Orlando Ayala
NORFOLK, 23529
Dr. Ayala received his BS in Mechanical Engineering with honors (Cum Laude) from Universidad de Oriente (Venezuela) in 1995, MS in Mechanical Engineering in 2001 and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering in 2005, both from University of Delaware (USA). Dr. Ayala is currently serving as Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Technology Department, Frank Batten College of Engineering and Technology, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA.
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Delaware, (2005)
M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Delaware, (2001)
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Universidad de Oriente, (1995)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Ayala, O. "Rigorous Study Pipeline Erosion in Bends Focused on Fluid-Particle Interaction" $70,000. Other. July 1, 2017 - August 31, 2020
- Ayala, O. "Revisiting the design of elbow configurations to reduce erosion based on the study of particle-fluid interaction dynamics" $10,000. Old Dominion University. January 2016 - December 2016
- Ayala, O., Seek, M. and Marsillac, S. "ODU&TCC Photovoltaic Training/Research Facility" $33,162. Private. October 01, 2014 - September 30, 2016
- Seek, M., Ayala, O. and Marsillac, S. "ODU-TCC Virginia Beach Photovoltaic Facility" $100,000. Private. August 1, 2014 - July 31, 2016
- "A study on In-Cylinder Air Dispersion Utilizing Turbulence Inducers Forward of Intake Valves on a Four Cylinder Spark Ignition Engine" $1,500. Old Dominion University. September 2015 - December 2015
- Michaeli, J., Ayala, O. and Bawab, S. "Exploration of Additive Manufacturing for Naval Applications" $150,000. Federal. September 15, 2014 - September 15, 2015
- Wang, L., Ayala, O. and Li, X. "Bridging Particle-Resolved and Point-Particle Based Simulation for Turbulent Particle-Laden Flow Using New Heterogeneous High-Performance Computer" $359,861. Federal. September 1, 2013 - August 31, 2015
- Ayala, O. "2015 Summer Research Program for 7 Brazilian Students on Research Activities" $49,833. Other. May 18, 2015 - August 07, 2015
- Ayala, O. "Lattice Boltzmann Method Simulation For 3D Crystal Growth" $2,500. Old Dominion University. May 2015 - July 2015
- Seek, M., Ayala, O., Marsillac, S., Jovanovic, V. and Marsillac, E. "Advanced Single Axis Solar Tracking System for Enhanced Energy Generation" $25,000. State. August 1, 2014 - July 31, 2015
- Chezan, L., Ayala, O., Popescu, O. and Nikolic, M. "Critical Thinking: Beyond Theoretical Knowledge" $2,000. Old Dominion University. August 1, 2014 - July 31, 2015
- Ayala, O. "Travel to ASME Workshops " $1,983. Old Dominion University. March 2014 - July 2014
- Ayala, O. and Wang, L. "Computing Resources Request for “Turbulent Collision Statistics of Hydrodynamically Interacting Droplets Simulated by a Multiscale Approach” . Federal. April 1, 2013 - March 21, 2014
Research Interests
Multiphase flows, turbulent flows, transport of particles in fluid flows, compressible flows, heat transfer, numerical modeling, and high performance parallel computing and scientific computation
- Ayala, O. and Wang, L. (2013). Parallel implementation and scalability analysis of 3D Fast FourierTransform using 2D domain decomposition. PARALLEL COMPUTING 39 (1) , pp. 58-77.
- Wang, L., Ayala, O., Gao, H., Andersen, C. and Mathews, K. L.. (2014). Study of forced turbulence and its modulation by finite-size solidparticles using the lattice Boltzmann approach. COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS 67 (2) , pp. 363-380.
- Ayala, O., Grabowski, W. W.. and Wang, L. (2007). A hybrid approach for simulating turbulent collisions ofhydrodynamically-interacting particles. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS 225 (1) , pp. 51-73.
