the distribution of progenitor species to islands and within and between continents as well. Long-range dispersal, widespread interspecific hybridization, and allopolyploidy have led to subsequent radiations that have effected speciation in both insular and continental species of Isoetes .
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In the following list I have integrated the Isoetes part of the Checklist of World Ferns on CDROM by Michael Hassler (Germany) and Brian Swale (NZ). Distribution data are mostly from Brian's list.
AWP: Charles D. Stutzenberg, 1999. Aquatic and wetland plants of the western Gulf Coast. Texas Parks and Wildlife.
C & K: Casper, S. Jost & Heinz-Dieter Krausch, 1981. Pteridophyta und Anthophyta, Band 24, in H. Ettl, J. Gerloff & H. Heynig, Süsswasserflora von Mitteleuropa. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, New York.
m.s.m = a.s.l, above sea level
SWUS: Correll, Donovan S. & Helen B. Correll, 1975. Aquatic and wetland plants of southwestern United States. Stanford University Press, Stanford, Calif.
Names in bold type are accepted species or subspecies. Names in italics are synonyms.
Order ISOETALES Engler ; Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien , ed. 7 , 101 (1912). 1 genus, ca. 140 spp. [ Isoeteae Barling ; Ord. Nat. Plant., p. 16 (1830). Isoetariae Koidz , Acta Phytotax. & Geobot. 7: 11 (1938)]
Fossils :
Annalepis brevicystis
Annalepis zeilleri
Chaloneria cormosa
Isoetites Münster. I. phyllophila, I. daharensis
Nathorstiana Richter, 1 909. N. arborea.
Oxroadia gracilis Alvin , O. conforta R.M. Bateman
Paurodentron fraiponti
Pleuromeia sternbergii
Prostigmaria eggertiana
ISOETACEAE Reichenb. H. G. L. Consp. Reg. Veg ., 43 (1828) [ Bothriaceae Dulac ; Flore des Hautes-Pyrénées , p . 38 (1867)].
Isoëtes L. 1753, Sp. Pl.: 1100 ( Calamaria Boehm., Defin. Gen. Pl. (Ludwig) Ed. Boehm. 500. 1760, nom. superfl. Cephalocentron Gennari, Comment. Soc. Crittogam. Ital. 1: 111, 1862. Type Cephaloceraton histrix (Bory) Gennari . Isoëtella Gennari, 1862, Comment. Soc. Crittogam. Ital ., 1: 114I). Type I. duriaei , I. lacustris. Stylites Amstutz (1957). Ann. Missouri Bot. Garden 44: 121-123].
Note. Lainz, M. 1984. Isoetes , palabra neutra en Latin, esdrujula. An. Jard. Bot. Madrid , 40 (2): 478. (However it has been latinized in the feminine by Linné, and this gender must be maintained as for Orchis ).
Isoetes sp. Sumatra. Flora Malesiana Bull . 1977, 30: 27-67.
Isoetes sp. Lebanon: Beka'a Valley (Musselman on line).
Isoetes abyssinica Chiovenda, 1933. Atti Soc. Nat. e Mat., Modena 64: 45-47, ill. - Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Eritrea.
Isoetes acadiensis Kott, 1981. Canad. J. Bot . 59: 2592, 1981 [ Isoetes tuckermanii ssp. acadiensis (Kott) Taylor & Luebke] - E Canada (E Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia), NE USA (Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, New York). Map Fl. N Amer .: 70.
Isoëtes adspersa A. Braun in Bory & Durieu,1849, Expl. Sci. Algérie, Atlas : tab. 37, fig. 3] = I. velata subsp. adspersa
Isoetes aequinoctialis Welw. ex A. Braun, 1867, Sitzungsber. Naturf . Freunde, Berlin [ Calamaria aequinoctialis (Welw. ex A. Braun) Kuntze, Revisio Generum Plantarum 2: 828 (1891); Calamaria nigritiana (A. Braun) Kuntze , Revisio Generum Plantarum 2: 828 (1891) 1893; Isoetes aequinoctialis Welw., A. Br. in Kuhn , Fil. Afr. 195 (1868); Isoetes erongoensis Wanntorp, Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 64: 150, C 5, t. 2, 3 (1970); Isoetes garnieri Chevalier & Monnier , Bull. Mus, Nation. Hist. Nat. ( Paris ) 18(1): 91-979 1 fig (1946); Isoetes nigritiana A. Br., Filices Africanae 196 (1868)] - Angola, N Cape Prov., Namibia, Nigeria, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Ghana, Mali, Tanzania, Niger, Central African Republic.
Isoetes alata (Pfeiffer) Small = I. flaccida
Isoetes alcalophila Halloy, 1980, Lilloa Rev. bot . 35 (2): 68-75 - Argentina: Tucumán: Laguna Muerta, 4260 m = I. escondidensis
Isoetes algerica A. Braun, 1848 = I. velata
Isoetes alpina Kirk, Trans. N. Z. Inst . 7: 377, t. 25 (1875) [ Calamaria alpina (Kirk) Kuntze , Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 828 (1891); I. kirkii var . alpina; Isoetes multiangularis Col. , Trans. N. Z. Inst. 22: 449 (1890)] - New Zealand (South Isl., North Isl.)
Isoetes alstonii Reed & Verdcourt, 1965 = I. schweinfurthii
Isoetes amazonica (A.Braun) Baker, 1880 ( Calamaria amazonica Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl . 2: 828. 1891) - Brazil: Pará: in vicinibus Santarém.
Isoetes amazonica A. Br. = I. gardneriana
Isoetes ambigua = I. echinospora ssp. braunii
Isoetes amesii A.A. Eaton = I. riparia
Isoetes andicola (Amstutz) L.D.Gómez, 1980. Brenesia 18: 4 [ Stylites andicola Amstutz , 1957 , Ann. Miss. Bot. Gard. 44 (1): 121; Isoetes andicola (Amstutz) H.P.Fuchs, Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. C 84(2): 177 (1981); Isoetes andicola var. gemmifera (Rauh) L.D. Gómez, Brenesia 18: 4 (1980); Stylites gemmifera Rauh, Sitzungsber. Heidelberg Akad. Wiss. Math. Naturwiss. Kl. 1959: 11 (1959); cf. Reed, C.F. 1953, Bol. Soc. Broteriana 27: 5-72, 28: 5-61] - Andes: Perú: Depto. Lima, prov. Huarochiri supra Casapalca, near Laguna Caprichosa, 4750 m; Puno, Junín. Ill. Tryon , 1982: 831, Fieldiana Bot . 34: 90.
Isoetes andina Spruce ex Hook., British Ferns t. 55 (1861) [ ?Calamaria triquetra (A. Braun) Kuntze, Revisio Generum Plantarum 2: 828 (1893) ; Isoetes triquetra A. Br. , Verh. Bot. Ver. Brandenb. 4: 332 (1862). ? Isoetes lechleri var. triquetra (A. Braun) L.D. Gómez, Brenesia 18: 5 (1980). Isoetes andina Spruce, Motel. & Vendr ., Actes Soc. L. Bord. 36. 325 (1883)] - Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, ?S Peru. Ill. Tryon , 1982: 831.
Isoetes appalachiana D.F. Brunton & D.M. Britton, 1997, Rhodora 99: 118-133.
Isoetes argentina Eaton, 1929 - Argentina = I. hieronymii
Isoetes arumiana Fuchs-Eckert, 1959, nom. nud. (Colombia: Cauca: Lagunilla de Las Casitas, 3700 m) = I fuliginosa
Isoetes asiatica (Makino) Makino, 1914, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 28: 184 = I. echinospora ssp. asiatica
Isoetes asturicensis Laínz, 1970, Bol. Inst. Estud. Astur. Supl. Ci. 1 5: 6, pro ssp. I. boryanae = I. velata ssp . velata
Isoetes atrovirens = I. lacustris
Isoetes attenuata C.R. Marsden & R.J. Chinnock, 1998, Fl. Australia 48: 704 - SE South Australia. Map Marsden , 1979: 334.
Isoetes aucacochensis Fuchs-Eckert, 1981, nom. nud. ( Bionature 12: 110, 1992) - Ecuador: Tungurahna: Lake Aucacocha, 3720 m = ? I. ecuadoriensis
Isoetes australis S. Williams, 1943, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb . 62B(l). 1-8 - SW Western Australia. Map Marsden , 1979: 334.
Isoetes azorica Dur. ex Milde, 1867, Fil. Eur ., 278 [ Calamaria azorica (Dur.) Kuntze , Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 828 (1891)] - Azores. Cf. Britton D.M. & D.F. Brunton , 1996. Spore morphology and cytology of Isoetes azorica and its affinity with North America. Fern Gazette 15 (4): 113-118 (ill.).
Isoetes baculata Hickey & H.P.Fuchs, 1986, Syst. Bot . 11(2): 310 - Colombia: Rio Vaupés; Brazil. Ill. Hickey , 1986: 311.
Isoëtes baetica Willk. in Willk. & Lange, 1861, Prodr. Fl. Hisp ., 1: 14 Locus class.: In lacunulis limpidis montis Almoráima prope S. Roque = I. velata subsp. velata
Isoetes baptistae Fuchs-Eckert, 1979, nom. nud. ( batistae = err.) - Brasil: Rio Grande do Sul: Rio Tainhas.
Isoetes beringensis = I. maritima
Isoetes biafrana Alston, 1956, Bol. Soc. Brot ., ser. 2A, 30: 15 - Cameroon: Lake Oku, Fernando Po: Lago de Moka.
Isoetes bilaspurensis Panigrahi, 1981, Biol. Mems . 6 (2): 135 - India: Madhya Pradesh: Bilaspur = I. coromandelina
Isoetes bischlerae Fuchs-Eckert, 1982, Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch . C 85(1): 113, ill. Locus classicus: Colombia: Boyacá: Páramo de Las Cintas, 3500 m, arroyo, bajo el agua en corrente fuerte - Colombia 3200-3400 m.
Isoetes bolanderi Engelm., 1874, Amer. Nat . 8: 214 [ Calamaria bolanderi (Engelm.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl . 2: 828 (1891); Isoetes bolanderi var. parryi Engelm ., American Naturalist 8: 214 (1874); Isoetes bolanderi var. sonnei L.F. Hend., Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 27(6): 358 (1900); Isoetes californica Engelm ., A Manual of Botany of the Northern United States (ed. 5) 677 (1867); Isoetes parryi Engelm., Motel. & Vendr ., Actes Soc. L. Bord. 36: 338 (1883). I. b. var. pygmaea (Engelm.) Clute, Fern Allies , 228, 258 (1905) - Nevada, California, Arizona; Calamaria pygmaea (Engelm.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 828 (1891); Isoetes bolanderi forma pygmaea (Engelm.) Clute , Fern Bull. 16 : 54 (1908); Isoetes pygmaea Engelm., Amer. Nat. 8 : 214 (1874)] - W Canada (Alberta, British Columbia), W USA (Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming), Mexico; altitud. range 1300-3200 m. Map Fl. N Amer .: 73, ill.: 71; Muenscher : 342; SWUS 1: 4, Mason : 30.
Isoetes boliviensis Weber, 1922, Hedwigia 63: 247-248, fig. 14-15 - Andes of Peru and Bolivia (Oruro, La Paz) 4100-5000 m.
Isoetes boomii Luebke, 1992, Amer. Fern J . 82: 23 ( I. georgiana Luebke, 1992) - USA: Laurens County, Georgia. Ill. Fl. N Amer .: 71.
Isoetes boottii = I. echinospora ssp. braunii
Isoetes borboremensis Fuchs, 1960, nom. nud. - Locus classicus: Brasil: Serra Borborema: Lagoa dos Patos = I. luetzelburgii
Isoetes boryana brevis = I. boryana
Isoetes boryana condensata = I. boryana
Isoetes boryana Durieu de Maisonneuve, 1861, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 8 (3): 164 [ = Calamaria boryana (Dur.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 828 (1891); Isoetes boryana brevis Gdgr ., Fl. Eur. 27: 195 (1891); Isoetes boryana condensata Gdgr., Fl. Eur. 27: 195 (1891), Isoetes boryana legitima Gdgr ., Fl. Eur. 27 : 195 (1891); Isoetes boryana praetervisa Gdgr ., Fl. Eur. 27: 195 (1891); Isoetes variabilis ssp . boryana (Durieu) P. Fourn., Quatre Fl. France : 5 (1934)]. Gascony, endemic. Ill. C & K 1: 52, 59, Prelli: 83.
Isoetes boryana frigida Gdgr ., Fl. Eur. 27 : 195 (1891) = I. velata
Isoetes boryana gredensis Gdgr ., Fl. Eur. 27 : 195 (1891) = I. velata
Isoetes boryana praetervisa = I. boryana
Isoetes boryana ssp . asturicensis Laínz = Isoetes velata
Isoetes boryana var. lereschii = I. velata ssp . velata
Isoetes boryana proles tenuissima (Boreau) Rouy, 1913, Fl. Fr., 14: 477 (comb. illeg.)
Isoetes boyacensis Fuchs-Eckert, 1982, Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch . C Proc. koninkl. nederl. Akad. Wetensch . C 85 (1): 107-109, ill. Locus classicus: Colombia: Santander: Páramo de Almozadero, 3900 m; Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Meta, Nariño.
Isoetes brachyglossa Braun and = I. coromandelina
Isoetes bradei Herter, 1949, Revista Sudamericana de Botánica 8: 19 ( Isoetes gardneriana sensu A.C. Brade) - Brazil: São Paulo.
Isoetes brasiliensis H.P.Fuchs, 1986, in Reitz, Fl. ilustr. catarinense, Isoetáceas (1): 27, ill. ( I. reitzii Fuchs-Eckert, 1979) - Brazil: Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, São Leopoldo 10-30 m.s.m. Map Fuchs, 1986: 29, ill.: 23
Isoetes braunii Durieu = I. setacea ssp. braunii
Isoetes braunii U. Weber, 1922, nom. nud. Locus classicus: Brasil: Serra dos Orgãos, 2238 m (terrestrial, under overhanging rocks) = I. organensis = I. itatiaiae
Isoetes brevicula E.R.L.Johnson, 1984, J. Roy. Soc. W. Australia 67(1): 34 - SW Western Australia. Map Marsden , 1979: 335.
Isoetes brittonii = I. englemannii x I. riparia
Isoetes brochonii Moteley, 1892, Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux 45: 45 - France, Spain (E Pyrénées) = I. lacustris
Isoetes buchtienii Fuchs, 1960 - Bolivia: dpto. La Paz (nom. nud.) = I. boliviensis ?
Isoetes butleri Engelm., 1878, Bot. Gaz . 3: 1 [ Calamaria butleri (Engelm.) Kuntze , Rev. Gen. Pl. 2 : 828 (1891); Isoetes butleri forma immaculata (Engelm.) Clute, Fern Allies, 258 (1905); Isoetes butleri var. immaculata Engelm., Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci. 4 : 388 (1882)] - SC USA (Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, N Alabama, C Tennessee, N Illinois, C Texas, Georgia, Kentucky). Map Fl. N. Amer. : 73, Muenscher : 342. Ill. Fl. N Amer .: 71.
Isoetes cachukhotaensis Fuchs-Eckert, 1982, nom. nud. Locus classicus: Bolivia: La Paz: Laguna Cachu Khota, 4140 m. Cf. I. boliviensis . etc. See 1992: 115.
Isoetes californica = I. bolanderi
Isoetes canadensis (Engelm.) A.A.Eaton ex Maxon = I. riparia
Isoetes capensis Duthie, 1929, Trans. R. Soc. S. Afr. 17: 330 [ Isoetes stephansenii Duthie , Trans. Roy. Soc. So. Afr. 17: 330 (1929), Isoetes capensis var . stephansenii (A.V. Duthie) Schelpe & N.C. Anthony, Bothalia 15(3-4): 555 (1985)] - Cape Prov.
Isoetes capillacea Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1846 (Oran, Algeria) = I. velata
Isoetes capmanni Engelm., 1883 = I. chapmannii = I. flaccida
Isoetes capsularis Roxb. = male plant of Vallisneria spiralis
Isoetes carchiensis Fuchs-Eckert, 1981, nom. nud. Locus classicus: Ecuador: Carchí, Páramo El Angel, 3450-3500 m.
