Andreas Tolk is Chief Scientist at The MITRE Corporation, and Adjunct Professor for Computational Modeling and Simulation Engineering (CMSE) at ODU. He is a Fellow of the Society for Modeling and Simulation, Inc.
Ph.D. in Computer Science & Applied Systems Engineering, University of Federal Armed Forces, (1995)
M.S. in Computer Science, University of the Federal Armed Forces, (1988)
- Certified Modeling and Simulation Professional
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Date Obtained: 2003-12-01
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Hester, P. T. and Tolk, A. "TACOP Phase II" $150,000. Private. 2009 - 2011
- Tolk, A. and Hester, P. T. "Configurable Aggregation Layers (TACOP Phase 1)" $30,000. Private. 2008 - 2009
- Tolk, A. and Landaeta, R. "Simulation Roadmap for Program Executive Office (PEO) Soldier and Marine Corps System Command-Phase II" $80,000. Federal. February 1, 2009 - October 1, 2009
- Tolk, A. "General Dynamics AIS" $62,200. August 2008 - July 2009
- Tolk, A. "Consultancy on Data Engineering and System Architecture" $40,000. August 2008 - May 2009
- Tolk, A. "Joint Rapid Scenario Generation (JSRG) 2008" $151,707. February 2008 - January 2009
- Tolk, A. "U.S. Joint Forces Command – Joint Technology and Simulation Division" $170,413. February 2008 - January 2009
- Tolk, A. "Support for Joint Experimentation (JEXP) on Political Military Economic Social Infrastructure and Information (PMESII) Community of Excellence (COI) Questionnaire" $6,050. - July 2008
- Tolk, A. "Data Engineering and System Architecture Support" $25,000. November 2007 - May 2008
- Tolk, A. "Support of MSG-048 Coalition Battle Management Language Phase 2" $14,000. January 2008 - April 2008
- Tolk, A. "Simulation Roadmap – Model Driven Architecture" $70,000. September 2007 - April 2008
- Tolk, A. "Extended Battle Management Language (XBML)" $75,400. March 2007 - February 2008
- Tolk, A. "Joint Rapid Scenario Generation (JSRG) support" $52,600. March 2007 - February 2008
- Tolk, A. "Support of MSG-048 Coalition Battle Management Language" $14,000. September 2007 - December 2007
- Tolk, A. "Joint Battle Management Language (JBML)" $61,000. November 2006 - May 2007
- Tolk, A. "Support of Senior Architect Evaluations" $162,000. November 2006 - May 2007
- Tolk, A. "Support of JATTL in Coalition Battle Management Language (C-BML) and Joint Event Data Initialization Services (JEDIS) efforts" $136,300. February 2006 - January 2007
- Tolk, A. "Air Operations Extensible Battle Management Language Phase II (AO XBML II)" $50,000. June 2006 - December 2006
- Tolk, A. "Integration Support of NATO M&S Group 026 "Pathfinder"" $275,000. April 2005 - December 2006
- Tolk, A. "Joint Operation Feasibility Tool (JOFT)" $70,000. January 2006 - July 2006
- Tolk, A. "Extensible Battle Management Language - Mapping of Information Exchange Elements to the C2IEDM/NATO Generic Hub" $150,000. October 2003 - September 2005
- Tolk, A. "Air Operation Battle Management Language" $50,000. October 2004 - April 2005
- Tolk, A. "Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework - Core Team Efforts" $85,000. January 2004 - December 2004
- Tolk, A. "Experiment Command & Control Interface (XC2I) - Support of Joint Urban Operations" $170,000. January 2004 - October 2004
- Tolk, A. "Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework - Technical Support" $30,000. March 2004 - July 2004
- Tolk, A. "Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework - Command and Control Support" $80,000. June 2003 - December 2003
- Tolk, A. "Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework - Web based Federation Viewer" $150,000. June 2003 - December 2003
- Tolk, A. "Concept Development for Joint Transformation Databases for Initialization of Heterogeneous Simulation Environments" $150,000. May 2003 - August 2003
Research Interests
M&S based Systems Engineering
Intelligent Systems Engineering
Interoperability and Composability
- Tolk, A., Richkus, J. A., Shults, F. LeRon. and Wildman, W. J. (2023). Computational Decision Support for Socio-Technical Awareness of Land-Use Planning under Complexity—A Dam Resilience Planning Case Study. Land 12 (5) , pp. 952.
- Tolk, A., Rouse, W. B., Pires, B. S., C, C. Jon. and Diallo, S. (2023). Applicability of Artificial Societies to Evaluate Health Care Policies. Simulation in Healthcare.
- Byrne, R., Davis, N., Gupta, R., Santago, A. and Tolk, A. (2023). Developing a Modeling Capability supporting Blast Injury Experts: Applicability of Concepts of the Defense M&S Domain. Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation.
- Corrado, C. R., DeLong, S. M., Holt, E. G., Hua, E. Y. and Tolk, A. (2022). Combining Green Metrics and Digital Twins for Sustainability Planning and Governance of Smart Buildings and Cities. Sustainability 14 (20) , pp. 12988.
- Tolk, A. (2022). Simulation-Based Optimization: Implications of Complex Adaptive Systems and Deep Uncertainty. Information 13 , pp. 469.
- Handley, H. and Tolk, A. (2022). Human focused metrics for enterprise readiness levels. Int. J. System of Systems Engineering 12 (3) , pp. 201-215.
- Barry, P., Doskey, S., Handley, H., Tolk, A. and Wijesinghe, S. (2022). Digital collaborators for complex systems development: a research agenda. Int. J. System of Systems Engineering 12 (2) , pp. 103-113.
- Tolk, A., Barry, P. and Doskey, S. C. (2021). Using modeling and simulation and artificial intelligence to improve complex adaptive systems engineering. International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing.
- Tolk, A., Glazner, C. and Ungerleider, J. (2021). Computational Decision Support for the COVID-19 Healthcare Coalition. Computing in Science \& Engineering 23 (1) , pp. 17--24.
- Tolk, A., Harper, A. and Mustafee, N. (2021). Hybrid models as transdisciplinary research enablers. European Journal of Operational Research 291 (3) , pp. 1075--1090.
- Rosen, S., Horinek, K. and Tolk, A. (2020). A Game Theory Approach and Application for Government Acquisition. Acquisition Research Program.
- Katina, P. F., Tolk, A., Keating, C. B. and Joiner, K. F. (2020). Modelling and simulation in complex system governance. International Journal of System of Systems Engineering 10 (3) , pp. 262--292.
- Wildman, W. J.., Diallo, S. Y., Hodulik, G., Page, A., Tolk, A. and Gondal, N. (2020). The Artificial University: Decision Support for Universities in the COVID-19 Era. Complexity 2020 (5910209) , pp. 1--10.
- Tolk, A., Katina, P. F., Rainville, A. and Selby, J. (2020). Towards a framework for enterprise-wide operational agility in complex environments. International Journal of System of Systems Engineering 10 (2) , pp. 91--107.
- Tolk, A., Wildman, W. J., Schults, F. and Diallo, S. Y. (2018). Human Simulation as the Lingua Franca for Computational Social Sciences and Humanities: Potential and Pitfalls. Journal of Cognition and Culture 18 (5) , pp. 462-482.
- Taylor, S. J E., Kahn, A., Morse, K. L., Tolk, A., Yilmaz, L., Zander, J. and Mosterman, P. J. (2015). Grand Challenges for Modeling and Simulation: Simulation Everywhere - From Cyberinfrastructure to Clouds to Citizens. Simulation: Transactions of the SCS 91 , pp. 648-665.
- Garcia, J. J. and Tolk, A. (2015). Executable Architectures in Executable Context enabling Fit-for-Purpose and Portfolio Assessment. Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation 12 (2) , pp. 91-107.
- Diallo, S. Y., Padilla, J., Gore, R., Herencia-Zapana, H. and Tolk, A. (2014). Toward a formalism of modeling and simulation using model theory. Complexity 19 (3) , pp. 56–63.
- Hoyland, C. A.., M. Adams, K., Tolk, A. and D. Xu, L. (2014). The RQ-Tech methodology: a new paradigm for conceptualizing strategic enterprise architectures. Journal of Management Analytics 1 (1) , pp. 55-77.
- Johnson, J. J., Tolk, A. and Sousa-Poza, A. (2013). A Theory of emergence and entropy in systems of systems. Procedia Computer Science 20 , pp. 283–289.
- Tolk, A., Miller, G. T., Cross, A. E., Maestri, J. and Cawrse, B. (2013). AIMS: Applying Game Technology To Advance Medical Education. Computing in Science & Engineering 15 (6) , pp. 82–91.
- Tolk, A., Bair, L. J. and Diallo, S. (2013). Extending the Levels of Conceptual Interoperability Models towards an Interoperability Maturity Model. Journal for Defense Modeling and Simulation 10 (2) , pp. 145-160.
- Blount, E., Ringleb, S. I., Tolk, A., Bailey, M. and Onate, J. (2013). Incorporation of Physical Fitness in a Tactical Infantry Simulation. Journal for Defense Modeling and Simulation 10 (3) , pp. 234-245.