- Ayala, O., Rosa, B., Wang, L. and Grabowski, W. W.. (2008). Effects of turbulence on the geometric collision rate of sedimentingdroplets. Part 1. Results from direct numerical simulation. NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 10.
- Rosa, B., Parishani, H., Ayala, O. and Wang, L. (2016). Settling velocity of small inertial particles in homogeneous isotropic turbulence from high-resolution DNS. International Journal of Multiphase Flow 83 , pp. 217–231.
- Wang, L., Ardila, O., Ayala, O., Gao, H. and Peng, C. (2016). Study of Local Turbulence Profiles Relative to the Particle Surface in Particle-Laden Turbulent Flows. ASME JournalofFluidsEngineering 138 , pp. 041203.
- Parishani, H., Ayala, O., Rosa, B., Wang, L. and Grabowski, W. (2015). Effects of gravity on the acceleration and pair statistics of inertial particles in homogeneous isotropic turbulence. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS 27 , pp. 033304.
- Rosa, B., Parishani, H., Ayala, O. and Wang, L. (2015). Effects of forcing time scale on the simulated turbulent flows and turbulent collision statistics of inertial particles. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS 27 , pp. 015105.
- Ayala, O., Parishani, H., Chen, L., Bodgan, R. and Wang, L. (2014). DNS of hydrodynamically interacting droplets in turbulent clouds: parallel implementation and scalability analysis using 2D domain decomposition. Computer Physics Communications 185 , pp. 3269-3290.
- Landry, C. J.., Karpyn, Z. T.. and Ayala, O. (2014). Pore-Scale Lattice Boltzmann Modeling and 4D X-ray ComputedMicrotomography Imaging of Fracture-Matrix Fluid Transfer. TRANSPORT IN POROUS MEDIA 103 (3) , pp. 449-468.
- Landry, C. J.., Karpyn, Z. T.. and Ayala, O. (2014). Relative permeability of homogenous-wet and mixed-wet porous media asdetermined by pore-scale lattice Boltzmann modeling. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH 50 (5) , pp. 3672-3689.
- Liu, X., Lu, W., Ayala, O., Wang, L., Karlsson, A. M.., Yang, Q. and Chou, T. (2013). Microstructural evolution of carbon nanotube fibers: deformation andstrength mechanism. NANOSCALE 5 (5) , pp. 2002-2008.
- Wyszogrodzki, A. A.., Grabowski, W. W.., Wang, L. and Ayala, O. (2013). Turbulent collision-coalescence in maritime shallow convection. ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 13 (16) , pp. 8471-8487.
- Torres, C. E.., Parishani, H., Ayala, O., Rossi, L. F.. and Wang, L. (2013). Analysis and parallel implementation of a forced N-body problem. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS 245 , pp. 235-258.
- Rosa, B., Parishani, H., Ayala, O., Grabowski, W. W.. and Wang, L. (2013). Kinematic and dynamic collision statistics of cloud droplets fromhigh-resolution simulations. NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 15.
- Ayala, O., Rosa, B. and Wang, L. (2008). Effects of turbulence on the geometric collision rate of sedimentingdroplets. Part 2. Theory and parameterization. NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 10.
- Wang, L., Ayala, O., Rosa, B. and Grabowski, W. W.. (2008). Turbulent collision efficiency of heavy particles relevant to clouddroplets. NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 10.
- Wang, L., Ayala, O. and Grabowski, W. W.. (2007). Effects of aerodynamic interactions on the motion of heavy particles ina bidisperse suspension. JOURNAL OF TURBULENCE 8 (25) , pp. 1-28.
- Wang, L., Xue, Y., Ayala, O. and Grabowski, W. W.. (2006). Effects of stochastic coalescence and air turbulence on the sizedistribution of cloud droplets. ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH 82 (1-2, SI) , pp. 416-432.
- Wang, L., Ayala, O., Xue, Y. and Grabowski, W. W.. (2006). Comments on “Droplets to drops by turbulent coagulation”. JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES 63 (9) , pp. 2397-2401.
