Old Dominion University's F. Ludwig Diehn School of Music will host the 45th annual Madrigal Banquets at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 6 and 7 in the atrium of the Diehn Center for the Performing Arts.

In celebration of the yuletide season, the ODU Madrigal Singers, Collegium Musicum and Sacbut Ensemble will perform Medieval and Renaissance music from Spain, Portugal and Mexico, along with familiar holiday carols.

Comprised of 15 to 20 music majors and other University students, the ODU Madrigal Singers perform music from around the world and from all time periods. The ODU Collegium Musicum brings together students and community members to study and perform early music using a variety of instruments. Both ensembles are directed by Bianca Hall. The Sacbut Ensemble, directed by Mike Hall, was formed in 2012 after the ODU Department of Music acquired the first quartet of sacbuts — predecessors to the modern trombone — made in North America.

A full‐course meal of Spanish fare will be served by candlelight in the decorated atrium. Wine is available by the glass or carafe at an additional cost and with proper ID. The complete menu is listed at ODUArtsTix.com.

Tickets are $40 for individuals, $35 each for groups of six or more, $35 for ODU faculty and non‐ODU students, and $20 for ODU students with valid University ID. Tickets must be purchased at ODUArtsTix.com or by calling (757) 683‐5305. Free parking is available in the 49th Street garage at Bluestone Avenue. For additional information, contact the School of Music at (757) 683‐4061.

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