- Hughes, T. and Tolk, A. (2013). Orchestrating systems engineering processes and system architectures within DOD: A discussion of the potentials of DoDAF. Journal of Reliability, Maintainability, & Supportability in Systems Engineering , pp. 13–19.
- Tolk, A., Bair, L. Jean. and Diallo, S. Y. (2013). Supporting network enabled capability by extending the levels of conceptual interoperability model to an interoperability maturity model. The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation 10 (2) , pp. 145–160.
- Tolk, A., Diallo, S. Y., Padilla, J. and Herencia-Zapana, H. (2013). Reference Modeling in support of M&S–Foundations and Applications. Journal of Simulation 7 (2) , pp. 69-82.
- Tolk, A., Diallo, S. Y., Padilla, J. and Turnitsa, C. D. (2012). How is M&S Interoperability different from other Interoperability Domains?. M&S Journal , pp. 5–14.
- Deller, S., Rabadi, G., Tolk, A. and Bowling, S. R. (2012). Organizing for improved effectiveness in networked operations. Military Operations Research 17 (1) , pp. 5–16.
- Tolk, A. (2012). What are the characteristics of a scholar. SCS M&S Magazine 2 , pp. 54–58.
- Tolk, A. and Smith, B. (2011). Editorial to the Special Issue on Command and Control Ontology. Int. J. Intelligent Defence Support Systems 4 (3) , pp. 209.
- Tolk, A. and Miller, J. A. (2011). Enhancing simulation composability and interoperability using conceptual/semantic/ontological models. Journal of Simulation 5 (3) , pp. 133–134.
- Diallo, S. Y., Padilla, J. J. and Tolk, A. (2011). Do We Need M&S Science. SCS M&S Magazine 2 (4) , pp. 161-166.
- van der Zee, D., Tolk, A., Pidd, M., Kotiadis, K. and Tako, A. A. (2011). Education on Conceptual Modeling for Simulation – Beyond the Craft: A Summary of a Recent Expert Panel Discussion. SCS M&S Magazine 2 (2) , pp. 93-102.
- Blount, E. M., Ringleb, S. I. and Tolk, A. (2011). Challenges when using real-world bio-data to calibrate simulation systems.. Advances in experimental medicine and biology 696 , pp. 709-716.
- Tolk, A. and Aaron, R. D. (2010). Addressing challenges of transferring explicit knowledge, information, and data in large heterogeneous organizations: A case example from a data-rich integration project at the US army test and evaluation command. Engineering Management Journal 22 (2) , pp. 44–55.
- Tolk, A. and Kunde, D. (2010). Decision Support Systems-Technical Prerequisites and Military Requirements. arXiv preprint arXiv:1011.5661.
- Tolk, A. (2010). Functional categories of support to operations in military information systems. arXiv preprint arXiv:1011.6670.
- Haltiwanger, G., Landaeta, R., Pinto, C. Ariel. and Tolk, A. (2010). Understanding the relationship between Risk Management and Knowledge Management: a literature review and extension. International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies 4 (3) , pp. 281–300.
- Tolk, A. (2010). Using the C4ISR Architecture Framework as a Tool to Facilitate VV&A for Simulation Systems within the Military Application Domain. arXiv preprint arXiv:1011.5656.
- Tolk, A. (2010). M&S Body of Knowledge: Progress Report and Look Ahead. SCS M&S Magazine 1 (3).
- Tolk, A. and Aaron, R. D. (2010). Data Engineering for Data-Rich Integration Projects: Case Studies Addressing the Challenges of Knowledge Transfer. Engineering Management Journal 22 (2) , pp. 44-55.
- Numrich, S. K. and Tolk, A. (2010). Challenges for Human, Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Modeling. SCS M&S Magazine 1 (1).
- Deller, S. T., Bell, M. I., Bowling, S. R., Rabadi, G. and Tolk, A. (2009). Applying the Information Age Combat Model: Quantitative Analysis of Network Centric Operations. International Journal for Command and Control 3 (1).
- Hester, P. T. and Tolk, A. (2009). Using Lanchester Equations for Sequential Battle Prediction Enabling Better Military Decision Support. Int. J. Intelligent Defense Support Systems 2 (2) , pp. 76-90.
- Tolk, A., Rabadi, G. and Merino, D. N. (2009). Embedding simulation education into the engineering management body of knowledge. Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling 5 (1) , pp. 14-19.
- Tolk, A. (2008). Ontology driven interoperability for agile applications, using information systems: Requirements and applications for agent mediated decision support. Intelligent Decision Technologies 2 (1) , pp. 1–2.
- Landaeta, R., Tolk, A., Kewley, R. and Litwin, T. (2008). A Systems Engineering Process for driving System of Systems Development with Operational Requirements. American Society for Engineering Management 2008 Annual Conference.
- Tolk, A., Diallo, S. Y. and Turnitsa, C. D. (2007). Applying the Levels of Conceptual Interoperability Model in Support of Integratability, Interoperability, and Composability for System-of-Systems Engineering. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics 5 (5/IIIS) , pp. 65-74.
- Turnitsa, C. D., Tolk, A. and Blais, C. (2007). Filling the Ontology Space for Coalition Battle Management Language.
- Galvin, K., Hieb, M., Tolk, A., Blais, C. and Montgromery, J. (2006). Coalition battle management language (C-BML) study group final report.
- Tolk, A., Turnitsa, C. D. and Diallo, S. Y. (2006). Ontological Implications of the Levels of Conceptual Interoperability Model.
- Muguira, J. and Tolk, A. (2006). Applying a Methodology to identify Structural Variances in Interoperations. Journal for Defense Modeling & Simulation (JDMS) 3 (2) , pp. 77-93.
- Tolk, A., Diallo, S. Y., Turnitsa, C. D. and Winters, L. S. (2006). Composable M&S Web Services for Net-centric Applications. Journal for Defense Modeling & Simulation (JDMS) 3 (1) , pp. 27-44.
- Tolk, A. (2005). An Agent-based Decision Support System Architecture for the Military Domain. Intelligent decision support systems in agent-mediated environments 115 , pp. 187–205.
- Tolk, A., Hieb, M., Galvin, K., Khimeche, L. and Pullen, M. (2005). C-BML to enable Interoperability between Operation CIS and Simulations in support of Training and Mission Rehearsal.
- Blais, C. L., Turnitsa, C. D. and Tolk, A. (2005). C2IEDM for the GIG: A Tutorial.
- Hieb, M., Galvin, M. Kevin., Tolk, A., Turnitsa, C. D. and Blais, C. (2005). Report from the Coalition Battle Management Language Study Group.
- Tolk, A. and Blais, C. (2005). Taxonomies, Ontologies, Battle Management Languages-Recommendations for the Coalition BML Study Group.
- Pullen, M. J., Brunton, R., Brutzman, D., Drake, D., Hieb, M., Morse, K. and Tolk, A. (2005). Using Web Services to Integrate Heterogeneous Simulations in a Grid Environment. Journal on Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS) 21 , pp. 97-106.
- Tolk, A. and Diallo, S. Y. (2005). Model-Based Data Engineering for Web Services. IEEE Internet Computing 9 (4) , pp. 65-70.
- Tolk, A. (2004). Preface to Special Issue on Military Simulation Systems and Command and Control Systems Interoperability. Simulation 80 (12) , pp. 645–645.
- Tolk, A. (2003). Common Data Administration, Data Management, and Data Alignment as a Necessary Requirement for Coupling C4ISR Systems and M&S. Information and Security 12 (2) , pp. 164-174.
- Tolk, A. and Kunde, D. (2003). Decision support systems in the military environment. Innovations in decision support systems, International Series on Advanced Intelligence, Advanced Knowledge International, Magill, Adelaide, Australia , pp. 175–210.
- Brutzman, D. and Tolk, A. (2003). Joint Synthetic Battlespace Analysis of Technical Approaches (ATA) Studies & Prototyping.
- Ameyugo, G., Brooks, P., Burrows, G., Coppieters, D., Dompke, U., Igarza, J., Jacobs, R., Schmidt, W. and Tolk, A. (2003). Simulation of and for military decision making.
- Tolk, A. and Muguira, J. (2003). The levels of conceptual interoperability model. Proceedings of the 2003 Fall Simulation Interoperability Work 7.
- Tolk, A. (2002). Avoiding another green elephant-a proposal for the next generation HLA based on the Model Driven Architecture. arXiv:1011.6671.
- Tolk, A. (2002). Model Scheme A Good Fit for C4ISR. COTS Journal [87], October.
- Dompke, U. KJ. and Tolk, A. (1999). On a Modular Concept for Command and Control in Simulation Models. Modelling and Analysis of Command and Control , pp. 5.
- Tolk, A. (1995). Multilevel fuzzy controllers: a new family of controllers for vague, uncertain, and stochastic modelling in simulation. Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation 18 , pp. 397–400.
- Tolk, A. (1995). Multi Level Fuzzy Controllers - a new family for vague, uncertain and stochastic modeling and simulation. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Systems Analysis , pp. 397-400.
- Ören, T., Zeigler, B. P. and Tolk, A. (2023). Body of Knowledge for Modeling and Simulation - A Handbook by the Society of Modeling and Simulation International. Springer Nature.