Isoetes carltaylorii Musselman (Indian River, Canada) = Isoetes acadiensis x Isoetes engelmannii
Isoetes caroli E.R.L. Johnson, J. Roy. Soc. W. Australia 67(1): 34 (1984) - SW Western Australia. Map Marsden , 1979: 333.
Isoetes caroliniana (A.A. Eaton) Luebke, 1992, Amer. Fern J. 82: 26 - Eastern USA (North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia).
Isoetes castillonii Fuchs-Eckert, 1965, nom. nud. Locus class.: Argentina: Tucumán: Laguna de la Manza, 4200 m (= I. escondidensis )
Isoëtes chaboissaei Hy in Morot, 1894, J. Bot . 8: 97 (Brenne) = I. velata subsp. tenuissima
Isoetes chaetureti E.J. Mendes, 1961, Agron. Lusit . 23: 7 (Estremadura, Portugal) = I. histrix
Isoetes chapmanii Small ex Pfeiff . = I. flaccida
Isoetes chilensis Fuchs-Eckert, 1981, nom. nud.. Locus class.: Argentina: Rio Negro, 800 m - Chile: Coquimbo: Pichindangi, 1000 m, Nahuelbuta 1250 m = I. savatieri
Isoetes chilesensis Fuchs-Eckert, 1981, nom. nud. Locus class.: Colombia: Nariño, Chiles, 3800 m.
Isoetes clavata Weber, 1934, Berichte Deut. Bot. Gesellsch . 52: 121 - British Guyana = I. ovata Pfeiffer, 1922 = prob. I. triangula
Isoetes cleefii Fuchs-Eckert, 1981, Proc. koninkl. nederl. Akad. Wetensch . 84 (2): 177-179, ill. Locus class.: Colombia: Cundinamarca: Páramo de Sumapaz: Laguna Gubernador, 3815 m. = I. palmeri
Isoetes colombiana (T.C. Palmer) Fuchs-Eckert, 1981, Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. C 84(2): 176, "pro var. I. lechleri " [ Isoetes lechleri var. colombiana T.C. Palmer Amer. Fern Journ. 19: 18 (1929)] = I. karsteni var.
Isoetes coreana Y.H. Chung & H.K. Choi, 1986, Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 16(1): 2 - Korea I. japonica ssp. sinensis
Isoetes coromandelina L.f., 1781, Suppl. Pl. Syst. Veg . ed. II: 447 ( coromandeliana ) Indian subcontinent. Cf. Pant & Srivastava (1962), and Fraser-Jenkins (1997). Isoetes coromandelina ssp. coromandelina L. f., Suppl. Pl. Syst. Veg . ed. Il: 447 (1781) [ Calamaria coromandelina (L. f.) Kuntze, Revisio Generum Plantarum 2: 828 (1891)-1893; Isoetes bilaspurensis Panigr., Biol. Mem. 6 (2) : 135. f. 1-10 (1981), fide Fraser-Jenkins (1997); Isoetes brachyglossa A. Braun, Verh. Bot. ver. Brandenb 4 328 (1862), fide Fraser-Jenkins (1997); Isoetes coromandelina ssp . brachyglossa (A. Braun) Panigr., Biol. Mem. 6 (2): 131 (1981), fide Fraser-Jenkins (1997); Isoetes capsularis Griffith , Posth. Papers, Cryptog. Pl. 572-575, t. 116-118 (1849) (non Roxb.); Isoetes coromandelina var. raipurensis Unni, fide Fraser-Jenkins (1997); Isoetes dixitei Shende , Journ. Univ. Bombay 14: 50 (1945), fide Fraser-Jenkins (1997); Isoetes indica Pant & Srivastava, Proc. Nat. Inst. Sci. India 28 B (3) 246. t. XIV9 f. 16-259 t. XV f. 30-35 t. XIV f. 30-40 text-fig. 4 A-D, 5 A-H, 7 A-M, 12 (1962), fide Fraser-Jenkins (1997); Isoetes mahadevensis G.K. Srivasta, D.D. Pant & P.K. Shukla , Amer. Fern J. 83(4): 106 (1993), fide Fraser-Jenkins (1997); Isoetes mirzapurensis Panigr. & Dixit, Proc. Indian Sci. Congr. pt. III, Abstract, Botany 243 (1965), fide Fraser-Jenkins (1997); Isoetes panchananii Pant & Srivast., Proceedings of the National Institute of Science of India, Part B, Biological Sciences 28: 243, t. 13, 14, f. 1, 2 (1962), fide Fraser-Jenkins (1997); Isoetes panchganiensis G.K. Srivast., D.D.Pant & P.K. Shukla , Amer. Fern J. 83(4): 107 (1993), fide Fraser-Jenkins (1997); Isoetes panchganiensis var. kemangundiensis G.K. Srivast., D.D. Pant & P.K. Shukla , Amer. Fern J. 83(4): 114 (1993), fide Fraser-Jenkins (1997); Isoetes pantii Goswami & Arya , Journ. Indian Bot. Soc. 49: 30 (1970), fide Fraser-Jenkins (1997); Isoetes rajasthanensis Gena & Bhardwaja, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 81(1): 165 (1984), fide Fraser-Jenkins (1997); Isoetes reticulata Gena & Bhardwaja , J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 81(1): 166 (1984), fide Fraser-Jenkins (1997); Isoetes sahyadrii Mahabale, Curr. Sci. 7 (2): 62. f. 1 (1938), fide Fraser-Jenkins (1997); Isoetes sampathkumarnii L. N. Rao, Curr. Sci. 13: 286. f. 1-3 (1944), fide Fraser-Jenkins (1997); Isoetes tuberculata Gena & Bhardwaja, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 81(1): 167 (1984), fide Fraser-Jenkins (1997); Isoetes semilocularis J.E. Smith, Rees, Cyclopaedia 19: 150 (1819); Isoetes unilocularis Smith] - India (Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal), Thailand, Sri Lanka, Vietnam. Isoetes coromandelina ssp. macrotuberculata C.R. Marsden, Contr. Herb. Austral . 24: 2 (1976) - N Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland. Map Marsden , 1979: 332.
Isoetes coromandelina subsp. brachyglossa = I. coromandelina fide Fraser-Jenkins , 1997.
Isoetes coromandelina subsp. var .raipurensis = I. coromandelina fide Fraser-Jenkins , 1997.
Isoetes costaricensis Fuchs-Eckert, 1980, nom. nud., pro syn. I. tryoniana . Locus class.: Costa Rica: Cordillera de Talamanca: Páramo Buena Vista, 3100 m. ( = I. tryoniana = I. storkii ).
Isoetes cristata C. R. Marsden & Chinnock, 1998, Fl. Australia 48: 704 - Northern Territory, 10 km south of Jimmy's Creek. Known only from type locality. Map Marsden , 1979: 331.
Isoetes cubana Engelm. ex Baker, 1880, Journal of Botany, British and Foreign 18: 110 [ Calamaria cubana (Engelm. ex Baker) Kuntze, Revisio Generum Plantarum 2: 828 (1891)]. - Cuba, Mexico (Yucatan), Belize. Ill. Tryon , 1982: 833.
Isoetes cusiyacoensis Fuchs-Eckert, 1981, nom. nud. Locus class.: Colombia: Cauca: Laguna de Cusiyaco, 3200 m.
Isoetes debii P.K.Shukla, G.K Srivastava, S.K. Shukla, 2002 - northeastern India.
Isoetes decipiens = I. velata
Isoëtes delalandei J. Lloyd, 1851, Notes Fl. Ouest France : 25-28 = I. histrix
Isoetes delilei Rothmaler, 1944, Feddes Repert ., 54: 72 = I. setacea Bosc ex Delile
Isoetes dichotoma L.E. Mora & W.Hagemann, 1977, Mutisia 43: 5 - Colombia = I. novogranadensis
Isoetes dispora Hickey, 1994, Fieldiana , Bot. 34: 93 - Peru: Lambayeque, 3300 m. Known from type only.
Isoetes divyadarshani P.D. Shukla, G.K. Srivastava, S.K. Shukla &P.K. Rajagopal, 2005. Taxon , 54 (1): 109-116. - Peninsular India.
Isoetes dixitei Shende, 1945, J. Univ. Bombay, vol. 14: 50-52 - India: Madhya Pradesh: Panchgani, known only from type locality. Ill. loc.: 51 and in Pant & Srivastava, 1962 = I. coromandelina fide Fraser-Jenkins , 1997.
Isoetes dodgei A.A.Eaton = I. echinospora x I. riparia
Isoetes dodgei var. robbinsii A.A. Eaton = I. echinospora x I. riparia
Isoetes drummondii A. Br., 1863, Monatsber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin , 593. Isoetes drummondii ssp. drummondii A. Br., Monatsber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin , 593 (1863) [ Calamaria drummondii (A. Br.) Kuntze , Rev. Gen Pl. 2 : 828 (1891)] - New Guinea, Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania . I. d. ssp. anomala C.R. Marsden & Chinnock, Muelleria 8(1): 58 (1993) - South Australia, Western Australia, Victoria, New South Wales. Maps Marsden , 1979: 332, 333, ill. Aston : 35
Isoetes dubia Gennari, 1861, nom. illeg., non Ludwig, 1859 (Isola Maddalena) = I. velata
Isoetes dubia var. emersa = I. velata
Isoetes dubia var. maculosa = I. velata
Isoetes duriaei balearica = I. duriaei
Isoetes duriaei Bory, 1844 Compt. Rend. Acad. Paris 18: 1166 (1844), 2n = 55 [( I. duriei, I. durieui ); Calamaria durieui (Bory) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 828 (1891); Isoetella duriaei Genn., Comment. Critt. Ital. l(3): 115 (1862); Isoetes duriaei balearica Gdgr ., Fl. Eur. 27: 196 (1891); Isoetes duriaei duriaei Bory, Gdgr., Fl. Eur. 27 : 196 (1891); Isoetes duriaei felix Gdgr., Fl. Eur. 27: 196 (1891); Isoetes duriaei insularis Gdgr ., Fl. Eur. 27: 196 (1891); Isoetes duriaei kabylica Gdgr ., Fl. Eur. 27: 196 (1891); Isoetes duriaei leptophylla Gdgr ., Fl. Eur. 27: 196 (1891); Isoetes duriaei ligustica DeNot., Kunze , Ind. Fil. Cult., 51 (1850); Isoetes duriaei litorea Gdgr ., Fl. Eur. 27: 196 (1891); Isoetes duriaei lusitanica Gdgr ., Fl. Eur. 27: 196 (1891); Isoetes duriaei maritima Gdgr ., Fl. Eur. 27: 196 (1891); Isoetes duriaei sardoa Gdgr ., Fl. Eur. 27: 196 (1891); Isoetes ligustica DeNot., ex A. Br., Monatsber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Sitzung 7 Dec. (1863); Isoetes tridentata Dur., ex Kuhn, Fil. Afr. 195 (1867)] - France, Portugal, Spain, Baleares, Italy, Corsica, Sardinia, Malta, Sicily, Greece, Turkey: Rizeh (Black Sea), Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco. Ill. C & K 1: 52, 59, Prelli : 83.
Isoetes duriaei Hook. (Guernesey) = I. histrix
Isoetes dusenii U. Weber, 1920, nom. nud. Locus class.: Brasil: Itatiaia: Serra de Pico Redondo, Itatiaia, Rio de Janeiro 2000-2300 m, in streams.
Isoetes eatoni R. Dodge , Isoetes eatonii forma gravesii (A.A.Eaton) C . F.Reed = I. engelmannii x I. echinospora
Isoetes echinospora Durieu, 1861, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 8: 164. 2n = 22 [ I. muricata Dur ., Isoetes echinospora ssp . muricata (Durieu) A. Löve & D. Löve , Isoetes echinospora var. muricata (Durieu) Engelm. in A.Gray. I. hesperina ] - Eurasia, N Amer. Map Hultén & Fries , 1: 5, Taylor et al., p. 68. Ill. Prelli : 83. - Isoetes echinospora ssp . echinospora - W Palaearctic S to the Pyrenees, N Italy, Greece . Map Hultén & Fries 1: 5; Fl. N Amer .: 68; Muenscher : 343; ill. Fassett: 46; AWP 1: 26; Muenscher : 341; Crow & Hellquist 1: 26. I. echinospora ssp . asiatica (Makino) A.Löve 85 [ I. asiatica (Makino) Makino, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 28: 184 (1914); Isoetes echinospora var. asiatica Makino , Bot. Mag. Tokyo 18: 129 (1914), Iversen, Dansk Bot. Ark . 5 (23): 2 (1928); Isoetes muricata Durieu ssp. asiatica (Makino) H.P.Fuchs , Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. C 85(2): 239 (1982); Isoetes setacea Lam . ssp. asiatica (Makino) Holub; Isoetes echinospora var. savilei B.Boivin] - Mongolia, S Kuril Isl., Sakhalin, Kamchatka, Korea, Japan, ?China. Map Hultén & Fries 1: 5; map and ill. Kadono 8, 10. Isoetes echinospora ssp. braunii [ I. braunii Durieu , Isoetes echinospora var. braunii (Durieu) Engelm. in A.Gray; Isoetes tenella var. braunii (Durieu) Rothm.; Isoetes braunii forma astoma (Iversen) M.Braun; Isoetes tenella forma astoma (Iversen) Rothm.; Isoetes echinospora forma astoma Iversen; Isoetes tenella forma iversenii Rothm.; Isoetes braunii forma oligostoma (Iversen) M.Broun; Isoetes tenella forma polystoma Rothm.; Isoetes braunii forma polystoma (Iversen) M.Broun ; Isoetes tenella forma oligostoma Rothm.; Isoetes tenella var. oligostoma (Iversen) Rothm.; Isoetes muricata var. braunii (Durieu) C.F.Reed; Isoetes braunii forma robusta (Engelm.) Pfeiffer; Isoetes tenella forma robusta (Engelm.) Rothm. Isoetes echinospora var. brittoni Cockerell; Isoetes echinospora (infrasp. unranked) brittonii Cockerell; Isoetes echinospora forma boottii (Engelm.) Clute; Isoetes echinospora var. boottii Engelm.; Isoetes echinospora subf. angustivelata Iversen; Isoetes echinospora subf. lativelata Iversen; Isoetes tenella subf. lativelata (Iversen) Rothm.; Isoetes tenella forma lativelata (Iversen) Rothm.; Isoetes echinospora var. robusta Engelm.; Isoetes echinospora forma robusta (Engelm.) Clute; Isoetes muricata forma robusta (Engelm.) C.F. Reed; Isoetes muricata var. hesperia C.F. Reed] - Alaska, Canada (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Labrador, Nunavut, N.W. Territories, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Isl., Quebec, Saskatchewan, Yukon), NW USA, northeastern USA (Washington, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Wisconsin), Barbados.
Isoetes echinospora ssp . asiatica var . savilei Boivin, 1961, Amer. Fern J. 51: 85 = I. echinospora ssp . asiatica
Isoetes echinospora x I. riparia ( I. x eatonii )
Isoetes ecuadoriensis Asplund, 1925, Botaniska Notiser 1925: 357 - Ecuador: prov. Imbabura in Laculo montis Mojanda, alt. 4000 m.s.m.
Isoetes ekmanii U. Weber, 1922, Hedwigia 63: 251. fig. 26-27 - Argentina: Buenos Aires, Misiones.
Isoetes elatior F. Muell. & A. Br., 1852, Linnaea 25: 722 [ Calamaria elatior (F. Muell.) Kuntze , Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 828 (1891); Isoetes tasmanica F. Muell., Dur., Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 11: 104 (1864)] - Australia, Tasmania. Map Marsden , 1979: 338.
Isoetes engelmannii A. Br., 1846, Flora 29: 178 [ Calamaria engelmannii (A. Br.) Kuntze. Rev. Gen. Pl . 2: 828 (1891); Isoetes engelmannii var. fontana A.A.Eaton, Fern Bull. 13: 52 (1905); Isoetes engelmannii forma fontana (Eaton) Clute , Fern Allies, 258 (1905); Isoetes engelmanni var. gracilis Engelm. in A.Gray, Manual of Botany of the Northern United States ed. 5, 677 (1876); Isoetes engelmannii var. valida Engelm. in A.Gray, A Manual of Botany of the Northern United States (ed. 5) 677 (1867); Isoetes lacustris var. microspora Engelm., A. Br ., Flora 29: 179 (1846); Isoetes engelmannii forma georgiana (Engelm.) Clute; Isoetes engelmanni var. georgiana Engelm., Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis 4: 384 (1882); Isoetes engelmannii forma georgiana (Engelm.) Clute , Fern Allies 258 (1905) - Eastern Canada (Ontario), eastern USA (Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia)]. Map Muenscher : 343, Fl. N Amer .: 70. Ill. Taylor & Hickey, 1992: 618, AWP 1: 26, Muenscher : 341, AWP 1: 26, Crow & Hellquist 1: 26.
