Post illustrated several taxa which he described. Unfortunately, none of these have been published. In the Dinsmore revision of the flora, the figures were prepared by a high school teacher in Beirut. To my knowledge, none of Post's drawings were used. At this site I will include Post's drawings, usually done in pencil, which I have located associated with his type specimens. In addition, in his personal copy of the flora (in the Archives of Jafet Library at the American University of Beirut) are exquisite drawings especially of the orchid genus, Ophrys.

Phlomis platystegia from the type specimen at G. Eugene Autran, editor of the Bulletin l'Herbier Bossier, had a falling out with Post over the publication of this name. |

Pencil drawings of the orchid genus Ophrys from Post's personal copy of the first edition of the flora. |


Biscutella drawing from Arabic version of Post Flora in the archives section of Jafet Library, American University of Beirut