- Turnitsa, C. D., Blais, C. L. and Tolk, A. (2022). Simulation and Wargaming. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Handley, H. and Tolk, A. (2020). A Framework of Human Systems Engineering: Applications and Case Studies. John Wiley \& Sons.
- Mittal, S., Diallo, S. Y. and Tolk, A. (2018). Emergent Behavior in Complex Systems Engineering: A Modeling and Simulation Approach. John Wiley & Sons.
- Tolk, A., Fowler, J., Shao, G. and Yucesan, E. (2017). Advances in Modeling and Simulation: Seminal Research from 50 Years of Winter Simulation Conferences. Springer International Publishing.
- Tolk, A. and Ören , T. (2017). The Profession of Modeling and Simulation: Discipline, Ethics, Education, Vocation, Societies, and Economics. Wiley.
- Rainey, L. and Tolk, A. (2015). Modeling and simulation support for system of systems engineering applications. John Wiley & Sons.
- Gianni, D., D'Ambrogio, A. and Tolk, A. (2014). Modeling and Simulation based Systems Engineering Handbook. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
- Tolk, A. (2012). Ontology, Epistemology, and Teleology for Modeling and Simulation: Philosophical Foundations for Intelligent M&S Applications. Springer.
- Tolk, A. and Jain, L. C . (2011). Intelligence-based Systems Engineering. Springer.
- Tolk, A. and Jain, L. C.. (2009). Complex Systems in Knowledge-based Environments: Theory, Models and Applications. Springer.
- Tolk, A. (1995). Zur Reduktion struktureller Varianzen - Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz in geschlossenen Gefechtssimulationsmodellen. Pro Universitate Verlag.
Book Chapters
- Tolk, A., Frank, M. M. and Mahdavi, A. (2023). Simulation The Engineering Management Handbook American Society of Engineering Management.
- Tolk, A. (2020). A Research Agenda for Human Systems Engineering A Framework of Human Systems Engineering: Applications and Case Studies (pp. 259--269) John Wiley \& Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ, USA.
- Tolk, A. (2020). Composability Challenges for Effective Cyber Physical Systems Applications in the Domain of Cloud, Edge, and Fog Computing Simulation for Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering (pp. 25--42) Springer.
- Tolk, A., Diallo, S. Y. and Mittal, S. (2018). Complex Systems Engineering and the Challenge of Emergence Emergent Behavior in Complex Systems Engineering: A Modeling and Simulation Approach (pp. 79-97) Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Diallo, S. Y., Mittal, S. and Tolk, A. (2018). Research Agenda for Next-Generation Complex Systems Engineering Emergent Behavior in Complex Systems Engineering: A Modeling and Simulation Approach (pp. 379-397) Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Durak, U., Oren, T. and Tolk, A. (2017). An Index to the Body of Knowledge of Simulation Systems Engineering The Profession of Modeling and Simulation (pp. 11-33) Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
- Tolk, A. (2017). An Introduction to the Facets of the Profession of Modeling and Simulation The Profession of Modeling and Simulation (pp. 3-9) Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
- Tolk, A. (2017). Code of Ethics The Profession of Modeling and Simulation (pp. 35-51) Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
- Tolk, A., Glazner, C. and Pitsko, R. (2017). Simulation-based Systems Engineering Guide to Simulation-Based Disciplines - Advancing Our Computational Future (pp. 75-102) Springer International Publishing.
- Tolk, A. (2017). Multidisciplinary, Interdisciplinary, and Transdisciplinary Federations in Support of New Medical Simulation Concepts: Harmonics for the Music of Life Computational Frameworks London: Elsevier/ISTE Press.
- Tolk, A. (2016). Multidisciplinary, Interdisciplinary, and Transdisciplinary Research The Digital Patient (pp. 225-240) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Tolk, A., Miller, G. T.., Gendron, G. R.. and Cawrse, B. (2015). Evaluation-Based Design Principles Serious Games Analytics (pp. 255-272) Springer International Publishing.
- Tolk, A. (2015). Learning Something Right from Models That Are Wrong: Epistemology of Simulation Concepts and Methodologies for Modeling and Simulation (pp. 87-106) Springer International Publishing.
- Tolk, A. (2015). Merging two worlds: agent-based simulation methods for autonomous systems Autonomous Systems: Issues for Defence Policymakers (pp. 289–315) NATO Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, Norfolk VA.
- Tolk, A. (2015). Modeling and Simulation Interoperability Concepts for Multidisciplinarity, Interdisciplinarity, and Transdisciplinarity – Implications for Computational Intelligence Enabling Autonomous Systems Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems (pp. 60-74) Springer International Publishing.
- Rainey, L. B.. and Tolk, A. (2015). Overview and Introduction to Modeling and Simulation Support for System of Systems Engineering Applications Modeling and Simulation Support for System of Systems Engineering Applications (pp. 1-9) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Tolk, A. and Rainey, L. B.. (2015). Toward a Research Agenda for M&S Support of System of Systems Engineering Modeling and Simulation Support for System of Systems Engineering Applications (pp. 581-592) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Deller, S., Tolk, A., Rabadi, G. and Bowling, S. R. (2014). Improving C2 Effectiveness Based on Robust Connectivity Network Topology in Command and Control: Organization, Operation, and Evolution (pp. 176–190) IGI Global.
- Tolk, A. (2014). Infranomics Simulation: Supporting System of Systems Understanding by Gaming Infranomics (pp. 215–221) Springer International Publishing.
- Gianni, D., D’Ambrogio, A. and Tolk, A. (2014). Introduction to the modeling and simulation-based systems engineering handbook. Modeling and Simulation-Based Systems Engineering Handbook (pp. 1–10).
- Diallo, S. Y., Tolk, A., Gore, R. and Padilla, J. (2014). Modeling and simulation framework for systems engineering Modeling and simulation-based systems engineering handbook (pp. 377–400) CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group.
- Tolk, A. and Hughes, T. (2014). Systems engineering, architecture, and simulation Modeling and simulation-based systems engineering handbook (pp. 11–41) CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group.
- Diallo, S. Y., Padilla, J., Bozkurt, I. and Tolk, A. (2013). Modeling and simulation as a theory building paradigm Ontology, Epistemology, and Teleology for Modeling and Simulation (pp. 193–206) Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Tolk, A. (2013). Truth, Trust, and Turing–Implications for Modeling and Simulation (pp. 1–26) Ontology, Epistemology, and Teleology for Modeling and Simulation.
- Bharathy, G., Yilmaz, L. and Tolk, A. (2012). Agent directed simulation for combat modeling and distributed simulation Engineering Principles of Combat Modeling and Distributed Simulation (pp. 669–713) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Tolk, A. (2012). Applicable Codes of Ethics Engineering Principles of Combat Modeling and Distributed Simulation (pp. 25–32) John Wiley & Sons.
- Tolk, A. (2012). Challenges of Distributed Simulation Engineering Principles of Combat Modeling and Distributed Simulation (pp. 185–208) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Tolk, A. (2012). Epilogue–Modeling and Simulation as a Humble Approach (pp. 359) Ontology, Epistemology, and Teleology for Modeling and Simulation: Philosophical Foundations for Intelligent M&S Applications.
- Tolk, A. (2012). Integration of M&S Solutions into the Operational Environment Engineering Principles of Combat Modeling and Distributed Simulation (pp. 295–327) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Tolk, A. (2012). Modeling Sensing Engineering Principles of Combat Modeling and Distributed Simulation (pp. 127–144) John Wiley & Sons.
- Tolk, A. (2012). Scenario Elements Engineering Principles of Combat Modeling and Distributed Simulation (pp. 79–92) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Tolk, A. (2012). Standards for distributed simulation (pp. 209–241) Engineering Principles of Combat Modeling and Distributed Simulation.
- Tolk, A. (2012). Terms and Application Domains Engineering Principles of Combat Modeling and Distributed Simulation (pp. 55–78) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Tolk, A. (2012). The NATO Code of Best Practice for Command and Control Assessment Engineering Principles of Combat Modeling and Distributed Simulation (pp. 33–53) John Wiley & Sons.
- Tolk, A. (2012). Verification and Validation Engineering Principles of Combat Modeling and Distributed Simulation (pp. 263–294) John Wiley & Sons.
- Blount, E., Ringleb, S. I. and Tolk, A. (2011). Challenges when Using Real-world Bio-Data to Calibrate Simulation Systems Software Tools and Algorithms for Biological Systems (pp. 709-716) Heidelberg: Springer Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology.
- Tolk, A., Adams, K. M. and Keating, C. B. (2011). Towards Intelligence-based Systems Engineering and System of Systems Engineering (pp. 1-22) Heidelberg: Springer Intelligent Systems Reference Library.
- Tolk, A., Diallo, S. Y., King, R. D., Turnitsa, C. D. and Padilla, J. (2010). Conceptual Modeling for Composition of Model-based Complex Systems Conceptual Modeling for Discrete-Event Simulation CRC Press.
- Tolk, A. (2010). Simulation The Engineering Management Handbook American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM) Press.