- Wang, L., Franklin, C., Ayala, O. and Grabowski, W. (2006). Probability distributions of angle of approach and relative velocity forcolliding droplets in a turbulent flow. JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES 63 (3) , pp. 881-900.
- Troyani, N., Montano, L. and Ayala, O. (2005). Numerical modelling of thermal evolution in hot metal coiling. REVISTA DE METALURGIA (SI) , pp. 488-492.
- Wang, L., Ayala, O., Kasprzak, S. and Grabowski, W. (2005). Theoretical formulation of collision rate and collision efficiency ofhydrodynamically interacting cloud droplets in turbulent atmosphere. JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES 62 (7, 2) , pp. 2433-2450.
- Wang, L., Ayala, O. and Xue, Y. (2005). Reconciling the cylindrical formulation with the spherical formulationin the kinematic descriptions of collision kernel. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS 17 (6).
- Wang, L., Ayala, O. and Grabowski, W. (2005). Improved formulations of the superposition method. JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES 62 (4) , pp. 1255-1266.
Conference Proceeding
- Ayala, O., Popescu, O. and Jovanovic, V. (2017). Flipped classroom as blended learning in a fluid mechanics course in engineering technology ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition.
- Ringleb, S. I., Ayala, O. and Kidd, J. (2017). Implementing peer-review activities for engineering writing assignments ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition.
- Hou, G. J.W.., Zhong, F. and Ayala, O. (2017). Manual revision process for project-based laboratory instruction ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition.
- Rohith, M., Parishani, H., Ayala, O., Wang, L. and Kambhamettu, C. (2011). CollisionExplorer: a tool for visualizing droplet collisions in a turbulent flow International Symposium on Visual Computing (pp. 669–680).
- Rosa, B., Parishani, H., Ayala, O., Wang, L. and Grabowski, W. W. (2011). High-resolution simulation of turbulent collision of cloud droplets International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (pp. 401–410).
- Rosa, B., Parishani, H., Ayala, O., Wang, L. and Grabowski, W. W. (2011). Kinematic and dynamic pair collision statistics of sedimenting inertial particles relevant to warm rain initiation Journal of Physics: Conference Series (pp. 072016).
- Ayala, O., Andersen, C., Parishani, H. and Wang, L. (2011). Methods and issues for highly-scalable simulation of isotropic homogeneous turbulence APS Meeting Abstracts.
- Wang, L., Ayala, O., Parishani, H., Grabowski, W. W.., Wyszogrodzki, A. A.., Piotrowski, Z., Gao, G. R.., Kambhamettu, C., Li, X., Rossi, L., Orozco, D. and Torres, C. (2011). Towards an integrated multiscale simulation of turbulent clouds onPetaScale computers 13TH EUROPEAN TURBULENCE CONFERENCE (ETC13): GEOPHYSICAL ANDMAGNETOHYDRODYNAMIC TURBULENCE DIRAC HOUSE, TEMPLE BACK, BRISTOL BS1 6BE, ENGLAND: IOP PUBLISHING LTD.
- Witte, M., Chuang, P., Rossiter, D., Ayala, O. and Wang, L. (November , 2015). Constraining precipitation initiation in marine stratocumulus using aircraft observations and LES with high spectral resolution bin microphysics Oral Presentation 48th annual Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA.
- Banerjee, S., Ayala, O. and Wang, L. (November , 2015). Collision statistics of inertial particles suspended in turbulent flows of low dissipation rates Oral Presentation 68th Annual Meeting of APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Boston, MA.
- Chuang, P., Wang, L. and Ayala, O. (December , 2014). What controls drizzle initiation? Insights from a comparison of large-eddy simulations with observations Oral Presentation American Geophysical Union’s 47th annual Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA.
