By Daija Marrow

For the first time at Old Dominion University, game studies will be offered as a major under the interdisciplinary studies program starting in the fall 2019 semester.

This is the only major at ODU that is specifically designed for students who aim to pursue a path in the growing video-game industry - ranging from design and criticism to marketing.

Game201T is the introduction prerequisite course that is open for registration. The curriculum focuses on guiding students toward the right path in an industry that has a combination of disciplines and skills.

The new major encompasses two undergraduate degrees. Students interested in game development can pursue a major in Game Development & Criticism while those interested in game design can complete their major in Game Design & Criticism.

Associate English Professor Kevin Moberly, in conjunction with Assistant Philosophy Professor Andrew Kissel, Senior English Lecturer Virginia Tucker Steffen and professors and faculty across other departments and schools at Old Dominion have worked three years to bring this major to fruition.

"We want to produce thoughtful game developers who have the skills and abilities to be innovative and to teach themselves how to be impactful with their own ideas," Moberly said. "Innovative, thoughtful, creative, and self-motivated artists and designers is what game studies at ODU is about."

The major is in its starting stages and expected to expand as semesters progress. Along with the Game 201T course, there are cross-listed courses available in Fall 2019 depending on the student's desired path, such as Math 163 and Comm 325.

Information about the curriculum can be found at the program's web page.

The program is seeking adjunct professors with senior experience in the indie or AAA gaming environment.

To learn more about the major, contact Moberly at and use the subject line "Game Studies Program Inquiry."

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