Library Specialist I - Hr
University Libraries
Kathryn Boone
NORFOLK, 23529
Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Science, Old Dominion University, (2014)
Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Management, Florida State University, (2011)
M.S. in Library and Information Studies, Florida State University, (2011)
B.S. in Criminal Justice, Old Dominion University, (1981)
- Frazer, S., Boone, K. and McCart, V. A.. (1997). Merging government information and the reference department: a team-based approach. Journal of Government Information (24) , pp. 93-102.
- Boone, K. (October 16, 2020). Panel: VIVA Libraries Respond to COVID-19 Oral Presentation 2020 VIVA Users' Group Meeting virtual.
- Boone, K. and Schafer, N. (August 13, 2018). Research and Learning - Learning Commons & Branch Libraries and Liaison & Instruction Services Oral Presentation Friends of the University Libraries Board Retreat .
- Boone, K. W. and Fry, M. (October 27, 2016). Space Planning: Using Building Audit, Benchmarks, and Buy-In to Reconfigure Library Space Oral Presentation Virginia Library Association Annual Conference 2016 Hot Springs, Virginia.
- Boone, K. (September 8, 2016). Celebrating 5 Years of the Learning Commons Oral Presentation Fifth Anniversary of the Learning Commons @ Perry Library Perry Library, Old Dominion University.
- Boone, K. (October 24, 2014). Partner-Enhanced Assessment: Working Together to Measure Services, Satisfaction and Success Oral Presentation Virginia Library Association Annual Conference 2014 Williamsburg, VA.
- Boone, K. W. (June 11, 2014). Partner-Enhanced Assessment Oral Presentation 7th Annual Canadian Learning Commons Conference Sherbrooke, QC, CA.
- Boone, K. (November 1, 2013). History of the Libraries' Federal Depository Library Program Oral Presentation Federal Depository Library Program 50th Anniversary .
- Boone, K. (February 26, 2013). World Fossil Fuel Emissions - Percent Change by Country, 1989-2009 Poster Maps, Climate Change and Sea Level Rise: A Collection of Cartographic Creations from ODU Students Perry Library Art Gallery.
- Boone, K. (October 25, 2012). Poster Session - Collaboration Spaces in the Learning Commons Poster Virginia Library Association Annual Conference 2012 Williamsburg, VA.
- (October 17, 2012). A Year in the Learning Commons @ Perry Library Oral Presentation Learning Commons/Student Success Center Governance Team .
- Boone, K. (October 11, 2012). A Year in the Learning Commons @ Perry Library - 2011-12 Oral Presentation Faculty Senate Library Committee Meeting Old Dominion University - Perry Library.
- Boone, K. (September 25, 2012). A Year in the Learning Commons @ Perry Library - 2011-12 Oral Presentation Provost's Council Meeting Old Dominion University - Koch Hall Board Room.
- Boone, K. and Jimenez, M. A. (May 23, 2012). Collaboration Spaces in the Learning Commons @ Perry Library Oral Presentation CLT Summer Institute .
- Boone, K. (April 4, 2012). Learning Commons @ Perry Library: Where Are We Now? Oral Presentation Tidewater Higher Education Reference Librarians Meeting Old Dominion University - Perry Library .
- Boone, K. (May 19, 2008). Finding Federal Government Statistics VLA Paraprofessional Forum Conference Richmond, Virginia.
- Boone, K. (February 12, 2008). Legal Resources in Perry Library ODU Student Government Association Legal Resource Center Norfolk, Virginia.
- 2021: Librarian/Faculty Administrator of the Year 2020, Old Dominion University Libraries
- 2018: 35 Years of Service Award, Association of University Administrators
- 2013: GIS Day - Graduate Student Poster Competition, 2nd Place, ODU Department of Political Science and Geography
- 2013: Librarian of the Year 2012, Old Dominion University Libraries
- 2011: University Libraries' Staff Scholarship, Old Dominion University Libraries
- 2010: Clara Stanley Scholarship, Virginia Library Association
- 2007: Staff Member of the Year, Old Dominion University Libraries
- 1994: Staff Member of the Year, Old Dominion University Libraries
- 1981: Phi Kappa Phi Membership, Phi Kappa Phi