- Wang, L., Castro, O. and Ayala, O. (August 6, 2014). Study of Turbulence Modulation by Finite-Size Solid Particles using the Lattice Boltzmann Approach Oral Presentation 4th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- Wang, L., Castro, O. and Ayala, O. (August 3, 2014). Study of turbulence modulation by finite-size solid particles using the lattice Boltzmann method Oral Presentation ASME 2014 Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- Witte, M., Chuang, P., Wang, L. and Ayala, O. (July 7, 2014). Applying an inverse method to estimate collision-coalescence rates from aircraft observations Oral Presentation 14th Conference on Cloud Physics Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- Rosa, B., Parishani, H., Ayala, O., Grabowsky, W. and Wang, L. (July 7, 2014). Kinematic and dynamic collision statistics of cloud droplets from high-resolution simulations Oral Presentation 14th Conference on Cloud Physics Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- Rosa, B., Parishani, H., Ayala, O. and Wang, L. (July 7, 2014). Settling velocity of cloud droplets in homogenous isotropic turbulence from high-resolution simulations Poster 14th Conference on Cloud Physics Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- Parishani, H., Ayala, O., Rosa, B. and Wang, L. (November 24, 2013). Numerical Investigation of Cloud Droplet Growth via Collision Coalescence: One Step Approach Oral Presentation 66th Annual Meeting of APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
- Castro, O., Ayala, O. and Wang, L. (November 24, 2013). Study of local profiles relative to the particle surface in a forced particle-laden turbulent flow Oral Presentation 66th Annual Meeting of APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
- Peng, C., Castro, O., Ayala, O. and Wang, L. (November 24, 2013). Two-way interactions in particle-laden turbulent channel flow Oral Presentation 66th Annual Meeting of APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
- Rosa, B., Ayala, O., Parishani, H. and Wang, L. (September 1, 2013). Settling Velocity of Small Particles in High-Resolution Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence Oral Presentation 14th European Turbulence Conference Lyon, France.
- Rosa, B., Parishani, H., Ayala, O. and Wang, L. (July 1, 2013). Settling velocity of small particles in high-resolution homogenous isotropic turbulence Oral Presentation International Conference on Fundamentals, Experiments, Numeric and Applications Eindhoven, Netherlands.
- Parishani, H., Ayala, O. and Wang, L. (May 26, 2013). Effects of gravity on inertial-particle acceleration and radial relative velocity in homogeneous isotropic turbulence Oral Presentation The 8th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF) Jeju, Korea.
- Rosa, B., Parishani, H., Ayala, O. and Wang, L. (May 26, 2013). Effects of time scale in the large-scale forcing scheme on the simulated turbulent flows and on the collision statistics of inertial particles Oral Presentation The 8th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF) Jeju, Korea.
- Onishi, R., Rosa, B., Ayala, O., Wang, L. and Takahashi, K. (May 26, 2013). Efficient Numerical Simulation for Full-Range Hydrodynamic Interactions among Cloud Droplets in Isotropic Turbulence Oral Presentation The 8th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF) Jeju, Korea.
- 2017: Certificate of Excellence in Undergraduate Research ,
- 2017: Faculty Development Institute (FDI): Travel Award., 1.Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) Conference
- 2016: Certificate for Highly Cited Research in Parallel Computing ,
- 2015: Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
- 2014: Travel Award, The Eleventh International Conference for Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering and Science
- 2013: Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
- 2008: Fellowship. Level II Category, Venezuelan Foundation for Promotion of Researchers (PPI)
- 2006: Fellowship. Level I Category, Venezuelan Foundation for Promotion of Researchers (PPI)
- 2006: Stimulus to the Researcher Award (PEI), Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela
- 2005: Nominated to the Teaching Excellence Award , University of Delaware
- 2003: Fellowship. Begineer Category, Venezuelan Foundation for Promotion of Researchers (PPI)
- 2000: Academic Merit Award , CONABA, Venezuela
- 1999: 7.Nominated to receive the George W. Laird Merit Fellowship for graduate students from the School of Engineering, University of Delaware