- Tolk, A. (2010). Interoperability and Composability Modeling and Simulation Fundamentals: Theoretical Underpinnings and Practical Domains (pp. 403-433) John Wiley.
- Tolk, A., Diallo, S. Y., King, R. and Turnitsa, C. D. (2009). A layered approach to composition and interoperation in complex systems (pp. 41–74) Complex systems in knowledge-based environments: Theory, models and applications.
- Tolk, A. and Jain, L. (2009). An Introduction to Complex Systems in the Knowledge-Based Environment (pp. 1–6) Complex Systems in Knowledge-based Environments: Theory, Models and Applications.
- Tolk, A., Madhavan, P., Jain, L. C. and Tweedale, J. W. (2009). Agents and Decision Support Systems Agent-directed Simulation and Systems Engineering (pp. 339-431) Berlin: Springer.
- Tolk, A. and Uhrmacher, A. M. (2009). Agents: Agenthood, Agent Architectures, and Agent Taxonomies Agent-directed Simulation and Systems Engineering (pp. 75-109) Berlin: Springer.
- Tolk, A. (2009). Using Simulation Systems for Decision Support (pp. 317-336) Hershey - New York: Information Science Reference (IGI).
- Yilmaz, L. and Tolk, A. (2008). A Unifying Multi-model Taxonomy and Architecture for Agent-based Decision-Support (pp. 193-226) Intelligent Decision Making: An AI-Based Approach, SCI 97/ Springer.
- Yilmaz, L. and Tolk, A. (2008). A unifying multimodel taxonomy and agent-supported multisimulation strategy for decision-support (pp. 193–226) Intelligent Decision Making: An AI-Based Approach.
- Tolk, A. and Diallo, S. Y. (2008). Model-based Data Engineering for Web Services (pp. 137-161) Evolution of the Web in Artificial Intelligence Environment, SCI 130.
- Pullen, M., Brunton, R., Brutzman, D., Drake, D., Hieb, M., Morse, K. and Tolk, A. (2004). Using Web Services to Integrate Heterogeneous Simulations in a Grid Environment (pp. 835-847) Kraków: Computational Science - ICCS 2004: 4th International Conference/Springer-Verlag Heidelberg Press.
- Tolk, A. (2003). Decision Support Systems in the Military Environment”, Chapter 6 in Innovations in Decision Support Systems (pp. 175-210) Adelaide: International Series on Advanced Intelligence, Advanced Knowledge International/Magill Press.
- Tolk, A. (2002). NATO’s Code of Best Practice for C2 Assessment Washington D.C.: NATO Expert Group for Command and Control Assessment (NATO SAS-026)/ CCRP Press.
- Hofmann, H. W., Schnurer, R. and Tolk, A. (1993). On the Impact of Combat Support Systems on Military Stability: Design and Results of Simulation Experiments with the Closed Division/Corps Combat Simulation Model KOSMOS (pp. 181-205) Baden-Baden : Nomos-Verlag.
Conference Proceeding
- Tolk, A., Dinh, K., Comer, K. and Scott, S. (2020). Exploratory Analysis to Address Deep Uncertainty--Using Calibratable System Models for Exploratory Simulation of Complex Missions 2020 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim) (pp. 1--11).
- Hill, R. R., Tolk, A., Hodson, D. D. and Millar, J. R. (2018). Open Challenges in Building Combat Simulation Systems to Support Test, Analysis and Training (pp. 3730-3741) Piscataway, NJ: Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference.
- Tolk, A. (2018). The Elusiveness of Simulation Interoperability – What is different from other Interoperability Domains? (pp. 679-690) Piscataway, NJ: Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference.
- Tolk, A., Page III, E. and Mittal, S. (2018). Hybrid Simulation for Cyber Physical Systems - State of the Art and a Literature Review (pp. 122-133) Proceedings of the Spring Simulation Multiconference.
- Uhrmacher, A. M.., Brailsford, S., Liu, J., Rabe, M. and Tolk, A. (2016). Panel — Reproducible research in discrete event simulation — A must or rather a maybe? 2016 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) IEEE.
- Tolk, A. (2016). Tutorial on the engineering principles of combat modeling and distributed simulation 2016 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) IEEE.
- Tolk, A., Dandashi, F., Haberlin, R. and Chin, S. P. (2016). Immersive visualization and course-of-action simulation: towards a decision support simulation system for data driven businesses Proceedings of the 49th Annual Simulation Symposium (pp. 19).
- Tolk, A. (2016). Stability and Sensitivity Measures for Solutions in Complex, Intelligent, Adaptive and Autonomous Systems Modeling and Simulation of Complexity in Intelligent, Adaptive and Autonomous Systems (MSCIAAS) Spring Simulation Multi-Conference.
- Robinson, S., Arbez, G., Birta, L. G.., Tolk, A. and Wagner, G. (2015). Conceptual modeling: Definition, purpose and benefits 2015 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) IEEE.
- Tolk, A., Balci, O., Combs, C. Donald., Fujimoto, R., Macal, C. M.., Nelson, B. L.. and Zimmerman, P. (2015). Do we need a national research agenda for Modeling And Simulation? 2015 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) IEEE.
- Mustafee, N., Powell, J., Brailsford, S. C.., Diallo, S. Y., Padilla, J. and Tolk, A. (2015). Hybrid simulation studies and Hybrid Simulation systems: Definitions, challenges, and benefits 2015 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) IEEE.
- Brown, B., Mittal, S., Tolk, A. and Arafat, S. (2015). Building the virtual product with big models Proceedings of the Conference on Summer Computer Simulation (pp. 1–6).
- Tolk, A., Haase, M. D. and Bricio, J. (2015). Ontological Support to address the Multi-Dimensionality of Complex Systems Engineering Challenges MODSIM World Conference.
- Tolk, A. (2015). The Next Generation of Modeling & Simulation: Integrating Big Data and Deep Learning Summer Simulation Multiconference.
- Roca, R., Pace, D., Robinson, S., Tolk, A. and Yilmaz, L. (2015). Paradigms for Conceptual Modeling Spring Simulation Multi-Conference.
- Fishwick, P., Brailsford, S., Taylor, S. J.., Tolk, A. and Uhrmacher, A. (2014). Modeling for everyone: Emphasizing the role of modeling in stem education Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference 2014 IEEE.
- Tolk, A. and Mittal, S. (2014). A necessary paradigm change to enable composable cloud-based M&S services Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference (pp. 356–366).
- Tolk, A., Heath, B. L., Ihrig, M., Padilla, J., Page, E. H., Suarez, E. Dante., Szabo, C., Weirich, P. and Yilmaz, L. (2013). Epistemology of Modeling and Simulation Winter Simulation Conference (pp. 1152–1166).
- Johnson, H. E. and Tolk, A. (2013). Evaluating the applicability of cloud computing enterprises in support of the next generation of modeling and simulation architectures Proceedings of the Military Modeling & Simulation Symposium (pp. 4).
- Taylor, S. JE., Khan, A., Morse, K. L., Tolk, A., Yilmaz, L. and Zander, J. (2013). Grand challenges on the theory of modeling and simulation Proceedings of the Symposium on Theory of Modeling & Simulation-DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium (pp. 34).
- Tolk, A. and Johnson, IV, J. J. (2013). Implementing antifragiles: systems that get better under change American Society for Engineering Management 2013 International Annual Conference.
- Tolk, A. (2013). Interoperability, composability, and their implications for distributed simulation: Towards mathematical foundations of simulation interoperability Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/ACM 17th International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (pp. 3–9).
- Padilla, J., Tolk, A. and Diallo, S. Y. (2013). M&S methodological challenges Proceedings of the Emerging M&S Applications in Industry & Academia/Modeling and Humanities Symposium (pp. 10).
- Lynch, C., Diallo, S. Y. and Tolk, A. (2013). Representing the ballistic missile defense system using agent-based modeling Proceedings of the Military Modeling & Simulation Symposium (pp. 3).
- Bair, L. Jean. and Tolk, A. (2013). Towards a Unified Theory of Validation Winter Simulation Conference (pp. 1245–1256).
- Tolk, A. and Turnitsa, C. D. (2012). Conceptual modeling with processes Winter Simulation Conference (pp. 2641–2653).
- Tolk, A., Cayirci, E., Shumaker, R., Adam, N. R., Pickl, S., Sullivan, J. A. and Waite, W. F. (2012). Defense and security applications of modeling and simulation-grand challenges and current efforts Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference (pp. 210).
- Tolk, A., Diallo, S. Y., Padilla, J. and Gore, R. (2012). Epistemology of Modeling and Simulation: How can we gain Knowledge from Simulations? MODSIM.
- Tolk, A., Diallo, S. Y. and Padilla, J. (2012). Semiotics, entropy, and interoperability of simulation systems: mathematical foundations of M&S standardization Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference (pp. 243).
- Collins, A., Meyr, D., Sherfey, S., Tolk, A. and Petty, M. (2012). The Value of Modeling and Simulation Standards SCS Autumn Simulation Conference.
- Loper, M. L., Diem, J. W., Henninger, A., Petty, M. D. and Tolk, A. (2011). Educating the Workforce: M&S Professional Education Winter Simulation Conference (pp. 3968-3978) Phoenix, AZ: IEEE/ACM/SCS.
