
Alla Zareva

NORFOLK, 23529

Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Georgia, (2004)

PhD Certification
Sponsoring Organization:
Date Obtained:

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Watson, S. R., Judge, S. and Zareva, A. "Creating Teams of Educators to Build the Literacy Skills of English Learners with and without Disabilities" $3,072,263. Federal. September 2021 - August 2026
Watson, S. R., Judge, S. and Zareva, A. "Preparing Teams of Educators to Assess and Instruct English Learners With and Without Disabilities " $2,143,221. Federal. September 1, 2016 - August 31, 2021
Zareva, A. "Student Use of Corpora for Language Research Purposes" $2,300. Old Dominion University. 2011 - 2012
Zareva, A. "Comparison of oral and written graduate student discourse" $6,000. Old Dominion University. June 2010 - August 2010
Zareva, A. "Vocabulary size of Bulgarian college students. Private. February 2006 - December 2006


linguistics, applied linguistics, syntax, second language acquisition, research methods, L2 lexicon, corpus-based research, academic genre analysis

Research Interests

Second language mental lexicon, lexical research, corpus-based research, genre analysis, prepared oral discourse, student academic presentations


Zareva, A. (2020). L2 students’ prepositional and phrasal verb use in academic presentations. Vocabulary Education and Research Bulletin (VERB) 9 (1) , pp. 2 - 6.
Zareva, A. (2019). Lexical complexity of academic presentations: Similarities despite situational differences. Journal of Second Language Studies 2 (1) , pp. 72–93.
Zareva, A. (2018). Evaluation in moderation: Evaluative adjectives in student academic presentations. Journal of Academic Language and Learning 12 (2) , pp. 149–162. (Available at:
Zareva, A. (2017). Incorporating corpus literacy skills in TESOL teacher training. ELT Journal 71 (1) , pp. 69-79.
Zareva, A. (2016). Multi-word verbs in students academic presentations. Journal of English for Academic Purposes 23 , pp. 83-98.
Zareva, A. and Shehata, A. (2015). At the intersection of L1 congruence and L2 exposure: Collocational knowledge of advanced Arab users of English. International Journal of Arabic-English Studies 15 , pp. 77-102.
Zareva, A. (2015). Challenging themselves while challenging prescriptivism: Student collaboration on data-driven research projects. The International Journal of Technologies in Learning 21 (2) , pp. 1 - 10.
Zareva, A. (2015). “I think I wanna talk about the reasons why I chose my topic”: Discourse functions of self-mention in Asian graduate student academic presentations. . The Journal of Asia TEFL 12 (1) , pp. 141–168.
Zareva, A. (2013). Self-mention and the projection of multiple identity roles in TESOL graduate student presentations: The influence of the written academic genres. English for Specific Purposes 32 , pp. 72-83.
Zareva, A. and Fomina, A. (2013). Strategy use of Russian pre-service TEFL university students: Using a strategy inventory for evaluation of Program effectiveness. International Journal of English Studies 13 (1) , pp. 69-88.
Zareva, A. (2012). Expression of stance and persuasion in student academic presentations. Applied Psycholinguistics 2 , pp. 316 – 323.
Zareva, A. (2012). Lexical composition of effective L1 and L2 student academic presentations. Journal of Applied Linguistics 6 (1) , pp. 91-110.
Zareva, A. (2012). Partial word knowledge: Frontier words in the L2 mental lexicon. Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (IRAL) 50 , pp. 277-301.
Zareva, A. and Wolter, B. (2012). The “promise” of three methods of word association analysis to L2 lexical research. Second Language Research 28 (1) , pp. 41-67.
Zareva, A. (2011). Effects of lexical class and word frequency on the L1 and L2 English-based mental lexicon. Journal of Language Teaching and Learning 1 (2) , pp. 1-17.
Zareva, A. (2011). L2 graduate student PowerPoint presentation designs: A reality check. International Journal of Innovation and Learning 9 (2) , pp. 127–144.
Zareva, A. (2011). ‘And so that was it’: Linking adverbials in student academic presentations. RELC Journal 42 (1) , pp. 5–15.
Zareva, A. (2010). Multicompetence and L2 users’ associative links: Being unlike nativelike. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 20 (1) , pp. 2–22.
Zareva, A. (2009). Student academic presentations: The processing side of interactiveness. Text Construction 2 (2) , pp. 265–288.
Zareva, A. (2009). Informational packaging, level of formality, and the use of circumstance adverbials in L1 and L2 student academic presentations. Journal of English for Academic Purposes 8 (1) , pp. 55–68.
Zareva, A., Lazarova, M. and Nikolova, Y. (2008). Количествени характеристики на лексикалното познание на образования носител на български език. Български език и литература 6, 22–33. [Quantitative features of the lexical knowledge of educated native speakers of Bulgarian. Bulgarian Language and Literature 6 , pp. 22-33.
Zareva, A. (2007). Structure of the L2 mental lexicon: How does it compare to native speakers’ lexical organization?. Second Language Research 23 (2) , pp. 123–153.
Zareva, A., Schwanenflugel, P. and Nikolova, Y. (2005). Relationship between lexical competence and language proficiency: Variable sensitivity. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 27 (4) , pp. 567–595.
Zareva, A. (2005). Models of L2 learners’ vocabulary knowledge assessment. System 33 (4) , pp. 547–562.
Zareva, A. (2005). Serving justice in People’s Court: Power in legal discourse. Bourgas Free University Collected Papers 13 , pp. 99–109.
Zareva, A. (2005). What is new in the new TOEFL-iBT 2006 test format?. Foreign Language Teaching 2 (2) , pp. 45–57.
Zareva, A. (2003). Transfer effects on the process of L2 reading comprehension. Literacy Across Cultures 6 , pp. 25–34.
Zareva, A. (2002). Lexical access in L1 and L2. Foreign Language Teaching Journal 3 , pp. 13–24.
Zareva, A. (2001). A Minimalist analysis of the adverb effect. University of Georgia Working Papers in Linguistics (1) , pp. 55–60.
Zareva, A. (2001). Pragmatic and lexical ambiguity resolution: Common ground, common problems. (Critical Review). Foreign Language Teaching Journal 3-4 , pp. 19–31.
Zareva, A. (1999). Прагматика и междукултурни аспекти на междуезиковата комуникация. [Pragmatics and aspects of cross-cultural communication]. Bourgas Free University Collected Papers 2 , pp. 303–308.
Zareva, A. (1998). Ролята на дейктическите форми за изграждане на контекст в рекламната комуникация. [The role of deixis in the contextual interpretation of advertisements]. Free University Collected Papers 1 , pp. 277–284.
Zareva, A. (1997). Genre analysis of recruitment advertising. TEMPUS JEP 07307-94 Professional Development for Language Teachers and Teacher Trainers: Collected papers , pp. 127–132.
Zareva, A. and Nikolova, Y. (1997). The Socio-cultural and intercultural dimensions in teaching English for Economics and Business (EEB) to pre-experienced students of Business Studies. TEMPUS JEP 07307-94 Professional Development for Language Teachers and Teacher Trainers: Collected papers , pp. 95–100.
Zareva, A. and Nikolova, Y. (1996). Rationale for an integrated course in English for Economics and Business. TEMPUS JEP 07307-94 4 , pp. 19-22.
Zareva, A. and Nikolova, Y. (1996). What is economics about? . TEMPUS JEP 07307-94 4 , pp. 22–23.