Isoetes engelmannii x I. riparia [ Isoetes brittonii D.F. Brunton & W.C. Taylor, 1990, Amer. Fern J. 80 (3): 82-84 ( I. engelmannii A.C. H. Braun)]
Isoetes erongensis Wanntorp, 1970, Svensk bot. Tidskr . 64 (2): 150-152 - Swaziland, Namibia.
Isoetes esbaughii Hickey & Fuchs, 1986, System. Bot. 11 (2): 310 ( eshbaughii ?)- Bolivia: Cordillera de Cochabamba, 4420 m. Ill. Hickey , 1986: 311, 313.
Isoetes escondidensis Halloy, 1980, Lilloa, Rev. bot. 35 (2): 67-l75, ill. [ I. filipovichii Fuchs, nom. nud.; I. castillonii Fuchs nom. nud., I. alcalophila T. Halloy, 1980, Lilloa , Rev. bot . 35 (2): 68-75; I. halloyi Fuchs, nom. nud. Isoetes filipovichii Fuchs-Eckert, 1965, nomen nud.] - Argentina: Catamarca, Tucumán: Laguna Escondida Media, 4330 m, Laguna Perdida, 4500 m, Laguna Muerta, 4260 m, Laguna de la Manza, 4200 m, Quebrada de los Cazadores, 4500 m.
Isoetes feuereri Fuchs-Eckert, 1985, nom. nud. Locus class.: Bolivia: Camacho, 4100 m.
Isoetes filiformis Fuchs-Eckert, 1979, nomen nud. Locus class.: Brasil: Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo (= I. gonzagensis ).
Isoetes filipovichii Fuchs-Eckert, 1965, nomen nud. Locus class.: Argentina: Catamarca: Quebrada de Los Cazadores, 4500 m = I. escondidensis
Isoetes flaccida (Shuttlew.) A. Br., Flora 29: 178 (1846) [ Calamaria flaccida (Shuttlew.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2. 828 (1891); Isoetes alata Small , Ferns of Florida 133 (1918) ?, apud Pfeiffer , Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 9: 137 (1922); Isoetes chapmanii (Engelm.) Small , Ferns of Florida, 222: (1931) 1932; Isoetes flaccida forma chapmanii (Engelm.) Clute, Fern Allies, 258 (1905); Isoetes flaccida forma rigida (Engelm.) Clute, Fern Allies, 258 (1905); Isoetes flaccida var. alata (Small) N. Pfeiff., Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 9 (2): 137 (1922); Isoetes flaccida var. chapmanii Engelm ., Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis 4: 386 (1882); Isoetes flaccida var. rigida Engelm ., Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci. 4 : 386 (1882)] - C Florida, N Florida, S Georgia. Map Muenscher : 343, Fl. N. Amer. : 69.
Isoetes fluitans M.I. Romero, 2004, 2n = 44 ( Isoetes longissima sensu Prada , 1983: 85). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 146 (2): 231-236 - Spain: Galicia.
Isoetes fontana = I. engelmannii
Isoetes foveolata A.A. Eaton in Dodge . Isoetes foveolata var. plenospora A.A.Eaton = I. tuckermannii x I. engelmannii
Isoetes frigida Croft [ined.] [ Isoetes stevensii auct. non Croft: Croft (1980)] - Only known from around a single small lake on the southern side of Mt Saruwaged. Further collecting may find it in other permanent tarns on the Saruwaged and Bangeta massifs.
Isoetes fuliginosa R.L.Small & Hickey, 2001, Amer. Fern J. 91(2): 55-57, figs. 5-7, 14-15. 2n = 44 [ Isoetes arumiana Fuchs, 1959, nom. nud. (Colombia: Cauca: Lagunilla de Las Casitas, 3700 m)] - Colombia: Cordillera Central: Lagunilla de las Casitas, 3700 m.
Isoetes fusco-marginata H.P. Fuchs, 1986, Fl. Illustr. Catar . 1 (Isoetaceas): 12 ( I. isabelloccensis Fuchs, 1982) - Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul: São Francisco de Paula, 900 m, known only from type locality. Ill. Fuchs , 1986: 14.
Isoetes gardneriana Kunze ex Mett., 1859, Fil. Lechl. Fasc. 11: 36) [ Calamaria gardneriana (Kuntze ex Mett.) Kuntze , Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 828 (1891); Calamaria martii (A. Br.) Kuntze , Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 828 (1891); Isoetes martii A. Br. ex Kuhn) Martius, Fl. Bras. 1 (2): 646, t. 78 (1884); Calamaria amazonica (A. Braun acc. Kuhn in Martius) Kuntze , Rev. Gen Pl. 2: 828 (1891); I. amazonica (Baker, Journ. Bot. 18: 109 (1880), I. amazonica auct. non A. Br.); I. ramboi auct ., Isoetes ramboi forma latifolia Herter)] - Colombia, Brazil: Minas Gerais Rio Grande do Sul: Santa Catarina ( I. martii ); Rio de Janeiro (Itatiaia: Campo do Silveria - Fuchs-Eckert, 1982: 246). Map Fuchs-Eckert , 1986: 20, ill.: 14.
Isoetes gardneriana sensu A.C. Brade = I. bradei
Isoetes garnieri = I. nigritiana
Isoetes gemmifera Rauh, 1959 = I. andicola
Isoetes georgiana Luebke, Amer. Fern J. 82: 14, 1992 = I. boomii
Isoetes giessii Launert, 1957, Mitt. bot. Staatssamml. München 2: 309 = I. perrieriana ? Swaziland, Namibia.
Isoetes gigantea U. Weber, 1922, Nova Hedwigia 63: 245 - Brazil: W Bahia, Rio de Janeiro.
Isoetes glacialis Asplund = I. lechleri Mett.
Isoetes goebelii H. Christ, ined., in Fuchs-Eckert, 1992: 249 = I. ovata Pfeiffer
Isoetes goebelii Weber, 1922, Hedwigia 63: 247, fig. 16-17 - Brazil: Paraíba, Rio de Janeiro (in sectio Isoetes , Fuchs, 1982).
Isoetes gonzagensis Fuchs-Eckert, 1979, nomen nud. Locus class.: Brasil: Rio Grande do Sul: São Leopoldo (= I. filiformis ).
Isoetes gracilis = I. engelmannii
Isoetes graminifolia Fuchs-Eckert, 1980, nomen nud. Locus class.: Brasil: Mato Grosso (in rapidly flowing water) - Maranhão, Bahia: rio das Ondas, 4 km N Barreiras, 550 m (Fuchs-Eckert, 1982: 247), Lagoa Itaparica. Map Fuchs-Eckert, 1982 (Cf. I. vannielii, I. rosselii )
Isoetes grammontii = I. velata
Isoetes gravesii A.A. Eaton = I. echinospora ssp. braunii
Isoetes gunnii A. Braun, 1868, Monatsber. Königl. Preuss. Akad. Wiss . 535 [ Calamaria gunnii (A. Br.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 828 (1891); Isoetes lacustris (L.) Rodway , Tasm. Fl. 279 (1903)] - Tasmania. Map Marsden , 1979: 337.
Isoetes guyanae U. Weber, nom. nud. (Fuchs-Eckert, 1982). Locus class.: Brasil: Amazonas: Serra do Mel, Rio Branco = I. triangula
Isoetes habbemensis Alston, 1945, J. Arn. Arb. 26 - Irian Jaya: Mt. Wilhelmina: Lake Habbema, and Papua New Guinea: Star Mts., 3200-3300 m. Map Croft , 1980: 182 Ill. Croft , 1980: 178, 185.
Isoetes hagemannii Fuchs-Eckert, 1981, nomen nud. Locus class.: Colombia: Nariño: Páramo del Volcán Galeras, 4000-4200 m. = ? I. novogranadensis
Isoetes halloyi Fuchs-Eckert, 1981, nomen nud. Locus class: Argentina: Tucumán: Laguna Perdida, 4500 m, Laguna Escondida Media, 4330 m. = I. escondidensis
Isoetes harveyi A.A. Eaton = I. lacustris x I. tuckermannii
Isoetes hawaiiensis W.C.Taylor & W.H.Wagner, 1993, Amer. Fern J. 83(2): 67 - Hawaii (Maui, Hawaii Isl.)
Isoetes heldreichii Wettst., 1886, Verhandl. der Kais.-König. Zool.-Bot. Wiss. Wien 36: 239, t. 8 - C Greece (Paleokastron). Ill. C & K 1: 52, 55.
Isoetes hemivelata R.L.Small & Hickey, 2001, Amer. Fer n J. 91(2): 57 (60, figs. 9-11, 16-17). 2n = 44 - C olombia: Cordillera Central, cabeceras de los ríos Tulua y Bugalagrande: Páramo de Las Vegas, 3600-3800 m
Isoetes herteri Fuchs, 1960, nom. nud. Locus class.: Uruguay: Dept. de Rocha: Matavillas.
Isoetes herzogii Weber, 1922, Hedwigia 63: 250, fig. 22-23 - Perú: Cuzco; Bolivia: Cochabamba.
Isoetes heterospora A.A. Eaton , 1900, Fernwort Papers 8 = I. lacustris
Isoetes hewitsonii Hickey, 1994, Fieldiana , Bot . 34: 94 - Andes of Perú: Cajamarca, 3700 m, known only from type loc.
Isoetes hickeyi Fuchs-Eckert, 1981, nomen nud. Locus class.: Venezuela: Bolivar: Cima del Roraima.
Isoetes hickeyi Taylor & Luebke = I. echinospora x I. lacustris
Isoetes hieroglyphica A.A.Eaton = I. lacustris
Isoetes hieronymi Weber, 1922, Hedwigia 63: 251, fig. 24-25 ( I. argentina Eaton & Palmer, Amer. Fern Journ. 19: 18 (1929) nom. nud., I. kanteri auct. non R. Brown, I. lechleri Pfeiffer, 1922, non Mett., I. socia auct. non Br.) - Argentina: Córdoba; Chile: Nahuelbuta, Norte Chico.
Isoetes histrix Bory & Dur., 1844, Compt. Rend. Hebd. Séances Acad. Sci . 18: 1167. 2n = 20 (22) [ Isoetes hystrix Wolsey , New Phytol. 11 . 5 : 45 (1861); Isoetes hystrix Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 197 (1891); Calamaria hystrix (Dur.) Kuntze , Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 828 (1891); Cephaloceraton hystrix Genn. , Comment. Critt. Ital. 1 (3). 111 (1862); Cephaloceraton gymnocarpum Genn ., Comment. Critt. Ital. l(3): 113 (1862); Cephaloceraton pseudohystrix Genn. , Ann. Agric. Sic., An. XI: 175 (1865); Isoetes chaetureti, Mendes, Agron. Lusit. 23: 7 (1961), Isoetes delalandei Lloyd , Notes Fl. Ouest France : 25 (1851); Isoetes duriaei Hook ., Brit. Ferns, t. 56 (1861); Isoetes histrix forma caespitosa Motel. & Vendr., Actes Soc. Linn. Bord. 36: 401 (1883); Isoetes histrix var. desquamata A. Br., Monatsber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Sitzung 7 Dec (1863) : 617 (1864); Isoetes histrix var. desquamata A. Br., Batt. & Trab., Fl. Alg. & Tunis. 407 (1902); Isoetes histrix var. desquamata forma ( b ) subinermis Dur ., Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 8: 164 ( nomen ) (1861); Isoetes histrix var. desquamata forma longispina (A. Br.) Fiori , Fl. Ital. Crypt., pars V: 425, f. 154 (1943); Isoetes histrix forma desquamata ( a ) solitaria A. Br., Monatsber. K. Akad. Berlin, Sitzung 7 Dec (1863) : 618 (1864); Isoetes histrix forma desquamata ( b ) caespitosa A. Br., Monatsber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Sitzung 7 Dec. (1863) : 618 (1864); Isoetes histrix forma desquamata (b) caespitosa brevispina A. Br., Monatsber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Sitzung 7 Dec . (1863) : 618 (1864); Isoetes histrix forma desquamata ( b ) caespitosa longispina A. Br., Monatsber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Sitzung 7 Dec (1863) : 618 (1864); Isoetes histrix forma desquamata ( b ) caespitosa subinermis A. Br., Monatsber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Sitzung 7 Dec. (1863) : 618 (1864); Isoetes histrix forma desquamata A. Br., Monatsber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Sitzung 7 Dec (1863) : 617 (1864); Isoetes histrix forma grandis Motel. & Vendr., Actes Soc. Linn. Bord. 36: 402 (1883); Isoetes histrix forma loricata ( a ) grandis A. Br., Monatsber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Sitzung 7 Dec. (1863) : 617 (1864); Isoetes histrix forma loricata ( b ) nana A. Br., Monatsber. K. Acad. Wiss. Berlin, Sitzung 7 Dec. (1863) : 617 (1864); Isoetes histrix forma loricata A. Br., Monatsber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Sitzung 7 Dec. (1863) : 617 (1864); Isoetes histrix forma nana Motel. & Vendr., Actes Soc. L. Bord. 36 : 402 (1883); Isoetes histrix forma solitaria Motel. & Vendr ., Actes Soc. L. Bord. 36 : 401 (1883); Isoetes histrix forma subinermis Dur . Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 8 : 164 (1861); Isoetes histrix forma submersa (Trabut) Maire, Jahandiez & Maire, Cat. Pl. Maroc. 1 : 12 (1931); Isoetes histrix ssp. delalandei (Lloyd) P. Fourn., Quatre Fl. France : 6 (1934); Isoetes histrix ssp . sicula (Tod.) P. Fourn., Quatre Fl. France : 6 (1934); Isoetes histrix var. grandis Milde, Batt. & Trab., Fl. Alg. & Tunis. 407 (1902); Isoetes histrix var. lacunosa Tod ., Syn. Pl. Acot. Vasc. Sic., p. 46 (1866); Isoetes histrix (1863) , et Batt. & Trab., Fl. Alg. & Tunis., 407 (1902); Isoetes histrix var. loricata subvar. armata Batt. & Trab., Fl. Alg. et Tunis., 407 (1902); Isoetes histrix var. loricata subvar. inermis Batt. & Trab., Fl. Alg. et Tunis., 407 (1902); Isoetes histrix var. scutellata A. Br. apud A. Br., Monatsber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Sitzung 7 Dec. (1863) : 617 (1864) , Arm. Sci. Nat. 2 : 371 (1864); Isoetes histrix var. subinermis Dur., Cesati , Bull. Soc. bot. France 8: 164, Comp. Fl. lt., 25 (1867) , et Motel. & Vendr., Actes Soc. L. Bord. 36 : 4009 t. 17) f. 1 - 5 (1883); Isoetes histrix var. subinermis forma submersa Glück, Pascher , Die Süsswasser-Flora Mitteleuropas 15 : 20 (1936; Isoetes histrix var. submersa Batt. & Trab., Fl. Alg. & Tunis., 407 (1902); Isoetes histrix var. typica Fiori & Paoletti , Fl. Anal. Ital. 1 : 25 (1896); Isoetes hystrix algarbiensis Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 197 (1891); Isoetes hystrix arcuata Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 197 (1891); Isoetes hystrix cesatii Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 197 (1891); Isoetes hystrix collina Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 197 (1891); Isoetes hystrix corsica Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 197 (1891); Isoetes hystrix hispanica Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 197 (1891); Isoetes hystrix horridula Gdgr. Fl. Eur. 27 : 197 (1891); Isoetes hystrix Iongifolia Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 197 (1891); Isoetes hystrix longiseta Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 197 (1891); Isoetes hystrix numidica Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 197 (1891); Isoetes hystrix oceanica Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27: 197 (1891); Isoetes hystrix oranensis Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 197 (1891); Isoetes hystrix phrygia Gdr ., Fl. Eur. 27: 197 (1891); Isoetes phrygia Hausskn ., Mitth. Thüring. Bot. Vereins 13 : 72 (1899); Isoetes hystrix subinermis Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 197 (1891); Isoetes hystrix todaroi Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 197 (1891); Isoetes hystrix transiens Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27: 197 (1891); Isoetes pseudohystrix Genn. , Levier, Barb., Fl. Sardoae Comp. 74 , 195 (1885); Isoetes setacea Moris & DeNotaris , Florula Capr. 161 (1839); Isoëtes histrix proles delalandei (J. Lloyd) Rouy [1913, Fl. Fr . 14: 481; I. histrix subsp. delalandei (J. Lloyd) P. Fourn., 1934, Quatre Fl. Fr. : 6; Isoetes sicula Tod ., Syn. Pl. Acot. Vasc. Sic. 251 (1866); I. histrix subsp. sicula (Todaro) P. Fourn., 1934, Quatre Fl. Fr .: 6]. Atlantic Europe: England, Portugal, Spain, France, Corsica, Sardinia, Malta, Sicily, Italy, former Yugoslavia, central Macedonia, Greece, Crete, Aegaean Isl., Asiatic Turkey (Anatolia), Lebanon, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco Ill. C & K 1: 52, 59, Prelli : 83.