- Tolk, A., Diallo, S. Y., Padilla, J. J. and Herencia-Zapana, H. (2011). Model Theoretic Implications for Agent Languages in Support of Interoperability and Composability Winter Simulation Conference (pp. 309-320) Phoenix, AZ: IEEE/ACM/SCS.
- Tolk, A., Balci, O., Diallo, S. Y., Fishwick, P., Hu, X., Loper, M. L., Petty, M. D., Reynolds, P., Sarjoughian, H. and Zeigler, B. P. (2011). Towards a Methodological Approach to Identify Future M&S Standard Needs Winter Simulation Conference (pp. 2980-2997) Phoenix, AZ: IEEE/ACM/SCS.
- Diallo, S. Y., Tolk, A., Graff, J. and Barraco, A. (2011). Using the Levels of Conceptual Interoperability Model and Model-based Data Engineering to Develop a Modular Interoperability Framework Winter Simulation Conference (pp. 2576-2586) Phoenix, AZ: IEEE/ACM/SCS.
- Tolk, A. (2011). Levels of Conceptual Interoperability and the Quest for Common Understanding Symposium on Semantic and Domain-based Interoperability and Semantic Interoperability Framework Oslo: NATO RTO.
- Tolk, A., Diallo, S. Y. and Padilla, J. J. (2011). Interoperability Standards for Medical Simulation Systems MODSIM World 2011 Conference and Expo Virginia Beach, VA:.
- Landaeta, R., Viscardi, S. and Tolk, A. (2011). Strategic Management of Scrum Projects: An Organizational Learning Perspective IEEE International Technology Management Conference (pp. 651-656) San Jose, CA: IEEE Press.
- Turnitsa, C. D. and Tolk, A. (2011). A Taxonomy for Conceptual Models Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop IEEE CS Press.
- Pinto, C. Ariel., Tolk, A. and McShane, M. K. (2011). Emerging M&S Application in Risk Management Spring Simulation Multiconference, Emerging M&S Applications in Industry and Academia (pp. 92-96) Boston, MA: SCS.
- Tolk, A., Diallo, S. Y., Padilla, J. J. and Turnitsa, C. D. (2011). How is M&S Interoperability different from other Interoperability Domains? Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop IEEE CS Press.
- Turnitsa, C. D., Andrew, E. . and Tolk, A. (2011). Software Reuse for Modeling and Simulation Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop IEEE CS Press.
- Diallo, S. Y., Herencia-Zapana, H., Padilla, J. J. and Tolk, A. (2011). Understanding Interoperability Spring Simulation Multiconference, Emerging M&S Applications in Industry and Academia (pp. 84-91) Boston, MA: SCS.
- Tolk, A., Davis, P. K., Huiskamp, W., Schaub, H., Klein, G. L. and Wall, J. A. (2010). Challenges of Human, Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Modeling (HSCB): How to Approach them Systematically? (pp. 912-924) Winter Simulation Conference, IEEE.
- Balci, O., Pidd, M., Tolk, A., Elder, M., van der Zee, D. and Kotiadis, K. (2010). Education on Conceptual Modeling (pp. 290-304) Winter Simulation Conference, IEEE.
- Turnitsa, C. D., Diallo, S. Y., Padilla, J. J. and Tolk, A. (2010). Ontology for Modeling and Simulation (pp. 643-651) Winter Simulation Conference, IEEE.
- Tolk, A. and Diallo, S. Y. (2010). Using a Formal Approach to Simulation Interoperability to Specify Languages for Ambassador Agents (pp. 359-370) Winter Simulation Conference, IEEE.
- Tolk, A. (2010). Human Social Cultural and Behavioral (HSCB) Modeling Challenges Winter Simulation Conference.
- Deller, S., Rabadi, G., Bell, M. I., Bowling, S. R. and Tolk, A. (2010). Modeling the Information Age Combat Model: An Agent-Based Simulation of Network Centric Operations MODSIM.
- van der Zee, D., Kotiadis, K., Tako, A. A., Pidd, M., Balci, O., Tolk, A. and Elder, M. (2010). Panel discussion: education on conceptual modeling for simulation-challenging the art Simulation Conference (WSC), Proceedings of the 2010 Winter (pp. 290–304).
- Tolk, A., Huiskamp, W., Schaub, H., Davis, P. K., Klein, G. L. and Wall, J. A. (2010). Towards methodological approaches to meet the challenges of human, social, cultural, and behavioral (HSCB) modeling Simulation Conference (WSC), Proceedings of the 2010 Winter (pp. 912–924).
- Hester, P. T., Tolk, A. and Gadi, S. (2010). Architecture and Schema Development for Filtering in Training Environments Huntsville Simulation Conference, SCS.
- Pinto, C. Ariel., Tolk, A. and Landaeta, R. (2010). Goal Approach to Risk Scenario Identification in Systems Development American Society for Engineering Management Symposium.
- Blount, E., Ringleb, S. I., Tolk, A., Bailey, M. and Onate, J. (2010). Incorporation of Physical Fitness in a Tactical Infantry Simulation Huntsville Simulation Conference, SCS.
- Kady, R. and Tolk, A. (2010). Emergency evacuation modeling: A novel approach to layout designs and evacuation procedures Gaithersburg, MD: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics.
- Tolk, A. (2009). Data Engineering, Process Engineering, and Constraint Engineering for Management of M&S Interoperation enabling Embedded Decision Support Third International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization.
- Garrett, R. B., Tolk, A. and Bacon, T. J. (2009). Exploring effective methods for modeling a comprehensive approach to Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, and Infrastructure (PMESII)/Human, Cultural, Social, and Behavorial (HSCB) community of interest (CoI) Simulation Conference (WSC), Proceedings of the 2009 Winter (pp. 2860–2866).
- Tolk, A. (2009). Transaction-based Definitions and Implementations of Community-of-Interest Languages BML Workshop, C4I Center, GMU, Fairfax Virginia.
- Garrett, R. B., Tolk, A. and Bacon, T. J. (2009). Exploring Effective Methods for Modeling a Comprehensive Approach to Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, and Infrastructure (PMESII) / Human, Cultural, Social, Behavior (HSCB) Community of Interest (COI) (pp. 2860-2866) Austin, TX: Winter Simulation Conference.
- Bacon, T. J., Jones, P., Garrett, R. B. and Tolk, A. (2009). Integration of Psycho-Social Models and Methods in NATO’s Approach to Operations; A Review of NATO Research and Technology Organization (RTO) Systems Analysis Studies (SAS - 074) (pp. 2852-2859) Austin, TX: Winter Simulation Conference.
- Tolk, A. (2009). New M&S Challenges derived from the NATO Research & Technology Organization (RTO) Systems Analysis Studies (SAS-071) Task Group on Analytical Tools for Irregular Warfare (pp. 2844-2851) Austin, TX: Winter Simulation Conference.
- Tolk, A. and Turnitsa, C. D. (2009). An Extended Interoperability Framework for Joint Composability Orlando, FL: Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop.
- Ustun, A., Diallo, S. Y. and Tolk, A. (2009). Applying Model-based Data Engineering to Evaluate the Alignment of Information modeled within JC3IEDM, MSDL, and MATRIX-FOM Orlando, FL: Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop.
- Tolk, A., Blais, C. L., Diallo, S. Y. and Turnitsa, C. D. (2009). Conceptual Requirements for Command and Control Languages Orlando, FL: Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop.
- Turnitsa, C. D., Tolk, A. and Kewley, R. H. (2009). Exploring Primitives of Meaning in Support of Interoperability Orlando, FL: Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop.
- Tolk, A. (2009). Emerging M&S Challenges for Human, Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Modeling Istanbul: Summer Computer Simulation Conference.
- Tolk, A., Turnitsa, C. D., Diallo, S. Y., King, R. D. and Landaeta, R. (2009). Engineering Management for Complex Systems Miami, FL: Proc. of the IERC.
- Winters, L. S. and Tolk, A. (2009). C2 Domain Ontology within our Lifetime Washington, DC: Proc. of the ICCRTS 2009.
- Tolk, A., Landaeta, R., Kewley, R. H. and Litwin, T. G. (2009). Utilizing Strategic Project Management Processes and the NATO Code of Best Practice to Improve Management of Experimentation Events Washington, DC: Proc. of the ICCRTS 2009.
- Kunde, D., Orichel, T., Schade, U., Tolk, A. and Hieb, M. R. (2009). Harmonizing BML Approaches: Grammars and Data Models for a BML Standard San Diego, CA: Proc. of the Spring Simulation Workshop.
- Deller, S., Rabadi, G., Bell, M., Bowling, S. R. and Tolk, A. (2009). Modeling the Information Age Combat Model: An Agent-Based Simulation of Network Centric Operations (pp. 9-15) Proceedings of Modeling and Simulation (MODSIM) World 2009 Conference & Expo.
- Kewley, R. H. and Tolk, A. (2009). A Systems Engineering Process for Development of Federated Simulations San Diego, CA: Proc. of the Spring Simulation Multiconference.