Zareva, A. (2020). Speech Accommodation in Student Presentations. Palgrave MacMillan.
Zareva, A. and Nikolova, Y. (1998). Help Yourself! . Selekta.

Book Chapters

Watson, S. R. (2024). Meeting the needs of diverse ESL classrooms: A team approach to professional development of educators. Addressing issues of learner diversity in English language education (pp. 227–243.) IGI Global (Available at:…).
Zareva, A. and Zamora. H. (2022). Politicizing the discourse on mask wearing in U.S. digital news reports during COVID-19: A corpus-based study. Analysing health discourse in digital environments: Current paradigms and practices (pp. 72–91.) Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Zareva, A., Watson, S. R. and Donahue, T. (2022). Professional development for teams of educators working with English learners with and without disabilities. Advocacy for social and linguistic justice in TESOL: Nurturing inclusivity, equity, and social responsibility in English language teaching (pp. 135–149.) Routledge.
Zareva, A. (2021). Oral academic genres and features of student academic presentations Research questions in language education and applied linguistics: A reference guide (pp. 487– 492) . Cham: Springer.
Zareva, A. (2020). Setting the lexical EAP bar for ESL learners: Lexical complexity of L2 academic presentations Understanding vocabulary learning and teaching: Implications for language program development (pp. pp 146 – 163) . Boston, MA: Cengage.
Zareva, A. (2019). "First, we'll go over some definitions I came across and then I'll talk about the theories they're based on": Multi-word verbs in ESL students' lexical use. The description, measurement, and pedagogy of words. (pp. 173–194) . Newcastle upon Tyne, UK : Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Zareva, A. (2019). Providing feedback on the lexical use of ESP students’ academic presentations: Teacher training considerations. In S. Papadima-Sophocleous, E. Constantinou, C. Giannikas (Eds.), ESP teaching and teacher education: Current theories and practices (pp. 63 - 78) . Voillans: (Available at:…).
Zareva, A. (2014). Frontier words: L1 and L2 partial knowledge of vocabulary Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics.
Zareva, A. (2012). Expression of stance and persuasion in student academic presentations Applied Psycholinguistics (pp. 316 – 323) Milano, Italy: Franco Angeli.