Isoetes hookeri A.Braun = I. humilior
Isoetes hopei J.R. Croft, 1980, Blumea 26: 177-190, map: 182 - Irian Jaya: Mt. Carstenz.. Map Croft, 1980: 179-185 (terrestrial).
Isoetes howellii Engelm., 1882, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 4: 385 [ Isoetes howellii var. piperi Clute; Isoetes melanopoda var. californica A.A. Eaton in Gilbert; Isoetes melanopoda var. californica A.A. Eaton, Working List of North American Pteridophytes 27 (1901); Isoetes nuda Engelm. , Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci. 4 : 385 (1882); Isoetes underwoodii L . F. Henderson , Botanical Gazette 23 : 124 (1897); Isoetes minima Eaton] - S British Columbia, W Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, California to Mexico (Baja California). Map Fl. N Amer .: 74, ill.: 71, map Muenscher : 343. Ill. Taylor & Hickey , 1992: 615.
Isoetes humilior F. Muell. ex A. Br., 1852, Linnaea 25: 722 [ I. tasmanica Durieu, 1864; Calamaria humilior (F. Muell. ex A. Braun) Kuntze , Rev. Gen. Pl. 2 : 828 (1891); Isoetes hookeri A. Braun (in Herb. Melbourne (1866) , Monatsber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 538 (1868)] - Central Tasmania. Map Marsden , 1979: 338.
Isoetes hyemalis D.F.Brunton & Britton, 1994, Castanea 59(1): 13 - North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Florida = I. saccharata = I. riparia
Isoetes hypsophila Hand.-Mazz., 1923, Anzeiger Acad. Wiss. Wien. Nr. 13: 95 - Yunnan.
Isoetes hystrix = I. histrix
Isoetes immaculata Maire, 1952, pro forma I. velatae , ssp. intermediae = I. velata
Isoetes incerta Hollick, 1928 - Puerto Rico = ?
Isoetes indica Pant & Srivastava, 1962, The genus Isoetes in India. Proc. Nat. Inst. Sci. India , vol. 28, part B: 242-280 - India: Madhya Pradesh, known from type locality only. Ill. loc. cit. 269-272, map: 277 = I. coromandelina fide Fraser-Jenkins , 1997.
Isoetes inflata E.R.L. Johnson, 1984, J. Roy. Soc. W. Australia 67(1): 37 - SW Western Australia. Map Marsden , 1979: 335.
Isoetes intermedia (Trabut, pro var. I. velatae ) Maire & Weiller, 1952, pro ssp. I. velatae = I. velata
Isoetes isabelloccensis Fuchs, 1960, nomen nud. Locus class.: Brasil: Rio de Janeiro: Serra dos Orgãos: Isabelloca, 2000 m. = I. itatiaiae, =I. braunii
Isoetes itaboensis Fuchs-Eckert, 1981, nomen nud. Locus class: Paraguay: Río Itabó, near mouth of Río Paraná.(= I. paranaensis = I. gardneriana ? )
Isoetes itatiaiae G. Herter, nom. nud., pro syn. I. dusenii . Locus class.: Brasil: Serra do Itatiaia, 2100 m. = I. braunii = I. isabelloccensis
Isoetes jaegeri Pitot, 1968, Bull. Inst. Fond. Afr. Noire , A, 30: 58, f. 1-19 - Burkina Faso: Haute Volta: plateau de Touziana.
Isoetes jamaicensis Hickey, 1981, Amer. Fern J. 71(3): 69 - Jamaica: Harris Savanna.
Isoetes japonica A. Br., 1861, Monatsber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1: 459 [ Calamaria japonica (A. Br. ) Kuntze , Rev. Gen. Pl. 2 : 828 (1891)]; Isoetes edulis Sieb. ex Miq., Prol. Fl. jap. 390 (1866) - 67 - Japan, Yunnan, Korea. I. j. ssp. japonica - Japan. I. j. ssp. sinensis Palmer [ Isoetes sinensis var. coreana (Y. H. Chung & H. K. Choi) M. Takamiya & al.] - China: Kiangsu, near Nanking, Korea and S Japan. Maps Marsden , 1979: 342, map and ill. Kadono : 8, 10, ill. Chinese aq .: 19.
Isoetes jeffreyi = I. lacustris x I. riparia
Isoetes jsidis U. Weber, nomen nud. Locus class.: Brasil: Rio Grande do Sul: Porto Alegre, 100 a.s.l. Rio Grande do Sul: Porto Alegre, 100 m = I. dusenii
Isoetes junciformis Brunton D.F. & Britton D.M., 1999, Amer. Fern J. 89 (3): 187-197 - S Georgia.
Isoetes karstenii A. Braun, 1862, Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 3-4: 332. Type: Venezuela: Mérida, 2400 m. 2n = 22. Isoetes karsteni var. karsteni [ I. steyermarkii Fuchs, 1960, nom. nud., Proc. Koninkl. Ned. Acad. Wetensch . C 85: 257, 1982. I. colombiana (Palmer) Fuchs-Eckert, 1981, Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. C 84(2): 176, Isoetes lechleri var. colombiana T.C. Palmer, Amer. Fern J . 19: 18, 1929] - Locus class.: Colombia: Santander: Laguna de Cunta, edge of Páramo de Santurbán, 3880 m; Boyacá, Arauca, Cundinamarca; Venezuela: Mérida, near El Aquila, 3930 m. Also: Mérida, 3400, 3700 m, Colombia: Boyacá, Cundinamarca, Cauca, Huila-Cauca, dept. del Valle, 3530-4000 m. Isoetes karstenii var. anomala (T.C. Palmer) R.L. Small & Hickey American Fern Journal 22 : 130 (1933) [ Isoetes rimbachiana Fuchs-Eckert, Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch . C 85(2): 226 1982, Proc. koninkl. nederl. Akad. Wetensch . 85 (2): 226] - Known only from the type locality Mount Chimborazo, 4200 m, although Rodríguez cites one specimen of I. lechleri var. anomala from Laguna Negra, Mérida, Venezuela ( Small & Hickey ). (sectio Laeves - Fuchs, 1982)
Isoetes keeleyorum Fuchs-Eckert, 1988, nomen nud. Locus classs: Ecuador: Napo, North of Quito, 3850 m (? = I. ecuadoriensis )
Isoetes kersii Wanntorp, 1970, Svensk bot. Tidskr . 64 (2): 146 - S Africa: Swaziland, Natal.
Isoetes killipii C.V. Morton, 1945, American Fern Journal 35: 49 - Colombia (Páramo de Puracé, Boyacá, Valle, Cauca, Nariño), Venezuela, Ecuador, British Guyana (Mt. Roraima).
Isoetes kirkii A. Br., 1869, Monatsber . K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin . 649 [ Calamaria kirkii (A. Br.) Kuntze , Rev. Gen. Pl. 2 : 828 (1891)] - New Zealand (North Isl., South Isl.)] I. k. var kirkii, I. k. var flabellata. Map Marsden , 1979: 339. Ill. Johnson & Brooke : 31, Aqua-Planta 2000 (4): 136.
Isoetes kriegeri Fuchs-Eckert, 1980, nom. nud. Locus class: Brasil: Minas Gerais: Parque Nacional do Caparaó, 2400 m.
Isoetes lacustris (L.) Rodway = I. gunnii
Isoetes lacustris circinnata, curvifolia, echinospora, longifolia, minor, patentissima, patula, rectifolia, recurva, recurvata, terrestris, stricta = I. echinospora
Isoetes lacustris Engelm . = I. lacustris L.
Isoetes lacustris L. sensu Bert . = I. setacea Lam.
Isoetes lacustris L. sensu Moris = I. velata
Isoetes lacustris L., 1753, Sp. Pl. : 1100. 2n = c. 110 [ Calamaria lacustris (L.) Kuntze , Rev. Gen. Pl. 2 : 828 (1891); I. lacustris subsp. brochonii (Motelay) Douin in Bonnier, 1934, Fl. Compl. Fr., 12: 117, cf. R. Prelli & Chr. Bock , 1989, Bull. Soc. bot. France 136: 137-150, and Taylor & Hickey , 1992: 620 - ill. loc. cit.: 619; I. macrospora Durieu; Isoetes atrovirens Th. Fr., Bot. Not. (1863) : 48 (1865); Isoetes harveyi Eaton , Fernwort Papers 2 : 11 (1900); Isoetes hieroglyphica A.A. Eaton , Fernwort Papers 10 (1900); Isoetes lacustris abreviata Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 193 (1891); Isoetes lacustris arvernensis Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 193 (1891); Isoetes lacustris cambrica Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 193 (1891); Isoetes lacustris editorum Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 193 (1891); Isoetes lacustris Engelm ., Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci. 4 : 377 (1882); Isoetes lacustris errabunda Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 193 (1891); Isoetes lacustris forma curvifolia subf. falcata Tausch, Schmidt, Unterrichtsanst. Klosters St. Johannis zu Hamburg 1902 - 03 : 74 (1903); I. lacustris subsp. echinospora (Durieu) Moore & More, 1866, Contr. Cybele Hibern .: 381; I. lacustris var. falcatum Fliche, 1879, Les Isoètes des Vosges : 7; I. lacustris var. minor A. Br. ex Milde,1865, Sporenfl .: 141; I. lacustris var. strictum J. Gay;1863, Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr., 10: 392; Isoetes lacustris forma echinospora b. elatius Fliche, ex Fiori & Paoletti , App. Fl. Anal. Ital. 10 (1907-1908); Isoetes lacustris forma elatior Fliche , Les Isoètes des Vosges, Mem. Acad. Stanislas. IV. 11 (1878) : 181 (182) (1879); Isoetes lacustris forma gemmifera Mer , Bull. Soc. Bot. France 28 : 72 (1881); Isoetes lacustris forma maxima Alex. Blytt , Norges Flora 111 (Suppl.): 1238 , 1876; Isoetes lacustris var. paupercula Engelm.; Isoetes lacustris subsp. paupercula (Engelm.) Feilberg. Trans. St. Louis Acad. 4: 377 (1882); Isoetes lacustris forma semifalcata Gay , Bull. Soc. Bot. France 10 : 423 (1863); Isoetes lacustris forma stricta Gay , Bull. Soc. Bot. France 10 : 392 , 424 (1863); Isoetes lacustris forma subfalcata Gay , Bull. Soc. Bot. France 10: 422 (1863); Isoetes lacustris forma tenuifolia A. Br., Milde, Fil. Eur. & Atl. 277 (1867); Isoetes lacustris forma terrestris Glück, Pascher , Die Süsswasser-Flora Mitteleuropas 15 : 11 , fig. 5 (1936); Isoetes lacustris forma typica Fiori & Paoletti , Fl. Anal. Ital. 1 : 25 (1896); Isoetes lacustris lamottei Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 193 (1891); Isoetes lacustris langei Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 193 (1891); Isoetes lacustris latifolia Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 193 (1891); Isoetes lacustris noltei Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 193 (1891); Isoetes lacustris obscura Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 193 (1891); Isoetes lacustris pervaga Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 193 (1891); Isoetes lacustris Pursh , Fl. Amer. Sept. 671 (1814); Isoetes lacustris rivalis Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 . 193 (1891); Isoetes lacustris rossica Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 193 (1891); Isoetes lacustris scanica Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 193 (1891); Isoetes lacustris scotica Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 193 (1891); Isoetes lacustris septentrionalis Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 193 (1891); Isoetes lacustris spreta Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 193 (1891); Isoetes macrospora forma hieroglyphica (Eaton) N.E. Pfeiffer ; Isoetes macrospora forma hieroglyphica (A.A. Eaton) N.E. Pfeiffer , Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 9(2): 194 (1922) Isoetes lacustris ssp. hieroglyphica ( A.A. Eaton) Taylor & Luebke; Isoetes lacustris ssp. lacustris Hook . forma , Student's Fl. Brit. Isl., ed. 1 , 471 (1870); Isoetes lacustris succedanea Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 193 (1891); Isoetes lacustris suecica Gdgr., Fl. Eur. 27 : 193 (1891); Isoetes lacustris var. curvifolia Glück, Die Süsswasser-Flora Mitteleuropas 15 : 10 (pro syn.) (1936); Isoetes lacustris var. falcata Gay , Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 10 : 386 (1863); Isoetes lacustris var. humilior Motel. & Vendr ., Actes Soc. Linn Bord. 36 : 327 (1883); Isoetes lacustris var. humilis Mer , Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 28 - 72 (1881); Isoetes lacustris var. intermedia Mer , Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 28 : 72 (1881); Isoetes lacustris var. leiospora Klinggraff. , Schrift. Nat. Ges. Danzig, Vl. 1 : 20 (1884); Isoetes lacustris var. morei (Moore) Hooker, J. D., Student's Fl. Brit. Isl., ed. 3 , 526 (1884); Isoetes lacustris var. rectifolia Caspary, Glück, Pascher, Die Süsswasser-Flora Mitteleuropas 15 : 10 (1936); Isoetes lacustris var. recurva Motel. & Vendr., Actes Soc. L. Bord. 36 : 327 (1883); Isoetes lacustris var. setacea Leman , Dict. Sci. Nat. 24 : 24 (1822); Isoetes lacustris var. stricta (Gay) Mer, Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 28 : 72 (1881); Isoetes lacustris var. tenuifolia A. Br. ex Milde, Sporenpfl. 141 (1865); Isoetes lacustris var. terrestris Motel. & Vendr., Actes Soc. Linn. Bord. 36 : 327 (1883); Isoetes lacustris var. vulgaris Casp., Luerss., Farnpfl., 855 (1889); Isoetes lacustris vergens Gdgr. , Fl. Eur. 27 : 193 (1891); Isoetes lacustris x stricta Gay , Bull. Soc. Bot. France 10 : 392 , 424 (1863); Isoetes leiospora Klinggraff. , Schrift. Nat. Ges. Danzig 6 (1) : 20 (1884); Isoetes macrospora Dur ., Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 11 : 101 (1864); Isoetes macrospora forma heterospora (Eaton) Clute, Fern Bull. 16 : 56 (1908); Isoetes heterospora Eaton , Fernwort Papers, 2 : 8 (1900); Isoetes macrospora var. heterospora Eaton , Rhodora 10 : 42 (1908); Isoetes morei D. Moore , Journ. Bot. Lond. 16 ( n. s. 7) : 353 , t. 199 (1878); Isoetes tuckermani var. harveyi ( Eaton ) Clute , Fern Allies, 226 , 227 , 260 (1905); Isoetes tuckermani var. heterospora (Eaton) Clute , Fern Allies, 226 , 260 (1905)] - N Europe, C Europe, Austria, Belgium, England, Bulgaria, former Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Switzerland, Netherlands, Spain, Iceland, Norway, Poland, ?Romania, Sweden, N European Russia, Baltic States, C European Russia, W Siberia, C Siberia, (and, disjunct, Japan ?), S Greenland, C Canada, EASTERN Canada (Manitoba, New Brunswick, Labrador, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Isl., Quebec, Saskatchewan), northeastern USA (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin). Map Hultén & Fries 1: 5, Fl. N Amer .: 68, ill. C & K 1: 52, Prelli : 83, Fassett : 46, AWP 1: 26, Crow & Hellquist 1: 26.