- Wang, W., Tolk, A. and Wang, W. (2009). The Levels of Conceptual Interoperability Model: Applying Systems Engineering Principles to M&S San Diego, CA: Proc. of the Spring Simulation Multiconference.
- Tolk, A., Turnitsa, C. D. and Diallo, S. Y. (2009). Data Engineering and Process Engineering for Management of M&S Interoperation Sharjah: 3rd International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization.
- Turnitsa, C. D. and Tolk, A. (2008). Knowledge Representation and the Dimensions of Multi-Model Relationship Miami, FL: Winter Simulation Conference.
- Tolk, A., Diallo, S. Y. and Turnitsa, C. D. (2008). Mathematical Models towards Self-Organizing Formal Federation Languages based on Conceptual Models of Information Exchange Capabilities Miami, FL: Winter Simulation Conference.
- Yilmaz, L., Davis, P. K., Fishwick, P. A., Hu, X., Miller, J. A., Hybinette, M., Oren, T. I., Reynolds, P., Sarjoughian, H. and Tolk, A. (2008). Panel Discussion: What makes Good Research in Modeling and Simulation: Sustaining the Growth and Vitality of the M&S Discipline Miami, FL: Winter Simulation Conference.
- Tolk, A., Bowen, R. J. and Hester, P. T. (2008). Using Agent Technology to move From Intention-based to Effect-Based Models Miami, FL: Winter Simulation Conference.
- Tolk, A., Litwin, T. G. and Kewley, R. H. (2008). A systems engineering process supporting the development of operational requirements driven federations Proceedings of the 40th Conference on Winter Simulation (pp. 1296–1304).
- Turnitsa, C. D. and Tolk, A. (2008). Knowledge representation and the dimensions of a multi-model relationship Proceedings of the 40th Conference on Winter Simulation (pp. 1148–1156).
- Yilmaz, L., Davis, P., Fishwick, P. A., Hu, X., Miller, J. A., Hybinette, M., Ören, T. I., Reynolds, P., Sarjoughian, H. and Tolk, A. (2008). What makes Good research in Modeling and Simulation - Sustaining the Growth and Vitality of the M&S Discipline Winter Simulation Conference (pp. 677–688).
- Tolk, A. (2008). Triangles of Interoperation Orlando, Florida: ,” Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop.
- Tolk, A. and Diallo, S. (2008). Community-of-Interest (COI) Model-based Languages enabling Composable Net-centric Services Bellevue, WA: Proceedings of the Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium.
- Shuman, E. A. and Tolk, A. (2008). Towards A Holistic Approach to C2 and Combat Simulation Modeling Edinburgh: European Simulation Interoperability Workshop .
- Tolk, A. and Diallo, S. (2008). Strong and Weak Composites for Adaptable Web Languages Newport, RI: Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop.
- Tolk, A., Liebert, K. and Earnest, D. (2008). Using GIS Vector Data to Build Virtual Environments for Agent based Models Ottawa : Agent Directed Simulation (ADS)/ SCS Spring Simulation Conference.
- Tolk, A. and Turnitsa, C. D. (2007). Conceptual Modeling of Information Exchange Requirements based on Ontological Means Washington, DC: Winter Simulation Conference WSC’07.
- Tolk, A., Turnitsa, C. D. and Diallo, S. (2007). Model-Based Alignment and Orchestration of Heterogeneous Homeland Security Applications Enabling Composition of System of Systems Washington, DC: Winter Simulation Conference WSC’07.
- Davis, P. and Tolk, A. (2007). Observations on New Developments in Composability and Multi-Resolution Modeling Washington, DC: Winter Simulation Conference WSC’07 .
- Tolk, A., Diallo, S. Y. and Turnitsa, C. D. (2007). A system view of C-BML 2007 Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop.
- Diallo, S. Y. and Tolk, A. (2007). Adaptive Generative Grammar for JC3IEDM Web Services IEEE Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop.
- Turnitsa, C. D., Diallo, S. and Tolk, A. (2007). Object Models, Messages, Languages The Warfighter Deserves Better Orlando, FL: Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2007 .
- Diallo, S., Tolk, A. and Weisel, E. W. (2007). Simulation Formalisms: Review and Comparison of Existing Definitions of Key Terms Orlando, FL: Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2007.
- Tolk, A., Diallo, S. and Turnitsa, C. D. (2007). Model-Based Data Engineering: Preparing a Paradigm Shift towards Self-Organizing Information Exchange San Diego, CA: Summer Simulation Conference SCSC’07 .
- Pullen, J., Blais, C., Hieb, M. R., Levine, S. and Tolk, A. (2007). Joint Battle Management Language (JBML) – US Contribution to the C-BML PDG and NATO MSG-048 TA Genoa: European Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2007 .
- Banks, C. M., Tolk, A. and McGinnis, M. (2007). Bridging the Virtual Divide: Modeling and Simulation in Liberal Arts Learning Norfolk, VA: Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2007.
- Turnitsa, C. D., Blais, C. L. and Tolk, A. (2007). Filling in the Ontology Space for Coalition Battle Management Language Norfolk, VA: Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2007.
- King, R. D., Diallo, S. and Tolk, A. (2007). How to play fairly: Agents and Web services can help Norfolk, VA: Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2007 .
- Tolk, A., Blais, C., Pullen, J., Hieb, M. R. and Levine, S. (2007). Joint Battle Management Language (JBML) - US Contribution to the C-BML PDG Norfolk, VA: Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2007 .
- Perme, D., Diallo, S., Pandolfo, C., Tedesco, B., Tolk, A. and Tran, H. (2007). Joint Event Data Initialization Services (JEDIS) – Implementing a Service Oriented Architecture for Initialization Norfolk, VA: Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2007.
- Tolk, A. and Boulet, J. L. (2007). Lessons Learned on NATO Experiments on C2/M&S Interoperability Norfolk, VA: Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2007.
- Moya, L. J. and Tolk, A. (2007). Towards a Taxonomy of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (pp. 11-18) Norfolk, VA: Agent Directed Simulation (ADS)/ SCS Spring Simulation Conference.
- Yilmaz, L. and Tolk, A. (2006). Engineering Ab Initio Dynamic Interoperability and Composability via Agent-mediated Introspective Meta-simulation (pp. 1075-1082) Monterey, CA: 2006 Winter Simulation Conference.
- Yilmaz, L. and Tolk, A. (2006). Engineering ab initio dynamic interoperability and composability via agent-mediated introspective simulation Simulation Conference, 2006. WSC 06. Proceedings of the Winter (pp. 1075–1082).
- Tolk, A., Diallo, S. Y. and Turnitsa, C. D. (2006). Merging protocols, grammar, representation, and ontological approaches in support of C-BML 2006 Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop.
- Tolk, A. (2006). Multi-resolution challenges for command and control m&s services Proceedings of the 2006 Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop.
- Winters, L. S., Gorman, M. M. and Tolk, A. (2006). Next generation data interoperability: It’s all about the metadata IEEE Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop.
- Tolk, A., Turnitsa, C. D. and Diallo, S. Y. (2006). Ontological implications of the levels of conceptual interoperability model World Multi-Conference on Systematics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI).
- Tolk, A., Diallo, S. Y. and Turnitsa, C. D. (2006). The Command and Control Information Exchange Data Model (C2IEDM) as a Modeling & Simulation (M&S) Standard.
- Tolk, A., Turnitsa, C. D., Ohlund, G. and Sursal, G. (2006). A Web-Portal Based Approach for Knowledge Networks in Support of the Pathfinder Programme Rome: Proceedings RTA/MSG-045 Conference on “Transforming Training and Experimentation through M&S.
- Winters, L. S., Gorman, M. M. and Tolk, A. (2006). Next Generation Data Interoperability: It’s all about Metadata Orlando, Florida: Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2006.
- Turnitsa, C. D. and Tolk, A. (2006). Ontology Applied - Techniques employing Ontological Representation for M&S Orlando, Florida: Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2006.
- Tolk, A. and Gaskins, R. C. (2006). Challenges and Potential of Service-oriented Architectures for Net-Centric Operations West Point, NY: Proceedings HFM-136 Workshop on “Virtual Media for Military Applications" .
- Snyder, D. and Tolk, A. (2006). Exchanging PMESII Data to Support the Effects-Based Approach San Diego, CA: Proceedings of the Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium (CCRTS).
- Tolk, A. (2006). Pathfinder Integration Environment – Knowledge and Resources Documentation Enabling Efficient Reuse Stockholm: European Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2006 .
- Turnitsa, C. D. and Tolk, A. (2006). With All Your Knowing Get Understanding – Conceptual Interoperability and the Net-Centric Value Chain San Diego, CA: Proceedings of the Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium (CCRTS) .
- Tolk, A. (2006). What comes after the Semantic Web, PADS Implications for the Dynamic Web (pp. 55-62) Singapore: Proceedings of the 20th ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (PADS 2006) .
- Diallo, S., Civinskas, W. and Tolk, A. (2006). An Application Extension for the Military Scenario Description Language Huntsville, AL: Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2006.
- Turnitsa, C. and Tolk, A. (2006). Battle Management Language: A Triangle with Five Sides Huntsville, AL: Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2006 .