Zareva, A. (July , 2018). Lexical awareness and genre appropriateness of student academic presentations: Oral Presentation 14th conference of the Association for Language Awareness Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Zareva, A. (March , 2018). Assessment of lexical complexity of academic presentations: Feedback considerations: Oral Presentation 39th ODU Annual Spring Conference on the Teaching of Writing Norfolk, VA.
Zareva, A., Mourao, M. and Krzyzaniak, D. (April , 2017). Panel: "The gift of our passion: Building scholarly careers by intertwining art and scholarship"; Presentation: "Creative forms of self-expression as vehicles for enriched wellbeing and flourishing" Oral Presentation Works in Progress 2017 Norfolk, VA.
Zareva, A. (March , 2017). "Vocabulary profiles of high quality college student writing": Paper 38th ODU Annual Spring Conference on the Teaching of Writing Norfolk, VA.
Zareva, A. (June , 2016). "Lexical composition of L2 students' oral academic presentations": Paper International Conference on Spoken Communication Naples, Italy.
Zareva, A. (July , 2015). "Benefits of working on data-based research projects: The graduate students' perspective": Paper 22nd International Conference on Learning Madrid, Spain.
Zareva, A. (January , 2015). "Graduate student collaborative research: The students’ perspective": Paper International Conferences in Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Education Honolulu, HI.
Zareva, A. (March , 2014). "Multiple identity roles in English native speaking and Asian ESL graduate students’ academic presentations": Paper American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Portland (OR).
Zareva, A. (July , 2013). "Challenging themselves while challenging prescriptivism: Student collaboration on data-driven research projects": Paper 20th International Conference on Learning Rhodes, Greece.
Zareva, A. (June , 2012). "Self-mention in English native-speaking and international students’ academic presentations": Paper CADAAD (Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines) Braga, Portugal.
Zareva, A. (May , 2012). "Collaborative student projects based on data-driven corpus research": Paper Faculty Summer Institute Norfolk, VA.
Zareva, A. (March , 2012). "Authorial and professional identity in graduate students’ presentations": Paper American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Boston, MA.
Zareva, A. (July , 2011). "Professional identity and stance in graduate students' academic presentations": International Society for Language Studies Oranjestad, Aruba.
Zareva, A. (March , 2011). "Lexical profiles of student academic presentations": American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Chicago, IL.
Zareva, A. (June , 2010). "Lexical expression of stance and persuasion in academic presentations": International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics 9th Congress Bari, Italy.
Zareva, A. (March , 2010). "Student PowerPoint presentations: A reality check": American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Atlanta, GA.
Zareva, A. (March , 2009). "Interactiveness, level of formality, and the use of adverbials in L1 and L2 student academic presentations": American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Denver, CO.
Zareva, A. (October , 2008). "Lexical class and native language effects on the L2 mental lexicon structure": Paper Second Language Research Forum University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hawaii.
Zareva, A. (July , 2008). "Interaction between L1 and L2 in structuring the mental lexicon of L2 learners of English": Paper International conference on philology, literatures and linguistics Athens, Greece.
Zareva, A. (March , 2008). The use of adverbials in student academic presentations American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Washington, DC.
Zareva, A. (June , 2006). "Multicompetence and the structure of the mental lexicon of L2 learners of English": Paper American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Zareva, A. (October , 2004). "Effects of lexical class and word frequency on the qualitative and quantitative features of L2 learners’ associative domains": Paper Second Language Research Forum State College, PA.
Zareva, A. (May , 2004). "Exploring the notion of “nativelikeness” of word associations of non-native speakers: Is non-nativelike “childlike”?": Paper American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Portland, OR.
Zareva, A. (March , 2003). "Quality and quantity of L2 vocabulary knowledge": Paper 37th Annual TESOL Convention Baltimore, MD.
Zareva, A. (January , 1997). "Cultural and intercultural dimension in teaching English for Economics and Business": Paper Business English seminar Sofia, Bulgaria.
Zareva, A. (September , 1995). "Teaching basic economic concepts and principles through cultural studies": Paper IATEFL Second National Annual Conference of Moravian Silesian Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language Zlin, Czech Republic.
  • 2018: Shining Star, Old Dominion University Division of Student Affairs
  • 2015: Shining Star, Old Dominion University Division of Student Affairs
  • 2010: Shining Star , Old Dominion University Division of Student Affairs
  • 2006: Morley Scholarship Award, University of Michigan
  • 2004: Graduate Student Research Award, University of Georgia
  • 2003: Graduate Student Research Award, University of Georgia
  • 1999: Graduate Studies Scholarship Award, Open Society (Soros) Foundation
  • 1994: The University of Cambridge (U.K.) Summer School Scholarship Award, The British Council Scholarship