Isoetes lacustris Pursh . = I. lacustris L.
Isoetes lacustris sensu Hook., 1861, Brit. Ferns = I. amazonica (part), I. gardneriana (part)
Isoetes lacustris var . microspora = I. engelmanni
Isoetes lacustris x I. riparia ( I. jeffreyi )
Isoetes lacustris x I. tuckermannii ( I. x harveyi )
Isoetes laevis U.Weber = I. lechleri
Isoetes lancifolia Fuchs-Eckert, 1981, nom. nud. Locus class.: Ecuador: Napo: Laguna.
Isoetes lechleri (Mettenius) A. Braun, 1862 [ Calamaria lechleri Mettenius, Fil. Lechler . 2: 36, 1859; Calamaria lechleri (Mettenius) Kuntze , Rev. Gen. Pl. 2 : 828 (1891); Isoetes socia A.Braun, 1862, Verh. Bot. Ver. Brandenbg . 3-4: 332; Isoetes glacialis Asplund , 1926; Isoetes laevis U.Weber Hedwigia 63 : 252 , fig . 30 - 31 (1922); Isoetes peruviana Weber , Hedwigia 63 : 246 , fig . 12 - 13 (1922); Isoetes socia A. Br., Verh. Bot. Ver. Brandenb. 4 : 332 (1862); Isoetes lechleri var . triquetra (A. Br.) L.D. Gómez, Brenesia 18: 5, 1981] - Andes, from Venezuela (Mérida): Colombia (Santander, Huila, Cauca, Arauca, Boyacá, Meta, Cundinamarca), Ecuador (Chimborazo, Pinchincha, Napo), Bolivia (La Paz) to Perú (Junín, Puno, Ayacucho, Ancashi) 2400- 4750 m. Ill. Tryon , 1982: 831.
Isoetes lechleri Pfeiffer, 1922, Ann. Missouri Bot. Garden 9 (2): 138 = I. hieronymi Weber
Isoetes lechleri var. colombiana T.C. Palmer, Amer. Fern J . 19: 18, 1929 = I. karsteni var . karsteni
Isoetes lechleri var. savatieri (Franch.) L.D. Gómez = I. savatieri
Isoetes lechleri var. triquetra (A.Br.) L.D. Gómez = I. triquetra
Isoetes leiospora Klingraff = I. lacustris
Isoetes leistii Fuchs-Eckert, 1981, nomen nud. Locus class.: Colombia: Nariño: Cumbal: Laguna de Bolsa, 3400 m (? = I. novogranadensis )
Isoetes lereschii Reich., 1881 (pro var. I. boryanae ) = I. velata ssp . velata
Isoetes lineolata = I. velata adspersa
Isoetes lithophila Pfeiffer, 1922, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard . 9: 135 ( I. lithophylla ) - SC Texas: Edwards Plateau (Burnett Co., Mason Co., Llano Co.). Ill. Fl. N Amer .: 71, SWUS 1: 38.
Isoetes longissima Bory de Saint-Vincent & Durieu de Maisonneuve, 1844, Comptes-r. hebd. séances Acad. Sc. Paris 18: (1165). Locus classicus: dans une des mares des forêts qui environnent le lac Houbéria au canton de La Calle (= El Kala, Algeria) = I. velata subsp . longissima
Isoetes longissima sensu Prada, 1983: 85 = Isoetes fluitans
Isoetes louisianensis John W. Thieret, 1973, Sida 5: 129, Sida, Contrib. Bot . 5: 129. SE Louisiana: Washington Parish. - SE USA. ( I. louisianensis may represent I. engelmannii x melanopoda - Fl. N Amer .: 71).
Isoetes luetzelburgii Weber ex Luetzelburg, Estud. Bot. Nordeste 3: 257 (no date = 1926) ( Isoetes borboremensis Fuchs, 1960, nom. nudum) - Brazil: Rio Grande do Norte; Parahiba do Norte, Serra do Borborema: Lagoa dos Patos. Map Fuchs-Eckert, 1982
Isoetes macounii A.A. Eaton = I. maritima
Isoetes macrospora Durieu, 1864 = I. lacustris L.
Isoetes macrospora forma hieroglyphica = I. lacustris
Isoetes macrospora forma paupercula = I. occidentalis
Isoetes mahadevensis Sristava, Pant & Shukla, 1993, Amer. Fern J. 83(4): 106 - India: Madhya Pradesh = I. coromandelina fide Fraser-Jenkins , 1997.
Isoetes malinverniana Cesati & De Not., Index Sem. Hort. Genuensis 1858: 36 [ Calamaria malinverniana (Ces. & De Not.) Kuntze , Revisio Generum Plantarum 2 : 828 (1891) 1893; Isoetes malinverniana forma terrestris Glück, Pascher , Die Süsswasser-Flora Mitteleuropas 15: 14 , fig. 7 (1936)] - NW Italy, very localized: Vercelli, Novara (streams in rice fields), Torino, streams (here apparently extinct). Map Cook , 1983: 560. Ill. C & K 1: 52, 55, Datz 48 (8): 526-529. Cf. Schneller, J.J., 1982.
Isoetes maritima Underw., 1888, Bot. Gaz . 13: 94 [ Isoetes beringensis Komarov, Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci. U. S. S. R. 30 (1 - 2): 196 (1932), Isoetes echinospora subsp. maritima (Underw.) A.Löve; Isoetes muricata subsp. maritima (Underw.) Hultén. I. setacea ssp. maritima (Underw.) Holub, 1964, Acta Horti bot. prag .: 55 ; Isoetes echinospora ssp. maritima (Underw.) A. Löve; Isoetes muricata ssp. maritima (Underw.) Hult.; Isoetes echinospora forma maritima (Underw.) Clute; Isoetes echinospora var. maritima (Underw.) A.A.Eaton, Fern Bull. 13 : 52 (1905); Isoetes braunii var. maritima (Underw.) Pfeiffer, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 9 : 174 (1922); Isoetes echinospora var. braunii forma maritima (Underw.) Clute , Fern Bull. 16 : 55 (1908); Isoetes echinospora var. hesperia (Reed) A.Löve; Isoetes echinospora var. savilei Boivin; Isoetes macounii Eaton, Fern Bull. 8 : 12 (1900)] - Commander Isl., Aleutes, Alaska, W Canada (Vancouver Isl.), NW USA (Washington).
Isoetes martii A. Br., ex Kuhn in Martius, 1884, Fl. Bras. 1 (2): 646, t. 78 = I. smithii
Isoetes martii sensu Ule = I. triangula
Isoetes mattaponica Musselman & W.C.Taylor, 2001, Novon 11(2): 200 (-204, figs. 1-6)] - Mattaponica River, plants in Pontederia-Nuphar marsh, along a tidal shore of the Mattaponi River, ca. 0.75 km S of Aylett.
Isoetes maxima Sehnem, nom. nud. Locus class. Brasil: Rio Grande do Sul, Cambará: Fortaleza, 1200 m.
Isoetes melanopoda Gay & Dur., 1864, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 11: 102 [ Isoetes virginica Pfeiffer, Claytonia 3: 29 (1937) - N Georgia, W South Carolina, C Virginia, northeastern Alabama (in Fl. N Amer ., with piedmontana as syn.), Isoetes virginica var. piedmontana N. Pfeiff.; Calamaria melanopoda (Gay & Dur.) Kuntze , Rev. Gen. Pl. 2 : 828 (1891); Isoetes melanopoda forma californica (Eaton) Clute , Fern Allies, 260 (1905); I. m. forma pallida (Engelm.) Fernald; Isoetes melanopoda var. pallida Engelm. Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci. 4 : 387 (1882)] - C USA (Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia)]. [ Isoetes virginica Pfeiffer, Claytonia 3: 29 (1937) N Georgia, W South Carolina, C Virginia, NE Alabama, Ill. Fl. N Amer .: 71, SWUS 1: 38, AWP 1: 26, Crow & Hellquist 1: 26].
Isoetes melanopoda var. californica A.A.Eaton in Gilbert = I. howellii
Isoetes melanospora Engelm., 1877, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 3: 395 = Calamaria melanospora (Engelm.) Kuntze , Rev. Gen. Pl. 2 : 828 (1891). - C Georgia, South Carolina (Lancaster Co.). Ill. Fl. N Amer .: 71.
Isoetes melanotheca Alston, 1956, Bol. Soc. Brot., sér. 2A, 30: 15 ( I. melanothes = err.?) - Guinea.
Isoetes mexicana Underw., 1888, Botanical Gazette 13: 93 [ Isoetes montezumae A. A. Eaton , Fern Bulletin 5(2) : 25 (1897)] - N Guatemala, Mexico (Chihuahua, Hidalgo, Morelos, Chiapas, Nayarit, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, ?Guanajuato, Jalisco, Mexico State, Durango).
Isoetes meyeri Fuchs-Eckert, 1965, nom. nud. Locus class.: Argentina: Río Negro: Bariloche: Cascada del Río Manzo = I. savatieri
Isoetes microspora = I. engelmanni
Isoetes microvela D.F. Brunt & D.M. Britton, 1998, Rhodora 100 (903): 270-275, f. 1-3, 4 e-h, 5 - Coastal SE USA.
Isoetes minima A.A.Eaton, 1898, Fern Bulletin 6 : 30 [ Isoetes howellii var. minima (Eaton) N.Pfeiff., Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 9(2) : 142 (1922)] - Washington state, British Columbia. (Valid species, see Botanical Electronic News No. 269, June 2, 2001, and W.C. Taylor, N.T. Luebke & A.R. Lekschas, Taxonomic status and evolutionary relationship of Isoetes minima A.A. Eaton (Isoetaceae) based on nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer sequences, ibid. No. 304, March 6, 2003.
Isoetes minuata J. Drummond, 1846, in litt. ad W.J. Hooker (type lost). Locus class.: Western Australia: vicinity of Wangan.
Isoetes mirzapurensis Panigrahi & Dixit, 1965, Proc. Indian Sci. Congr. pt. III, Abstract, Botany 243 - India: Uttar Pradesh: Mirzapur district = I. indica Pant & Srivastava non J.G. König ex J.E. Smith = I. unilocularis = I. coromandelina fide Fraser-Jenkins , 1997.
Isoetes mongerensis E.R.L. Johnson, 1984, J. Roy. Soc. SW. Australia 67(1): 39 - SW Western Australia. Map Marsden , 1979: 336.
Isoetes montana T.C. Palmer, 1931 = I. storkii
Isoetes montana Weber, 1922, Hedwigia 63: 254, fig. 38-39 "Andes" (non Lam., non Palmer, 1931). Nearest I. amazonica .
Isoetes montezumae A.A. Eaton = I. mexicana
Isoëtes morei T. Moore,1878, J. Bot . (London), 16: 353 = I. lacustris
Isoetes muelleri A. Br., 1868, Monatsber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 541 [ Calamaria muelleri (A. Braun) Kuntze , Rev. Gen. Pl. 2 : 828 (1891); Isoetes stuartii A. Br., Monatsber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 539 (1868); Isoetes tenuissima F. Muell ., 1868 (non Boreau) - All Australia and Tasmania. Map Marsden , 1979: 331.
Isoetes multiangularis = I. kirkii
Isoetes muricata Durieu = I. echinospora
Isoetes muricata ssp . asiatica = I. echinospora ssp . asiatica
Isoetes muricata ssp . truncata = I. maritima
Isoetes nana (Herter) Fuchs-Eckert, 1981 - Brasil: Serra do Itatiaia: Agulhas Negras, 2600 m = I. dusenii
Isoetes narinensis Fuchs-Eckert, 1981, nom. nud.. Locus class.: Colombia: Nariño: Cumbal: Laguna de Bolsa, 3400 m, also Laguna de Cumbal, 3500 m; Ecuador: Pichincha: Páramo de Guamani, Lojo, 2865 m, Napo-Pastaza, Cordillera de Los Llanganati, 3700 m = ? I. novogranadensis
Isoetes natalensis Baker, 1887 = I. welwitschii
Isoetes neoguineensis Baker ex F. v. M., 1898, Ann. Rep. Brit. N. Guinea 1897-8 (1898) [ Isoetes neoguineensis Baker , Sadebeck, Nat. Pfl.-fam. 1 (4) : 776 (1902); I. n . var. rheophila J.R. Croft, Blumea 26 (1980) 177-190, ill. 189] "Subsequent collections (Croft in press) have revealed intermediates between the two extremes so the variety can no longer be maintained, a decision foreshadowed by Marsden (1979)" - Papua New Guinea: Owen Stanley Ranges, 2800-4000 m (twice found). Map Croft , 1980: 182, ill.: 187.
Isoetes nigritiana A.Br. ex Kuhn, 1868 ( I. garnieri Chevalier & Monnier, 1946) - Sudan: Bamako, Mali, Nigeria, Centrafrique, Ivory Coast. Ill.: Bull. Inst. Franç. Afrique noire , tome 16: 318, 1954.
Isoetes novogranadensis H.P. Fuchs, 1969, Caldasia 8: 314 [ Isoetes dichotoma L.E. Mora & W. Hagemann , Mutisia 43 : 5 (1977)] - Venezuela: (Mérida), Colombia (Valle, Huila, Cauca) - Andes: Colombia: Putumayo, Páramo de San Antonio del Bordoncillo, 3250 m, to Peru 3500-3600 m.
Isoetes nuda = I. howellii
Isoetes nuttallii A. Braun ex Engelm.,1874, Amer. Naturalist 8: 215 [ Calamaria nuttallii (A. Braun in Engelm.) Kuntze , Rev. Gen. Pl. 2 : 828 (1891) ; Calamaria suksdorfii (Baker) Kuntze , Rev. Gen. Pl. 2 : 828 (1891); Isoetes opaca Nuttall, ex Engelm. , Trans. St. Louis Acad. i. 4 : 388 (1882); Isoetes suksdorfii Baker , Handbook of the Fern-Allies 132 (1887) - W USA (California, Oregon, Washington), W Canada (Vancouver Isl.). Map Fl. N Amer .: 74, ill.: 71, Taylor & Hickey , 1992: 615.
Isoetes occidentalis Henderson, 1900, Bull. Torr. Bot. Cl. 27: 358 (1900) [ Isoetes echinospora var. braunii forma flettii ( Eaton ) Clute , Fern Bull. 16 : 55 (1908); Isoetes echinospora var. flettii A.A. Eaton, Fern Bulletin 13 : 51 (1905); Isoetes flettii (A.A. Eaton) N.E. Pfeiffer, Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 9(2) : 186 (1922); Isoetes maritima var. flettii (A.A.Eaton) C.F.Reed; Isoetes echinospora forma flettii (A.A.Eaton) Clute; Isoetes echinospora var. flettii A. A. Eaton, Isoetes maritima var. flettii (Eaton) Reed , Amer. Fern Journ. 35 : 85 (1945); ( I. "flettii" has been attributed to both maritima and occidentalis ); Isoetes piperi Eaton, Fern Bull. 11 : 85 (nom. nud . ) (1903); Isoetes occidentalis var. piperi (A.A. Eaton) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr., Bot. Gaz. 61(1) : 30 (1916); Isoetes howellii forma piperi (Eaton) Clute , Fern Bull. 16 : 56 (1908); Isoetes howellii var. piperi (Eaton) Clute , Fern Allies, 246 , 258 (1905); Isoetes occidentalis var. piperi A.Nelson & J.F.Macbr.); Isoetes lacustris subsp. paupercula (Engelm.) Feilberg. Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sc. 4 : 377 (1882), Isoetes lacustris var. paupercula Engelm. , Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sc. 4 : 377 (1882); Isoetes macrospora forma paupercula (Engelm.) Clute , Fern Bull. 16 : 56 (1908); Isoetes occidentalis ssp. paupercula (Engelm.) Feilberg , Nordic J. Bot. 4(2) : 155 (1984); Isoetes paupercula (Engelm.) A.A. Eaton, Proceedings of the United States National Museum 23(1226) : 649 (1901)] - Aleutes, Alaska, W Canada (British Columbia), NW USA (Washington, Oregon, C California, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado) Map. Fl. N Amer .: 73, ill.: 71. (See I. lacustris and I. maritima )
Isoetes olympica A. Braun, Milde, 1867, Pl. Eur. : 285. 2n = 22 - Asiatic Turkey (Anatolia), S Syria. Remarks: I. histrix agg . = Calamaria olympica (A. Braun in Milde) Kuntze , Rev. Gen. Pl. 2 : 828 (1891)
Isoetes opaca = I. nuttallii
Isoetes orcuttii Eaton, 1900, Fern Bull. 6: 30 (nom. nud.), 8: 13 (1900) [ Isoetes nuttallii var . orcutti (A.A. Eaton) Clute, The Fern Allies 253 (1905)] - C California to Baja California. Map Fl. N Amer .: 75, ill.: 71.