- Tolk, A., Diallo, S., Dupigny, K., Sun, B. and Turnitsa, C. D. (2005). A layered web services architecture to adapt legacy systems to the Command & Control Information Exchange Data Model (C2IEDM) IEEE European Simulation Interoperability Workshop.
- Perme, D., Hieb, M., Pullen, J., Sudnikovich, W. and Tolk, A. (2005). Integrating Air and Ground Operations within a Common Battle Management Language IEEE Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Orlando FL.
- Tolk, A. (2005). PATHFINDER - The Way to the Integration Environment for Multi-Purpose Application of Distributed Networked Simulations NATO Modelling and Simulation Group Annual Symposium.
- Tolk, A., Diallo, S. Y., Dupigny, K., Sun, B. and Turnitsa, C. D. (2005). Web Services based on the C2IEDM–Data Mediation and Data Storage Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop, 05S-SIW-019, San Diego, CA.
- Tolk, A. and Pullen, J. (2005). Using Web Services and Data Mediation/Storage Services to Enable Command and Control to Simulation Interoperability Montreal: Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT 2005).
- Sun, B. and Tolk, A. (2005). C2IEDM Data Mediation Service Orlando, FL: Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2005.
- Turnitsa, C. and Tolk, A. (2005). Ontology of the C2IEDM – Further studies to enable Semantic Interoperability Orlando, FL: Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2005.
- Diallo, S., Dupigny, K. and Tolk, A. (2005). Web Services: A Solution for Real Time M&S Data Storage, Retrieval, and Visualization Orlando, FL: Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2005.
- Tolk, A., Hieb, M. R., Galvin, K., Khimeche, L. and Pullen, J. (2005). Developing a Coalition Battle Management Language to facilitate Interoperability between Operation CIS and Simulations in support of Training and Mission Rehearsal McLean, VA: Proceedings of the Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium (CCRTS) .
- Tolk, A. and Turnitsa, C. (2005). Evaluation of the C2IEDM as an Interoperability-Enabling Ontology Toulouse: European Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2005.
- Numrich, S. K., Hieb, M. R. and Tolk, A. (2004). M&S in the GIG Environment: An Expanded View of Distributing Simulation Orlando, Florida: Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Tutorial Paper .
- Tolk, A. and Muguira, J. A. (2004). M&S within the Model Driven Architecture Orlando, Florida: Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC).
- Tolk, A. (2004). XML Mediation Services utilizing Model Based Data Management (pp. 1476-1484) Washington, DC: Proceedings of the 2004 Winter Simulation Conference .
- Tolk, A., Galvin, K., Hieb, M. and Khimeche, L. (2004). Coalition Battle Management Language 2004 Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop.
- Tolk, A. (2004). Composable mission spaces and M&S repositories–applicability of open standards Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Arlington (VA).
- Morse, K. L., Tolk, A., Pullen, J. Mark. and Brutzman, D. (2004). Extensible M&S Framework (XMSF) as an Enabler for NATO M&S NATO M&S Conference on Modelling And Simulation To Address Nato’s New And Existing Military Requirements, Koblenz, Germany.
- Turnitsa, C. D., Kovurri, S., Tolk, A., DeMasi, L., Dobbs, V. and Sudnikovich, W. P. (2004). Lessons Learned from C2IEDM Mappings within XBML Proceedings of Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop.
- Tolk, A. (2004). Moving towards a Lingua Franca for M&S and C3I–Developments concerning the C2IEDM European Simulation Interoperability Workshop (pp. 268–275).
- Morse, K. L., Brunton, R., Pullen, J., McAndrews, P., Tolk, A. and Muguira, J. (2004). An Architecture for Web Services Based Interest Management in Real Time Distributed Simulation (pp. 108-115) Budapest: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT 2004).
- Tolk, A., Hieb, M., Galvin, K. and Khimeche, L. (2004). Merging National Battle Management Language Initiatives for NATO Projects Koblenz: Proceedings RTA/MSG Conference on “M&S to address NATO’s new and existing Military Requirements” .
- Morse, K. L., Tolk, A., Pullen, J. and Brutzman, D. (2004). XMSF as an Enabler for NATO M&S Koblenz : Proceedings RTA/MSG Conference on “M&S to address NATO’s new and existing Military Requirements”.
- Tolk, A. (2004). Metamodels and Mappings – Ending the Interoperability War (pp. 748-761) Orlando, Florida: Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2004.
- Tolk, A. (2004). Operational Modeling &Simulation Services in Military Service-oriented Architectures - A White Paper summarizing related Concepts Quantico, VA: 6th Office of Naval Research (ONR) Conference/Workshop on Decision Support, US Marine Corps Headquarters.
- Tolk, A. and Garcia, J. J. (2004). Model-based Data Management for Mediation Services for Intelligent Software Agents Baden-Baden: Symposium on Intelligent Software Systems for the New Infostructure, 16th International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics (InterSymp-2004) .
- Hieb, M. R., Tolk, A., Sudnikovich, W. P. and Pullen, J. (2004). Developing Extensible Battle Management Language to Enable Coalition Interoperability (pp. 382 – 392) Edinburgh: European Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2004.
- Hieb, M. R., Pullen, J., Sudnikovich, W. P. and Tolk, A. (2004). Extensible Battle Management Language (XBML): A Methodology for Web Enabling Command and Control for Network Centric Warfare San Diego, CA: 2004 Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium .
- Brutzman, D. and Tolk, A. (2004). JSB Composability and Web Services Interoperability via Extensible Modeling & Simulation Framework (XMSF) and Model Driven Architecture (MDA) Orlando,FL: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), Referenced Series: Proceedings of the Conference Enabling Technologies for Simulation Sciences VIII, Defense and Security.
- Tolk, A. (2003). A common framework for military M&S and C4I systems Proceedings of the 2003 Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop.
- Tolk, A. and Hieb, M. R. (2003). Building & integrating M&S components into C4ISR systems for supporting future military operations 2003 Western Multi Conference (WMC’03), International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Simulation (VWSIM’03), Orlando, Florida.
- Daly, J. J. and Tolk, A. (2003). Modeling and simulation integration with network-centric command and control architectures Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop (pp. 1–10).
- Tolk, A. and Muguira, J. A. (2003). The Levels of Conceptual Interoperability Model Proceedings of the 2003 Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop (pp. 1–11).
- Tolk, A. (2003). Overview of recent Findings of the Study Groups of the Simulation Interoperability Workshop dealing with C3I and M&S Interoperability Antalya: Overview of recent Findings of the Study Groups of the Simulation Interoperability Workshop dealing with C3I and M&S Interoperability/NATO Publication RTO-MP-123.
- Carr, F., Caylor, J., Lacetera, J. and Tolk, A. (2003). C4ISR/Sim Technical Reference Model – Sourcebook Orlando, Florida: Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2003.
- Tolk, A. (2003). Beyond Technical Interoperability – Introducing a Reference Model for Measures of Merit for Coalition Interoperability Washington, D.C.: 2003 Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium .
- Tolk, A. and Pullen, J. (2003). Ideas for a Common Framework for Military M&S and C3I Systems Stockholm: European Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2003 .
- Tolk, A. and Solick, S. (2003). Using the C4ISR Architecture Framework as a Tool to Facilitate V&V for Simulation Systems within the Military Application Domain (pp. 225-234) Orlando, FL: Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2003.
- Tolk, A. and Hieb, M. R. (2003). Building and Integrating M&S Components into C4ISR Systems for Supporting Future Military Operations Orlando, Florida: 2003 Western Multi Conference (WMC'03), International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Simulation (VWSIM'03) .
- Tolk, A. (2002). New Overarching Approaches to improve IT/C4ISR Systems by Integrating M&S Components Orlando, Florida: White Paper AT –082902-C4ISR, Summary published on 23rd Army Science Conference.
- Tolk, A. and Sinclair, M. R. (2002). Building up a Common Data Infrastructure Proceedings of the NATO Studies, Analysis and Simulation (SAS) Symposium.
- Griffin, A., Lacetera, J. and Tolk, A. (2002). C4ISR/Sim Technical Reference Model Study Group Final Report Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Orlando, FL.
- Tolk, A. and Huber, R. (2002). NATO Code of Best Practices for C2 Assessment–Implications for SISO Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop (pp. 39–48).
- Tolk, A. (2002). Model Scheme – A Good Fit for C4ISR (pp. 87-89) COTS Journal.
- Rassow, J. and Tolk, A. (2002). A Simulation Framework for the German Air Force”, NATO Studies, Analysis and Simulation (SAS) Symposium on “Aircrew Mission Training via Distributed Simulation (MTDS) Brussels: SAS-038.
- Sinclair, M. R. and Tolk, A. (2002). Building up a Common Data Infrastructure”, NATO Studies, Analysis and Simulation (SAS) Symposium on “Analyses of the Military Effectiveness of Future C2 Concepts and Systems AC/323(SAS-039)TP/32, The Hague.
- Tolk, A. (2001). Bridging the Data Gap–Recommendations for Short, Medium, and Long Term Solutions Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Orlando.
- Adshead, S., Kreitmair, T. and Tolk, A. (2001). Definition of ALTBMD Architectures by Applying the C4ISR Architecture Framework Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop.
- Tolk, A. (2001). Computer Generated Forces - Integration into the Operational Environment Neuilly sur Seine: NATO Research & Technology Organization (RTO); Studies, Analyses and Simulation Panel (SAS); Lecture Series on Simulation of and for Military Decision Making; RTO-ENP-017 AC/323(SAS-032)TP/26.
- Tolk, A. (2001). Human Behavior Representation - Recent Developments Neuilly sur Seine: NATO Research & Technology Organization (RTO); Studies, Analyses and Simulation Panel (SAS); Lecture Series on Simulation of and for Military Decision Making; RTO-ENP-017 AC/323(SAS-032)TP/26.
- Eberhard, M., Rech, H. and Tolk, A. (2001). The German C3-Model FIT (pp. 57-64) Orlando, FL: Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2001.
- Menzler, H. Peter., Tolk, A., Kuite, J. and Weyrath, T. (2001). Command and Control to Simulation Proxy Solution (C2SIM-Proxy) - Loose Coupling of Disparate Worlds (pp. 449 – 455) London: European Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2001 .
- Kunde, D. and Tolk, A. (2001). Decision Support Systems – An Overview of ongoing German Efforts Annapolis, Maryland: 2001 Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium.
- Tolk, A. (2001). Integrating NATO M&S Efforts and the NATO C3 Technical Architecture (pp. 607-619) London: European Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2001.
- Rassow, J. and Tolk, A. (2001). Netted Simulation for the German Airforce (pp. 621-627) London: European Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2001 .
- Tolk, A. (2000). HLA-OMT versus Traditional Data and Object Modeling–Chance or Shoehorn? Paper 00SSIW-024, 2000 Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Orlando, FL.
- Krusche, S. and Tolk, A. (2000). Information Processing as a Key Factor for Modern Federations of Combat Information Systems Istanbul: Proceedings of the NATO IST Panel Symposium "New Information Processing Techniques for Military Systems", RTO-MP-049.
- Krusche, S., Tolk, A., Dabelstein, A., Weyrath, T., Menzler, H. peter., Pixius, K. and Kunde, D. (2000). Decision Support Tools II - Insights from a German R&D Study (pp. 324-332) Orlando,FL: Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2000.
- Rieth, T., Sattler, K., Schulz, F. and Tolk, A. (2000). JOANA - Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Model (pp. 1033-1040) Orlando, FL: Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2000.
- Tolk, A. and Kunde, D. (2000). Decision Support Systems - Technical Prerequisites and Military Requirements Monterey: 2000 Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium.
- Tolk, A. (1999). Adjustable rulesets versus neural nets for order generation in closed combat simulation models proceedings of the 8th conference on computer generated forces and behavior representation (pp. 167–173).
- Tolk, A. (1999). Non-monotonicities in HLA-federations Proceedings of the Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop (pp. 1–7).
- Tolk, A. (1999). Using ATCCIS as an Information Layer to couple CGF Federates and Closed Combat Simulations Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Orlando.
- Tolk, A. and Schiefenbusch, K. (1999). Decision Support Systems - Concepts and Effects Ft. Lee, Virginia: Army Operations Research Symposium (AORS) .
- Krusche, S. and Tolk, A. (1999). A SHADE Approach for Coupling C4I Systems and Simulation Systems (pp. 47-56) Orlando,Fl: Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop 1999 .
- Tolk, A. (1999). Interoperability of Simulation Systems and Integration in CCIS Proceedings of the Partnership for Peace (PfP) Symposium on Computer Assisted Exercises for Peace Support Operations, NATO Research & Technology Board, SAS Panel, RTO-MP-053, The Hague.
- Tolk, A. (1999). Requirements for Simulation Systems when being used as Decision Support Systems (pp. 29-35) Orlando,FL: Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop 1999.
- Tolk, A. (1999). Adjustable Rulesets versus Neural Nets for Order Generation in Closed Combat Models Orlando: 8th Workshop on Computer Generated Forces and Behavior Representation .
- Dompke, U. K.J. and Tolk, A. (1999). On a Modular Concept for Command and Control in Simulation Systems Paris: Proceedings of the NATO SAS Panel TR: Symposium on Modelling and Analysis of Command and Control .
- Tolk, A. (1995). Automatic programming of fuzzy controllers by stochastic simulation results for automatic aggregation and function analysis NATO AC/243 (Panel 7) Symposium on Uncertainty, Shape Technical Center, The Hague 1995 .
- Hofmann, H. W., Schnurer, R. and Tolk, A. (1995). On the Impact of Stochastic Modeling in a Rule Oriented Combat Simulation Model on Division/Corps Level NATO AC/243 (Panel 7) Symposium on Uncertainty, Shape Technical Center, The Hague 1995.
- Schnurer, R. and Tolk, A. (1995). Using Fuzzy Sets within an Automatic Assessment Procedure for the Evaluation of Stochastic Simulation Results NATO AC/243 (Panel 7) Symposium on Uncertainty, Shape Technical Center, The Hague .
- Hofmann, H. W., Schnurer, R. and Tolk, A. (1994). KOSMOS Simulation Experiments on Stable Defense Brussels : Appendix 3 to Annex IV to AC/243 (Panel 7) TR/5 - Technical Report NATO Research Group 18 .
- Huber, R. K. and Tolk, A. (1994). Non-Monotonicity Effects in Combat Models and Tactical Decision Modeling PHALANX 10/94, Military Operations Research Society.
- McShane, M. K., Pinto, C. Ariel. and Tolk, A. ( 2011). Emerging Modeling and Simulation Application in Risk Management 2011 Spring Simulation Multiconference .
- McShane, M. K., Pinto, C. Ariel. and Tolk, A. ( 2010). Risk and System of Systems: Toward a Unified Concept American Society for Engineering Management .
- Gustavsson, P. and Tolk, A. (June , 2008). Applying Model Based Data Engineering (MBDE) on the Widely Integrated Systems Environment (WISE) Platform Information Technology Exposition & Conference (ITEC) Stockholm, Sweden.
- Kewley, R. and Tolk, A. (June , 2008). Program Executive Office (PEO) Soldier Simulation Raod Map V Military Operations Research Symposium, presented in WG12 Land and Expeditionary Warfare, WG29 Modeling, Simulation, and Wargaming, and WG31 Computing Advances in Military Operations Research New London, CT.
- Kewley, R. and Tolk, A. (April , 2008). A Model Driven Architecture (MDA) Approach Supporting PEO Soldier Using IWARS, OneSAF, and Combat XXI OneSAF User Conference Orlando, FL.
- Tolk, A. (March , 2008). Model-based Data Engineering for Homeland Security Applications 2nd Annual Homeland Defense and Security Education Summit Baltimore, MD.
- Tolk, A. (September , 2007). Usage of M&S as a Planning Tool for Homeland Security Applications Expert Panel Discussion during the MODSIM World Conference and Expo Virginia Beach, VA.
- Tolk, A. (April , 2007). Technical Interoperability, Semantic Interoperability, and Pragmatic Interoperability as Layers for the Power-Grid Interoperability Framework Gridwise Interoperability Workshop Dallas, TX.
- Tolk, A. (November , 2006). The NATO Modeling and Simulation Group MSG-027 Pathfinder Integration Environment General Abols (ACT) and General Kamiya (JFCOM) Suffolk, VA.
- Tolk, A. (August , 2006). Metadata: Standards, Constraints, and Applications Army Test & Evaluation Command Data Management Workshop Ft. Lewis, WA.
- Tolk, A., Diallo, S. Y. and Turnitsa, C. D. (June , 2006). The Command and Control Information Exchange Data Model (C2IEDM) as a Modeling & Simulation (M&S) Standard Information Technology Exposition & Conference (ITEC) London, UK.
- Tolk, A., Blais, C. L., Diallo, S. Y. and Turnitsa, C. D. (June , 2006). Applying Fractal Ontologies for Battle Management Military Operations Research Society Symposium Colorado Springs, CO.
- Tolk, A. (October , 2005). PATHFINDER – The Way to the Integration Environment for Multi-Purpose Application of Distributed Networked Simulations Plenary of the Annual NATO M&S Conference Warsaw, Poland.
- Hieb, M., Tolk, A. and Kleiner, M. (June , 2005). Battle Management Language: A Methodology for Unambiguously Describing Military Missions IFORS 2005 Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Tolk, A., Diallo, S., Dupigny, K., Sun, B. and Turnitsa, C. (June , 2005). Web Services Enabling Multilateral Interoperability IFORS 2005 Honolulu, Hawaii.
- 30 Awards for Outstanding Contributions to the Domain of Simulation Interoperability, Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO)
- 2020: Distinguished Contribution Award, ACM SIGSIM
- 2016: Fellow of SCS, Society for Modeling and Simulation
- 2014: Distinguished Professional Achievements Award, Society for Modeling and Simulation (SCS)
- 2012: Outstanding Professional Contribution Award, Society for Modeling and Simulation (SCS)
- 2010: Technical Merit Award, Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization
- 2008: Excellence in Research , Old Dominion University’s Frank Batten College for Engineering and Technology
- 2006: Best Paper Award during the 10th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2006, Orlando, FL
- 2001: Best Modeling & Simulation Paper Award , Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium (CCRTS) in Anaheim