Isoetes organensis Weber apud Luetzelburg, Estud. Bot. Nordeste 3: 256 (no date = 1926) - Brazil: Serra dos Orgãos: Morro Açu, 2238 m (in Fuchs-Eckert, 1982: 246) (? = I. braunii , ? = I. isabelloccensis ? = I. itatiaiae )
Isoetes ovalifolia Fuchs-Eckert & Hickey, 1981, nom. nud. Locus class: Perú: Junín Cerro de Pasco, 4300 m. (= see I. asplundii )
Isoetes ovata Pfeiffer, 1922, Ann. Missouri Bot. Garden 8(2): 109; loc. class.: British Guiana: pools by shore of Mazaruni River, Demerara, Dec 1890 = Isoetes clavata Weber, Berichte Deut. Bot. Gesellsch . 52: 121 (1934) = Isoetes goebelii H. Christ = prob. I. triangula
Isoetes ovata V. Vareschi, 1968, Fl. Ve
nezuela 1 (1 ): 110 (non Pfeiffer, 1922). [ I. triangula Weber, 1922; (= ? I. schinzii Fuchs, 1960 nom. nud.)
Isoetes pacifica Svenson 1944 , Amer. Fern. J. 34 (4): 123 = I. panamensis
Isoetes pallida Hickey, 1988, Amer. Fern J . 78(1): 35 - Mexico (Oaxaca)
Isoetes palmeri H.P.Fuchs, 1981, Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch . C 84(2): 168. 2n = 44 [ Isoetes cleefii Fuchs-Eckert, 1981, Proc. koninkl. nederl. Akad. Wetensch . 84 (2): 177-179, ill. Locus class.: Colombia: Cundinamarca: Páramo de Sumapaz: Laguna Gubernador, 3815 m] - Venezuela: Mérida: Laguna Grande de Apartaderos; Colombia: Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Cauca, Meta; Ecuador: Chimborazo.
Isoetes panamensis Maxon & C.V. Morton, 1939, Ann. Missouri Bot. Garden 26(4): 272 [ Isoetes pacifica Svenson , American Fern Journal 34 : 123 (1944) Isoetes savannarum L.D.Gómez-Pignataro , Phytologia 49(4) : 339 (1981)] - Costa Rica: Guanacaste, inmediationem Crucis, prope loco Tanques dicto, ca. 200 m, Panama, Guatemala, Colombia, Ecuador (Guyabas, at base of Chanduy Mts), E Peru (Tumbes) (up to 1500 m).
Isoetes panchananii Pant & Srivastava, 1962, The genus Isoetes in India. Proc. Nat. Inst. Sci. India , vol. 28, part B: 242-280 - India: Madhya Pradesh: Rewa. Ill. loc. cit. 266, 267, map: 277 = I. coromandelina fide Fraser-Jenkins , 1997.
Isoetes panchganiensis Srivastava, Pant & Shukla, 1993, Amer. Fern J. 83(4): 107 ( I. p . var. kemangundiensis ) - Maharashtra, Karnataka . I. p. ssp . kemangundiensis Srivastava, Pant & Shukla - Karnataka = I. coromandelina fide Fraser-Jenkins , 1997.
Isoetes pantii Goswani & Arya, 1970, Journ. Indian Bot. Soc. 49: 30, 1968 (1970), - Madhya Pradesh: Narsinghghar, 80 km from Bhopal. Ill. loc. cit.: 36 = I. coromandelina fide Fraser-Jenkins , 1997.
Isoetes paraguayensis , 1960, nom. nud. Locus class.: Paraguay: Caaguazú: Guarapi, also: Pilcomayo and dept. Central.
Isoetes paranaensis Fuchs, 1960, nom. nud. Locus class.: Argentina: Buenos Aires: Correa: delta del Paraná
Isoetes parryi = I. bolanderi
Isoetes parvula Hickey, 1994, Fieldiana , Bot . 34: 92 - Peru: Ayacucho. Known from type only.
Isoetes paupercula (Engelm.) A.A. Eaton = I. occidentalis
Isoetes pederseni Fuchs-Eckert ex Hickey, 1980, nom. nud. Locus class.: Argentina: Corrientes: Depto Mburucuyá: Estancia Santa Maria. ?Bolivia (= I. paraguayensis )
Isoetes perralderiana Milde, 1867, Fil. Eur. Atlant ., p. 282 = I. velata ssp . perralderiana
Isoetes perreymondi = I. velata
Isoetes perrieriana Iversen, 1932, Dansk Botanisk Arkiv 7: 200-201 [ Isoetes giessii Launert , Mitt. bot. Staatssamml. München 2 : 309 (1957) - Madagascar, SW Africa, Swaziland, Namibia
Isoetes peruviana U.Weber = I. lechleri
Isoetes phaeospora Durieu = I. tripus
Isoetes philippinensis Merrill & Perry, 1940, Am. Fern Journ . 30: 19, fig. - Philippines: Mindanao. Map Marsden , 1979: 342
Isoëtes phrygia Hausskn.,1899, Mitth. Thüring. Bot. Vereins , 13: 72 = I. histrix
Isoetes pichichensis Fuchs-Eckert, 1981, nom. nud. Locus class.: Ecuador: Pichincha, 4000 m. Also: Ecuador: Chimborazo, 3700 m, Volcán Chiles, 3900-4050 m, Páramo El Angel, 3750-3850, Colombia: Nariño, 4000-4100 m = I. novogranadensis ?
Isoetes piedmontana (N. Pfeiffer) C. Reed = I. melanopoda
Isoetes pilularioides Fuchs-Eckert, 1981, nom. nud. Locus class.: Brazil: Porto Alegre: Vila Manresa, ca 250 m.
Isoetes piperi A.A. Eaton = I. occidentalis
Isoetes pitotii Alston, 1956, Bol. Soc. Broter ., 2A, 30: 15 - Mali, Guinea.
Isoetes precocia R.L. Small & Hickey, Amer., 2001, Fern J. 91(2): 61-62, figs. 12-13, 18-19. 2n = 22 [ I. socia sensu Fuchs-Eckert, 1982, pro parte, Proc. Kon. Ned. Wetensch. C 85 (2): 256, non A. Braun] - Venezuela: Sierra de St. Domingo, Páramo de Mucubají, road to Laguna Negra, ca. 3500 m.
Isoetes pringlei Underw., 1890, Zoë 1: 98 - Mexico (Jalisco, Mexico State).
Isoetes prototypus D.M. Britton, 1991, Canad. J. Bot . 69: 278 - E Canada (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick), northeastern USA (Maine).
Isoetes pseudojaponica M. Takamiya, Watan. & Ono, 1998 - Japan.
Isoetes pusilla C.R.Marsden & R.J. Chinnock, 1993, Muelleria 8(1): 57 - Australia: Victoria. Map Marsden , 1979: 334.
Isoetes pygmaea Engelm. = I. bolanderi
Isoetes quilindanensis Fuchs-Eckert, 1981, nom. nud.. Locus class.: Ecuador: Napo: Cordillera Oriental, small streams around Laguna Verdecocha = prob. I. novogranadensis
Isoetes rajasthanensis Gena & Bhardwaja, 1984. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 81: 165-168 - India: Rajasthan: Mt. Abu, Mainal. Ill. loc. cit.:165 = I. coromandelina fide Fraser-Jenkins , 1997.
Isoetes ramboi forma latifolia Herter = I. smithii or gardneriana
Isoetes ramboi G. Herter, 1949, Rev. Sudamer. Bot . 8 (1-2): 19-25 - Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul. Ill. Fuchs, 1986: 23 = I. smithii
Isoetes rauhii Fuchs, 1960, nom. nud. Locus class.: Peru: Ancash: Cordillera Raura, 4500 m. Also: Cajamarca: Laguna Las Compuertas, Junín: prov. Yauli, 4800 m, Bolivia: Cochabamba: prov. Ayopaya, 3060 m.
Isoetes regulensis = I. velata
Isoetes reitzii Fuchs-Eckert, 1979, nom. nud. pro syn. I. brasiliensis . Locus class.: Brasil: São Leopoldo: Capao da Lagoa, 30 m = I. brasiliensis
Isoetes reticulata Gena & Bhardwaja, 1983, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 81: 165-168 - India: Rajasthan: Atru, Ajmer, Jhalawar. Ill. loc. cit.:165 = I. coromandelina fide Fraser-Jenkins , 1997.
Isoetes rhodesiana Alston, 1956, Bol. Soc. Broter., ser . 2, 30: 17 - Zimbabwe: Bongola.
Isoetes rimbachiana Fuchs-Eckert, Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch . C 85(2): 226 (1982), Proc. koninkl. nederl. Akad. Wetensch . 85 (2): 226. Locus class.: Ecuador: Mount Chimborazo; Pinchincha, Napo = I. karstenii var . anomala
Isoetes riparia Engelm. ex A. Br., 1846, Flora ( Regensb. Bot. Zeit .) 29: 178 [ Calamaria riparia (Engelm. ex A. Br.) Kuntze , Rev. Gen. Pl. 2 : 828 (1891) = Isoetes foveolata var. plenospora Eaton, Rhodora 5 : 280 (1903; Isoetes riparia var . riparia Proctor, Amer. Fern Journ. 39 : 119 (1949); Isoetes riparia var . typica Proctor . Amer. Fern Journ. 39 : 119 - 121 (1949); Isoetes riparia var . canadensis Engelm. ex N.Pfeiffer, Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci. 4: 383 (1882) Isoetes canadensis (Engelm.) A.A. Eaton , Proceedings of the United States National Museum 23(1226) : 650 (1901); Isoetes dodgei Eaton, Fern Bull. 6 : 6 (1898) Isoetes riparia forma canadensis (Engelm.) Proctor.; Isoetes riparia var. robbinsii forma canadensis (Engelm. ex Pfeiffer) Proctor , Amer. Fern Journ. 39 : 119 (1949) , Isoetes riparia forma saccharata (Engelm.) Clute , Fern. Bull. 16 : 57 (1908); Isoetes saccharata forma palmeri Eaton, Fern Bull. 11 : 25 (1903); Isoetes saccharata var. palmeri A.A. Eaton, Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 14(10): 49 (1901); Isoetes saccharata var. palmeri (A.A.Eaton) Proctor, Amer. Fern Journ . 39: 119 (1949); Isoetes amesii Eaton, Gilbert , Fern Bull. 11 : 103 , 1903; Isoetes saccharata var . amesii (A.A.Eaton) Proctor, Amer. Fern Journ . 39: 119 (1949); Isoetes saccharata var. amesii A.A. Eaton, Rhodora 5(59) : 278 - 279 (1903), Isoetes canadensis var. amesii (Eaton) Clute , Fern Bull. 16 : 54 (1908); Calamaria saccharata (Engelm.) Kuntze , Rev. Gen. Pl. 2 : 828 (1891); Isoetes saccharata Engelm. , Gray's Manual, ed. 5 , 676 (1867); Isoetes riparia forma saccharata (Engelm. ex A. Gray) Proctor, Isoetes riparia var. palmeri forma saccharata (Engelm.) Proctor , Amer. Fern Journ. 39: 119 (1949); Isoetes saccharata var . reticulata A.A.Eaton) Proctor, Amer. Fern Journ . 39: 119 (1949) Isoetes saccharata forma reticulata Eaton, Fern Bull. 11: 25 (1903); Isoetes saccharata var. reticulata A.A. Eaton, Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 14(10): 49 (1901); Isoetes saccharata var. reticulata Eaton; Steele , Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 14 : 49 (1901); Isoetes riparia var . robbinsii ( Eaton) Proctor, Amer. Fern Journ. 39: 119 (1949); Isoetes canadensis var. robbinsii A. A. Eaton , Rhodora 5 : 279 (1903); Isoetes dodgei var. robbinsii Eaton, Rhodora 10 : 42 (1908); Isoetes chapmanii var. robbinsii (Eaton) Broun, Index N. Amer. Ferns 199 (1938); Isoetes hyemalis D.F. Brunton & Britton, 1994] - E Canada (S Quebec, S Ontario), Eastern USA (Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Carolina and Forida - Map Fl. N Amer .: 71. Ill. Fassett : 46, AWP 1: 26, Taylor & Hickey , 1992: 618, Crow & Hellquist 1: 26.
Isoetes roncadorensis Fuchs-Eckert, 1981, nom. nud. Locus class.: Brazil: Mato Grosso: Serra do Roncador, ca. 450 m (= ?
Isoetes roraimensis Fuchs-Eckert, 1981, nom. nud. Locus class: Venezuela: Bolivar: Mount Roraima, 2700-2740 m. (very similar to I. killipii Morton, 1945 - Fuchs-Eckert, 1982: 248) prob. = I. killipii
Isoetes rosselii Fuchs-Eckert, 1964, nom. nud. Locus class.: Brasil: Bahia: Rio Preto . Map Fuchs, 1982 ( I. vannielii ).
Isoetes saccharata Engelm. in A. Gray ( I. hyemalis ) = I. riparia
Isoetes sahayadrii Mahabale, 1938, Current Science , vol. 7 (2): 62-63. - Karnataka and Maharashtra: Panchgani = I. coromandelina
Isoetes sampathkumaranii Rao, 1944, Current Science , vol. 13 (11): 286-287 - India: Bangalore, Karnataka. Ill. p. 274 and map: 277 in Pant & Srivastava, 1962 = I. coromandelina fide Fraser-Jenkins , 1997.
Isoetes saracochensis Hickey, 1994, Fieldiana 34: 94 ( I. saracochensis Fuchs, 1960, nom. nud.). Locus class.: Perú: Laguna Saracocha, 4200 m; also: Lagunillas, 4380 m, Laguna Saytococha, 4350 m.
Isoetes savannarum L.D.Gómez = I. panamensis
Isoetes savatieri Franchet, 1884, Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 31: 395 (aff. I. echinospora ) [ Calamaria savatieri (Franchet) Kuntze , Rev. Gen. Pl. 2 : 828 (1891); Isoetes lechleri var. savatieri (Franchet) L.D. Gómez, Brenesia 18 : 5 (1980; Isoetes valdiviensis Fuchs, 1960, Isoetes savatieri ssp . valdiviensis Fuchs-Eckert (1992) nom. nud.; I. meyeri Fuchs-Eckert, 1982 (nom. nud.) ; I. chilensis Fuchs-Eckert, 1981 (nom. nud . )] - Andes S Argentina (Chubut, Neuquén, lake Nahuel Huapi etc.), Rio Negro, Santa Cruz, and Chile 770-1460 m (Arauco 37° S to Patagonia, Puerto Bono, Tierra del Fuego). Map Fuchs-Eckert , 1982.
Isoetes savatieri ssp . valdiviensis H.P. Fuchs-Eckert , 1992: 140 (nom. nud.) = I. savatieri
Isoetes schinzii Fuchs, 1960, nom. nud. - British Guyana: Essequibo; Guyane Française ( = prob. I. triangula )
Isoetes schweinfurthii A. Braun, 1880, Journal of Botany, British and Foreign 18: 108 [ Calamaria schweinfurthii (A. Braun) Kuntze , Revisio Generum Plantarum 2 : 828 (1891) 1893; Isoetes alstonii C. Reed & Verdc., Kirkia 5 : 19-20, 1965; Isoetes kersii Wanntorp , Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 64 : 146 , f 3 , 4 , t. 1 , 3, 1970; Isoetes rhodesiana Alston , 1956] - Transvaal, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Mozambique, Zambia, Sudan, Chad, Central African Republic, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Madagascar: Mahajanga, Betafo.
Isoetes sehnemii H.P. Fuchs, 1986, Fl. Illustr. Catar. 1 (Isoetaceas): 38 - Brazil (Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul: Vacaria, 400-450 m)
Isoetes semilocularis J.E. Smith, Rees, 1819, Cyclopaedia 19: 150 (1819) - Distribution unknown = Isoetes coromandelina sensu Roxb. ex Griff., Calcutta Journ. Nat. Hist. 4: 470 (1844).
Isoetes setacea Bosc ex Delile , 1827, Mém. Mus. hist. nat. Paris 14: 100-119 [ Calamaria setacea (Bosc ex Delile, non Lam.) Kuntze , Revisio Generum Plantarum 2 : 828 (1891); Isoetes delilei Rothmaler, 1944 Feddes Repert ., 54: 72. Lectotype of Section Palustres, Fuchs, 1962: 19; Isoetes palustris var. setacea F. Mueller, Milde , Fil. Eur. & Atl. 9 : 280 (1867); Isoetes setacea var . delilei Bory , Compt. Rend. Acad. Paris 18 : 1165 (1844); Isoetes setacea liensis ] - SE France, Portugal, W Spain, (? Corsica, Sardinia - records uncertain). Map Cook , 1983: 555. Ill. C & K 1: 52, Prelli : 83.
Isoetes setacea Lam., 1789, Encyclopédie Méthodique, Botanique 3: 314 (nom. ambig. fide Rothmaler, 1944)
Isoëtes setacea auct., non Lam.: sensu Jovet & R. Vilmorin, sensu A.C. Jermy [1964, Fl. Eur ., 1: 5], sensu A. Lawalrée & M. Guinochet in 5 [1973, Fl. Fr ., 3: 134, n° 110] = I. echinospora
Isoetes setacea Bertol . = I. velata
Isoetes setacea Bory = I. velata
Isoetes setacea forma submersa Glück = I. velata
Isoetes setacea forma terrestris Glück = I. velata
Isoetes setacea liensis = I. setacea Bosc ex Delile
Isoetes setacea Moris & De Notaris = I. histrix
Isoetes setacea var . delilei = I. velata
Isoetes setacea var. perreymondi = I. velata
Isoëtes sicula Todaro,1866, Giorn. Sci. Nat. Econ. Palermo , 1: 241 = I. histrix
Isoetes sinensis Palmer, Amer. Fern J. 17: 112 (1927) ( I. japonica ssp . sinensis ) - Japan, China: Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang = I. japonica ssp . sinensis
Isoetes sinensis var. coreana (Y.H. Chung & H.K. Choi) M. Takamiya & al. = I. japonica ssp . sinensis
Isoetes smithii H.P. Fuchs, 1986, Fl. Illustr. Catar . 1 (Isoetaceas): 17 [ Calamaria martii (A. Braun) Kuntze , Rev. Gen. Pl. 2 : 828 (1891); Isoetes martii A. Br., ex Kuhn, in Martius, Fl. Bras . 1 (2): 646, t. 78 (1884); Isoetes ramboi Herter, Rev. Sudamer. Bot . 8 (1-2): 19-25 (1949)] - Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina) Isoetes ramboi forma latifolia Herter; Isoetes weberi Herter ex Weber, Hedwigia 63: 255-256, fig. 44-45 (1922)] - Colombia (?), Brazil: Minas Gerais Rio Grande do Sul: Santa Catarina. Map Fuchs, 1986: 20, ill.: 14. ( = ? I. gardneriana ).
Isoetes socia A.Braun, 1862, Verh. Bot. Ver. Brandenbg . 3-4: 332 (sectio Laeves - Fuchs, 1982) = I. lechleri
Isoetes spannagelii Fuchs-Eckert, 1986, Fl. Illustr. Catar. 1 (Isoetaceae): 33 - Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul: SE Santa Catarina: Lages, Vacas Cordas. Map Fuchs , 1986: 36, ill.: 34.
Isoetes spinulospora Jermy, apud Anthony & Schelpe, 1982, Contr. Bolus Herb . 10: 151. Known only from locus class.: Equatorial Guinea, Fernando Po: Bioko Isl.: Lagoa Biao.
Isoetes stellenbossiensis A.V. Duthie, 1929, Trans. R. Soc. S. Afr . 17: 328 - SW Cape Prov.
Isoetes stephansenii Duthie, 1929 - S Africa.
Isoetes stevensii Croft, 1980, Blumea 26 (1): 184 - Papua New Guinea: Mt. Giluwe, Mt. Sarawaket, 3400-3600 m. Map Croft, 1980: 182, ill.: 187.
Isoetes steyermarkii Fuchs, 1960, nom. nud. Locus class.: Venezuela: Mérida, near El Aquila, 3930 m. Also: Mérida, 3400, 3700 m, Colombia: Boyacá, Cundinamarca, Cauca, Huila-Cauca, dept. del Valle, 3530-4000 m = Isoetes karsteni var . karsteni
Isoetes storkii T.C. Palmer, 1932, American Fern Journal 22(4): 136 [ Isoetes montana T. C. Palmer, American Fern Journal 21(4) : 134 (1931) [non Isoetes montana U. Weber (1922); Isoetes tryoniana L.D. Gómez , Revista de Biología Tropical 17(1) : 108 , f. 8 (1972)] - Costa Rica: Cordillera de Talamanca, 3300 m, Panama.
Isoetes stuartii A.Braun 1868 = I. muelleri
Isoetes subinermis (Durieu) Cesca & Peruzzi, 2001, Flora Medit . 11: 303-309; 2n = 22 [ Cephaloceraton hystrix var. subinermis (Durieu) Genn. , Comment. Critt. Ital. 1 (3): 112 (1862); Isoetes histrix forma subinermis Durieu, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 8: 164, 186; Isoetes histrix ß subinermis (Durieu) Fiori, Nuova Fl. analitica d'Italia : 144, 1926; Isoetes histrix var. desquamata A. Br. forma subinermis (Durieu) Fiori, Fl. Ital. Crypt . 5: 424-426, 1943; Isoetes sicula Tod., Syn. pl. acot. vasc. Sic .: 46, 1866; Isoetes histrix subsp. sicula (Tod) Fournier, Quatre fl. de France 6, 1934] - W Mediterr.
Isoetes suksdorfii Baker = I. nuttallii
Isoetes taiwanensis De Vol, 1972, Taiwania 17(1): 1-7, f. 1 - Taiwan: Taipei County. Map Marsden , 1979: 342.
Isoetes tasmanica Durieu, 1864 = both I. elatior and I. humilior
Isoetes tegetiformans P.M. Rury, 1978, Amer. Fern J . 68(4): 100 - N Georgia. Ill. Fl. N Amer .: 71.
Isoetes tegulensis forma submersa = I. velata
Isoetes tegulensis forma terrestris = I. velata
Isoetes tegulensis Gennari, 1861 , Comment. Soc. crittog. ital. 1 (2): 106 (September), nomen illeg . = I. velata
Isoëtes tenella Léman ex Desv., 1827, Mém. Soc. Linn. Paris , 6 (2): 179 = I. echinospora ?
Isoetes tenuifolia Jermy apud J. Hall, 1971, Bot. J. Linn. Soc . 64: 118 - Known only from type locality: Ghana: Accra Plains: Nungua Farm; ? Kenya.
Isoetes tenuissima Boreau, 1850 , Bull. Soc. industr. Angers 21: 269 (Etang de Ris-Chauvron) = I. velata ssp. tenuissima
Isoetes ticlioensis Fuchs-Eckert, 1981, nom. nud. Locus class.: Perú: Dept. Lima: Ticlio pass, 4840 m. Known only from vicinity of Ticlio Pass.
Isoetes tiguliana Gennari, 1861 , Comment. Soc. crittog. ital. 1 (1): 42 (February) = I. velata
Isoetes toximontana L.J. Musselman & J.P. Roux, 2002, Novon 12: 504-507 - S Africa: northern Cape: Gifberg.
Isoetes transvaalensis Jermy & Schelpe, 1982, Contr. Bolus Herb . 10: 150 - Transvaal, Oranje Free State, Natal, Lesotho.
Isoetes triangula U.Weber, 1922, Hedwigia 63: 253, f. 32, 33 [ Isoetes ovata sensu Vareschi, 1968, Fl. Venezuela 1 (1): 110; Isoetes guyanae U. Weber, nom. nud. (Fuchs-Eckert, 1982)] - Locus class.: Brazil: Amazonas: Serra do Mel, Rio Branco, Surumu; SE Venezuela; British Guyana: Essequibo; Guyane française: Tonate. Ill. Tryon , 1982: 833.
Isoetes tridentata =I. durieui
Isoetes tripus A. Br. ex Herb. Vindob. & Hook., 1863, Monatsbericht der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften [ Calamaria tripus (A. Braun) Kuntze , Rev. Gen. Pl. 2 : 828 (1891); Isoetes phaeospora Dur ., Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 11 : 103 (1864)] - SW Western Australia. Map Marsden , 1979: 336.
Isoetes triquetra A. Braun, 1862, Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 4: 332 (nearly identical to I. andina - Hickey) [ Calamaria triquetra, Isoetes lechleri var. triquetra (A.Br.) L.D. Gómez] - Andes of Ecuador and Perú: Sachapata. Cf. Hickey, R.J., 1986, Taxon 35: 243-246 ; I. triquetra var. dissimilis G. Rodríguez, 1955, Bol. Mus. Cienc. nat. Caracas 1 (2): 59 - Venezuela: Mérida: Laguna de Mucubají, 3500 m. = prob. I. andina
Isoetes truncata Clute = I. maritima
Isoetes tryoniana Gómez-Pignataro, 1970, Rev. Biol. trop . 17 (1): 108-117. Known only from type locality: Costa Rica: Cordillera de Talamanca, 3300 m.
Isoetes tuberculata Gena & Bhardwaja, 1983. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 81: 165-168 - India: Rajasthan. Ill. loc. cit.:165 = I. coromandelina fide Fraser-Jenkins , 1997.
Isoetes tuckermanii A. Braun ex Engelm., 1867, A. Gray, Manual ed. 5: 676 [ Calamaria tuckermani (A. Braun ex Engelm.) Kuntze , Rev. Gen. Pl. 2 : 828 (1891); Isoetes tuckermani forma borealis (Eaton) Clute , Fern Allies, 260 (1905); Isoetes tuckermani var. borealis A.A.Eaton, Fern Bull. 6 : 7 (1898) ; Isoetes tuckermani var. harveyi Clute] - E Canada (New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec), northeastern USA (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont). Map Fl. N. Amer. : 70. Ill. Fassett: 46; Muenscher : 341; AWP 1: 26; Crow & Hellquist 1: 26.
Isoetes tuckermannii x I. engelmannii ( I. x foveolata )
Isoetes tuerckheimii Brause in Urban., 1912, Symb. Antillianae 7: 161 - Hispaniola (Haiti, Dominican Republic ).
Isoetes udupiensis P.D. Shukla, G.K. Srivastava, S.K. Shukla &P.K. Rajagopal, 2005. Taxon , 54 (1): 109-116. - Peninsular India.
Isoetes ulei U.Weber, 1922, Hedwigia 63: 255, fig. 40-41 - Brazil: Rio de Janeiro.
Isoetes underwoodi L . F. Hend . = I. howellii
Isoetes unilocularis J.E. Smith ( I. indica Pant & Srivastava non J.G. König ex J.E. Smith; I. mirzapurensis Pangrahi & Dixit) - India: Madhya Pradesh, Utar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu. = I. coromandelina
Isoetes urussuhuyensis Fuchs-Eckert, 1981, nom. nud. Locus class.: Brasil: Piauhy: Rio Parnahyba (= Parnaíba) Serra do Urrussuhuy. Also: Lagoa Boqueirão, S Piauhy.
Isoetes valdiviensis Fuchs, 1960 = I. savatieri
Isoetes valida (Engelm.) Clute, 1905, The Fern Allies 236 [ Isoetes valida var. gravesii (A.A. Eaton ) Clute , I. engelmannii var . valida Engelm ., Isoetes engelmannii var. caroliniana A.A. Eaton , Fern Bulletin 8 : 60 (1900)] - Eastern USA. Fl. N Amer .: 69. Cf. Amer. Fern J., 86: 16-25, 1996.
Isoetes vannielii Fuchs, 1960, nom. nud. Locus class.: Brasil: Bahia: Rio Preto ( I. rosselii, cf. I. graminifolia ).
Isoëtes variabilis Le Grand, 1893, Notes Isoètes du Centre : 11-12 (nom. illeg.)
Isoetes velata proles adspersa (A. Braun) Rouy,1913, Fl. Fr ., 14: 478 (comb. illeg.)
Isoetes velata proles viollaei (Hy) Rouy, 1913, Fl. Fr., 14 : 478
Isoetes velata subsp. adspersa [var.] chaboissaei (Hy) P. Fourn., 1934, Quatre Fl. Fr. : 5
Isoetes velata subsp. adspersa proles boryana (Durieu) Rouy, 1913, Fl. Fr ., 14: 477 (comb. illeg.)
Isoetes velata subsp. tenuissima proles velata (A. Braun) Rouy, 1913, Fl. Fr., 14: 479 (comb. illeg.)
Isoetes velata subsp. tenuissima var. perreymondii (A. Braun) P. Fourn., 1934, Quatre Fl. Fr. : 5 (comb. illeg.)
Isoetes velata var. tenuissima (Boreau) P. Fourn., 1934, Quatre Fl. Fr. : 5 (comb. illeg.)
Isoetes vaupesensis Fuchs-Eckert, 1981, nom. nud. ined. Locus class.: Colombia: Vaupés: Intica. = prob. I. triangula
Isoetes velata A. Braun in Bory de Saint-Vincent & Durieu de Maisonneuve, 1848, Expl. Sci. Algérie, Atlas : tab. 37, fig. 1 - Ill. C & K 1: 52, 57; Prelli : 83. Isoetes velata ssp. velata A. Braun, Bory & Durieu, 1849, Expl. Sci. Algérie, Atlas: tab. fig. 1. 2n = 22. [ Isoetes baetica Willk. & Lange, Prodr. Fl. Hispan. 1 : 14 (1861); I. velata forma baetica (Willk.) Prada, Acta Bot. Malac. 8 : 88 (1983); I. velata forma lereschii (Rchb. ex Leresche & Levier) Prada, Lazaroa 3 : 33 (1981 publ . 1982) ; Isoetes boryana var. lereschii Reichb. apud Ler. & Lev., Deux Exc. Bot. Esp. 118 (1880); I. velata ssp. velata forma baetica (Willk.) Prada, 1983, Acta bot. malacitana 8: 88, et forma lereschii (Reich.) M.C. Prada, 1982 , Lazaroa 3 : 33 (Spain: Sierra de Gredos); Isoetes boryana gredensis Gdgr., Fl. Eur . 27: 195 (1891); Isoetes velata ssp. asturicensis (Lainz) Rivas Martinez & Prada, Lazaroa 2: 327 (1980), locus class.: Asturias: Cueto de Arbas ; Isoetes boryana ssp. asturicensis Lainz, Bol. Inst. Estud. Asturianos, Supl. Ci. 15: 6 (1970); Isoetes velatum var. asturicense (M. Laínz) E. Rico & X. Giraldez, Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 46(2): 585 (1989 publ. 1990); Isoetes decipiens Bory , Flora 29 : 719 (1846) deg. nom. prov.; Isoetes grammontii Bory 1841 in Milde , Fil. Eur. & Alt., Asiae Minores & Siberiae, 280 (1867); Isoetes lacustris Moris , Stirp. Sard. EI. 3: 12 (1829); Isoetes sicula Tod. ex Ces. & DeNot. apud Genn., Comm. Soc. Critt. lt. 1 (2): 103 (1861); Isoetes variabilis Le Grand , Mém. Soc. Hist. Cher ser . 4, 1896: 11 (1896), nom. illeg.; Isoetes velata algeriensis Gdgr ., Fl. Eur . 27: 195 (1891); Isoetes velata australis Gdgr ., Fl. Eur . 27: 195 (1891); Isoetes velata barbara Gdgr . Fl. Eur. 27: 194 (1891); Isoetes velata calaostiensis Genn ., Spec. e Var. Fl. Sarda, p. 31 (1867); Isoetes velata divergens Gdgr . Fl. Eur. 27: 195 (1891) ; Isoetes velata forma algerica A. Br. ex Milde , Fil. Eur. & Atl., 282 (1867) ; Isoetes velata forma brevifolia A. Br. ex Motel & Vendr., Actes Soc. L. Bord. 36: 384 (1883) ; Isoetes velata ssp. typica fa . algerica A.Br., Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, p. 605 (1863), Isoetes velata ssp. typica forma algerica (A. Br.) Maire & Weiller, Encycl. Biol. 33: 90 (1952) ; Isoetes velata ssp. typica forma brevifolia A.Br. l.c., et forma longissima A. Br., Expl. Scient. Alg ., tab. 37, fig. 2 (1848), pro var.; Isoetes velata ssp. typica forma brevifolia (A. Br.) Maire & Weiller , Encycl. Biol. 33: 90 (1952); Isoetes velata var. brevifolia A. Br., Batt . & Trabut, Fl. Alg. & Tunis., 407 (1902); Isoetes velata var . typica forma brevifolia A. Br., Monatsber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Sitzung 7 Dec (1863); Isoetes velata forma humilior Marcucci , Un. Itin. Crypt., No. 1-V (1866); Isoetes velata forma sicula A. Br. ex Milde , Fil. Eur. & Atl., 282 (1867); Isoetes velata forma sicula Genn., Motel & Vendr ., Actes Soc. Linn. Bord. 36: 384 (1883); Isoetes velata var . sicula Tod., Syn. Pl. Acot., 250 (1866); Isoetes velata var . typica b . sicula Ces. & DeNot.; Isoetes velata var . typica forma sicula Ces. & DeNot. apud Genn ., Comment. Soc. Critt. Ital. 1 (2): 103. Sept (1861) ; Isoetes velata var. sicula Genn., Milde , Fil. Eur. & Atl. 282 (1867); Isoetes velata gallica Gdgr ., Fl. Eur. 27 : 194 (1891); Isoetes velata redux Gdgr ., Fl. Eur. 27: 195 (1891); Isoetes velata robusta Gdgr ., Fl. Eur. 27: 194 (1891); Isoetes velata ssp . typica (Fiori & Paol.) Maire & Weiller , Fl. Anal. Ital., p. 25 (1895); Isoetes velata ssp . typica (Fiori & Paol.) Maire & Weiller , Encycl. Biol. 33: 90, f. 51 (1952); Isoetes velata var. humilior A. Br. ex Mares & Vigineix , Pl. Vasc. des Iles Baléares, 322 (1890); Isoetes velata forma lusitanica A. Br. ex Milde, Fil. Eur. & Atl., 282 (1867); Isoetes velata tenuicula Gdgr ., Fl. Eur. 27: 195 (1891) ; Isoetes velata trinacria Gdgr ., Fl. Eur. 27: 195 (1891); Isoetes velata var. brevifolia A. Br., Sitzungsber. Berlin. Akad. Wiss. ( Monatsber. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin ) , 605 (1863); Isoetes velata var. brevifolia (A. Br.) Franchet , Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 31: 349 (1884); Isoetes velata var. normalis A. Br., Bory & Dur., Expl. Sci. Alg., t. 37, fig. 1 (1848) ; Calamaria tegulensis (Genn.) Kuntze , Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 828 (1891); I. tegulensis Gennari Comment. Critt. Ital. 1 (1d): 42, 1861, nom. illeg.; I. velata ssp . tegulensis Gennari, loc. cit. 1 (2): 106, 1861, I. v. ssp. tegulensis Batt. & Trabut , Fl. Algérie Tunisie : 407 (1861); Isoetes velata ssp . tegulensis (Genn.) Trabut, Fl. Syn. 407 (1902); Isoetes dubia var . maculosa Genn ., Comment. Critt. Ital. l(2): 105 (1861); Isoetes velata var. tegulensis forma maculosa (Fiori) Fiori et Paol ., Fl. Anal. Ital. 4: 10 (1907) ; Isoetes velata var . tegulensis b. maculosa Genn., Ann. Agric. Sci. 175 (1865) ; Isoetes velata var. tegulensis forma emersa Fiori & Paol., Fl. Anal. Ital. 4: 10 (1907); Isoetes velata var . tegulensis c. emersa Genn., Giorn. Bot. Ital. 2: 96 (1870); Isoetes velata var . tegulensis (Genn.) Fiori & Paoletti, Fl. Anal. Ital. 1: 25 (1896); Isoetes tegulensis Genn., Comment. Soc. Crittog. Ital. 1: 106 (1861) (sept.) , nom. illeg.; Isoetes tiguliana Genn., Comment. Critt. Ital. 1 (1): 42 (1861) ; Isoetes velata var . typica Fiori & Paoletti , Fl. Anal. Ital. 1: 25 (1896); Isoetes perreymondi (Bory) Duval-Jouve, Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 16: 213 (1869); Isoetes adspersa var. perreymondii A. Br., Schoenefeld, Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 12: 261 (1865) ; Isoetes dubia var. emersa Genn ., Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 2: 96 (1870) ; I. dubia var . vaculosa ; Isoetes capillacea Bory, Compt. Rend. Inst. France 23: 620 (1846); Isoetes lineolata Dur. ex Motel. & Vendr., Actes Soc. Linn. Bord . 36: 381 (1883); Isoetes setacea Bory , Compt. Rend. Inst. France 18: 1165 (1844); Isoetes setacea var. perreymondii Bory, Compt. Rend. Acad. Paris 18: 1165 (1844); Isoetes velata perreymondi (A. Br.), Franchet, Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 31: 349 (1884); Isoetes velata var . perreymondi (Bory) Franchet; I. v. ssp . dubia (Genn.) Batt. & Trabut, Fl. Syn. 407 (1902); Isoetes dubia Genn., Comment. Soc. Crittog. Ital . 1: 104 (1861) ; Calamaria dubia (Genn.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 828 (1891)] - Portugal, Spain, Baleares, France, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Italy, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco. Isoetes velata ssp . tenuissima O. Bolós & Vigo , Butll. Inst. Catalana Hist. Nat. 38: 64 (1974) [ Calamaria tenuissima ( Boreau ) Kuntze , Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 828 (1891); Isoetes tenuissima Boreau , Bull. Soc. Industr. Angers 21: 269 (1850) , basion . ; Isoetes tenuissima Mart., Cat . 341; Isoetes tenuissima var. tenuissima LeGrand, Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 42: 50 (1895); Isoetes tenuissima var. capillifolia LeGrand, Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 42: 50 (1895); Isoetes tenuissima var. latifolia LeGrand , Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 42: 50 (1895); Isoetes tenuissima var. longifolia LeGrand , Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 42: 50 (1895); Isoetes viollaei F. Hy, Bull. Herb. Boiss. Ill. App . 1: 23 (1894); Isoetes velata subsp. tenuissima [var.] viollaei (Hy) P. Fourn., 1934, Quatre Fl. Fr. : 5; Isoetes chaboissaei Nyman, Consp. Fl. Eur ., Suppl. 1: 871 (1883-84); Isoetes chaboissaei F. Hy , J. Bot. (Morot) 8: 97 (1894); Isoetes tenuissima var. chaboissaei LeGrand, Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 42: 50 (1895)] - France: Haute-Vienne: étang de Ris-Chauvron (loc. class.) Brenne, ill. Kasselmann : 73, 318. I. velata ssp. longissima (Bory) Greuter & Burdet, 1984, Willdenowia 14(1): 37; Calamaria longissima (Bory & Dur.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 828 (1891); Isoetes longissima Bory, Compt. Rend. Hebd. Séances Acad. Sci. 18: 1165 (1844), basion. (Algeria); Isoetes velata forma longissima (Bory & Dur.) N. Pfeiff., Ann. of the Missouri Bot. Garden 9(2): 120 (1922); Isoetes velata forma longissima A. Br. ex Milde, Fil. Eur. & Atl . 282 (1867); Isoetes velata ssp. typica forma longissima (A. Br.) Maire, Encycl. Biol . 33: 90 (1952); Isoetes velata forma longissima Maire, Fl. Afr. Nord 91 (1952) Isoetes velata var. longissima (A. Br.) Bory & Dur., Explor. Sci. Alg ., t. 37, fig. 2 (1848); Isoetes velata var. longissima (A. Br.) Batt. & Trabut, Fl. Alg. et Tunisie , 407 (1902);] - Algeria: El Kala, lac Houbeïra, lac Freitis, lac des Canards chez les Senhadja. Isoetes velata ssp . adspersa (A. Braun) Batt. & Trabut, Fl. Algérie Tunisie : 407 (1905); Calamaria adspersa (A. Br. in Bory & Dur.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 828 (1891); Isoetes adspersa A. Braun, Bory, Expl. Sci. Algérie, Atlas : tab. 37, rig. 3 (1849); Isoetes aspersum Aschers. & Graebn., Syn. Mitteleur. Fl. 1: 169 Hauptreg. 23 (1897); I. velata subsp. tenuissima subsp. adspersa (A. Braun) Douin in Bonnier, 1934, Fl. Compl. Fr., 12: 118 (comb. illeg.); I. velata subsp. adspersa subsp. boryana (Durieu) P. Fourn., 1934, Quatre Fl. Fr .: 5 (comb. illeg.); I. boryana subsp. tenuissima (Boreau) Douin in Bonnier, 1934, Fl. Compl. Fr ., 12: 118 (comb. illeg.); I. velata subsp. tenuissima [var.] adspersa (A. Braun) P. Fourn., 1934, Quatre Fl. Fr. : 5 (comb. illeg.); - Algeria; I. v. ssp. perralderiana (Milde) Batt. & Trabut, 1905, Fl. Algérie Tunisie : 407 [ Isoetes perralderiana Milde, Fil. Eur .: 282 (1867), basion.; I s oetes velata ssp. perralderiana (Dur. & Le Tourn.) Trabut, Fl. Syn . 407 (1902); Calamaria perralderiana (Dur. & Le Tourn., Milde) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 828 (1891) ; Isoetes perralderiana Dur. & Le Tourn. (Kralik), Pl. Alg. Exsicc . 157 (1862); Isoetes velata var. perralderiana (Dur. & Le Tourn.) Pfeiffer, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard . 9: 121 (1922). Isoetes velata ssp. intermedia (Trabut) Maire & Weiller, Maire, Fl. Afrique N. 1: 89 (1952); Isoetes velata forma intermedia A. Br., Motel. & Vendr., Actes Soc. L. Bordeaux 36: 384 (1883); Isoetes velata ssp. intermedia forma immaculata Maire, Encycl. Biol . 33: 90 (1952); Isoetes velata ssp . typicaIsoetes velata tax. infrasp. intermedia Trabut, Batt. & Trabut, Fl. Algérie Tunisie : 407 (1905); Isoetes velata var. intermedia A. Br., Bory & Dur., Explor. Sci. Alg. (1848)] - Algeria: Aïn Sumta, Akfadou, 1250 m .
Isoetes velata subsp. adspersa [var.] chaboissaei (Hy) P. Fourn., 1934, Quatre Fl. Fr. : 5
Isoetes velata ssp . velata forma baetica (Willk.) Prada, 1983, Acta bot. malacitana 8: 88 = I. velata ssp. velata
Isoetes velata ssp . velata forma lereschii (Reich.) M.C. Prada, 1982, Lazaroa 3: 33 (Spain: Sierra de Gredos) = I. velata ssp . velata
Isoetes velata var . brevifolia A. Braun, 1863 (Sardegna) = I. velata
Isoetes vermiculata Hickey, 1989, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard . 76(4): 1160-1161 - Venezuela: Depto. Atabapo: Tepui 2520 - 2560 m.
Isoetes viollaei F. Hy, 1894, J. Bot . 8: 97 (Etang de Ris-Chauvron) = I. velata ssp . tenuissima
Isoetes virginica Pfeiffer = I. melanopoda
Isoetes weberi Herter ex Weber, 1922, Hedwigia 63: 255-256, fig. 44-45 - Uruguay, S Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul; ?Argentina = I. smithii =? I. gardneriana )
Isoetes welwitschii A. Braun ex Kuhn, 1868, Filices Africanae 196 [ Isoetes natalensis Baker, Handb. Fern Allies 132 (1887); Calamaria natalensis (Baker) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 828 (1891); Calamaria welwitschii (A. Braun ex Kuhn) Kunze , Revisio Generum Plantarum 2 : 828 (1883)] - Transvaal, Natal, Kenya, Angola, Namibia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Ubangui, Ghana, Nigeria, Sudan, Madagascar.
Isoetes wormaldii R. Sim, 1906, Trans. S. Afr. Phil. Soc . 16: 299, t. 5 - E Cape Prov.
Isoetes yungiensis Huang T.C. & W. Carl Taylor, 2002, Novon 12 (4): 587-591 - China: Yunnan: Guishou Plateau: Shashi Valley, Heilongtan, Tianshengqiao, Shuang Shao.
Isoetes x altonharvillii Musselman & R.D. Bray, 1995, Castanea 60(3): 246 - Virginia Remarks: Isoetes caroliniana x engelmannii
Isoetes x brittonii D.F.Brunt. & W.C.Taylor, 1990, American Fern Journal 80: 82-89 - Pennsylvania, Connecticut, New York = Isoetes engelmanii x Isoetes riparia
Isoetes x bruntonii Knepper & Musselman, 1996, Amer. Fern J. 86(1): 9 - Virginia = Isoetes engelmannii x hyemalis
Isoetes x carltaylorii Musselman L.J., Bray R.D., Knepper D.A., 1997, Canadian J. Bot . 75 (2): 301-309. = Isoetes acadiensis x Isoetes engelmannii
Isoetes x dodgei A.A. Eaton - North America = Isoetes echinospora x Isoetes riparia
Isoetes x eatonii Dodge, 1897, Botanical Gazette 23: 16, t. 4-5, pro sp. = Isoetes echinospora x Isoetes engelmannii [ Isoetes eatoni Dodge , Ferns and Fern Allies N. Engl., 39 (1896); Isoetes eatoni forma gravesii (Eaton) Reed , Amer. Fern Journ. 35 : 82 (1945); Isoetes eatoni var. gravesii (Eaton) Clute , Fern Bull. 16 . 55 (1908); Isoetes x gravesii Eaton, Fernwort Papers 2 : 14 (1900); Isoetes valida var. gravesii (Eaton) Clute , Fern Allies, 243 (1905)] - New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Connecticut. Ill. Fassett: 46, map Muenscher : 342.
Isoetes echinospora x riparia Britton, D.M. & D.F. Brunton, 1989. A new Isoetes hybrid ( Isoetes echinospora x riparia ) for Canada. Canad. J. Bot. 67 (10): 2995-3002 - illus., maps.
Isoetes x echtuckeri D.F.Brunton & D.M.Britton, 1999, hybr. nov., a new triploid quillwort from northeastern North America. Canad. J. Bot. 77 (11): 1662-1668 - illus.
Isoetes x fairbrothersii J.D.Montgom. & W.C.Taylor, 1994, Amer. Fern J . 84(4): 120 (1994) - New Jersey = Isoetes engelmannii x lacustris
Isoetes x foveolata A.A. Eaton ex Dodge, Ferns & Fern Allies of New England 38 (1896) - North America = Isoetes engelmannii x Isoetes tuckermanii
Isoetes x harveyi A.A. Eaton - North America = Isoetes lacustris x Isoetes tuckermanii
Isoetes x hickeyi W.C.Taylor & Luebke, 1988, Amer. Fern J. 78(1): 6 - Wisconsin = Isoetes echinospora x Isoetes lacustris
Isoetes x jeffreyi D.M. Britton & D.F.Brunton, 1992, Canadian Journal of Botany 70: 447-452 - Quebec = Isoetes lacustris x Isoetes riparia, Isoetes macrospora x riparia
Isoetes x marensis D.M.Britton & D.F.Brunton, 1995, Canad. J. Bot . 73 (9): 1352 - British Colombia = Isoetes howellii x maritima
Isoetes x michinokuana M. Takamiya & al. - Distribution unknown
Isoetes x pseudotruncata D.M.Britton & D.F.Brunton, 1996, Canad. J. Bot . 74(1): 58 - British Colombia = Isoetes echinospora x maritima
Isoetes x truncata (A.A. Eaton) Clute, 1905, The Fern Allies 260, SE Alaska [ Isoetes maritima x Isoetes occidentalis = Isoetes echinospora var. truncata A.A. Eaton, Working List of North American Pteridophytes 27 (1901) = Isoetes muricata ssp. truncata (A.A.Eaton) H.P.Fuchs , Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. C 85(2): 239 (1982)].
Last update 27 November 2005
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Bibliography of Isoetes