Associate Professor
Mathematics & Statistics
Raymond Cheng
NORFOLK, 23529
Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Virginia, (1989)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- "Visiting Fellow, Center for Theoretical Sciences. 1994 -
- "Instructional Development Mini-Grant. 1993 -
- "President's Young Investigator Award. 1992 -
- "Visiting Fellow, Center for Stochastic Processes. 1992 -
- "Dean's Professional Activity Initiative. 1991 -
- "Dean's Professional Activity Initiative. 1989 -
- "Commonwealth Fellow, Virginia State Council of Higher Education. 1988 -
- "National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow. 1985 - 1988
Research Interests
Functional Analysis, Prediction Theory
- Cheng, R. and Felder, C. (2022). On the geometry of the multipliers on $\ell^p_A$. 9 , pp. 41-52.
- Cheng, R. (2022). On the prediction of p-stationary processes. 85 , pp. 481-505.
- Cheng, R., Ross, W. and Seco, D. (2022). Zeros of optimal polynomial approximants in $\ell^p_A$. 404.
- Cheng, R. and Xu, Y. (2020). Minimum norm interpolation in the $\ell_1$ space. Analysis and Applications Special Issue on Mathematics of Data Science.
- Cheng, R., Ross, W. T.. and Mashreghi, J. (2020). Inner vectors for Toeplitz operators. Complex Analysis and Spectral Theory.
- Cheng, R. and Dragas, J. (2019). A Blaschke sequence that fails to be a zero set for $\ell^p_A$. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society.
- Cheng, R., Ross, W. T.. and Mashreghi, J. (2019). Inner functions and zero sets for $\ell^p_A$. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society.
- Cheng, R. and Dragas, J. (2019). On the failure of canonical factorization in $\ell^p_A$. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Its Applications 479 , pp. 1939-1955.
- Cheng, R. (2018). Convergence of the best linear predictor of a stationary Gaussian random field. Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 24 , pp. 1-22.
- Cheng, R., Mashreghi, J. and Ross, W. (2018). Optimal weak parallelogram constants for L^p. Mathematical Inequalities and Applications 21 , pp. 1047-1058.
- Cheng, R., Ross, W. and Mashreghi, J. (2017). Birkhoff-James orthogonality and the zeros of an analytic function. Computational Methods and Function Theory 17 , pp. 499-523.
- Cheng, R. (2017). An elementary approach to optimal discrete-time search strategies. Sequential Analysis 36 , pp. 541-552.
- Cheng, R., Ross, W. and Mashreghi, J. (2017). Multipliers of sequence spaces. Concrete Operators, Special Issue 4 (1) , pp. 76-108.
- Cheng, R. and Ross, W. T.. (2016). An inner-outer factorization in \ell^p with applications to ARMA processes. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and its Applications 437 , pp. 396-418.
- Cheng, R. and Harris, C. (2015). Mixed norm spaces and prediction of SaS moving averages. Journal of Time Series Analysis 36 , pp. 853-875.
- Cheng, R. (2015). Prediction of stationary random fields with incomplete quarterplane past. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 139 , pp. 245-258.
- Cheng, R. and Ross, W. T.. (2015). Weak parallelogram laws on Banach spaces and applications to prediction. Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 71 , pp. 45-58.
- Cheng, R. (2014). Sequential search beats two-parameter search. Sequential Analysis 33 , pp. 1-11.
- Cheng, R., Seubert, S. M.. and Wiegmann, D. D.. (2014). Mate choice and the evolutionary stability of a fixed threshold in a sequential search strategy. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 10 , pp. 8-11.
- Cheng, R. and Harris, C. B.. (2013). Duality of the weak parallelogram laws on banach spaces. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Its Applications 404 , pp. 64-70.
- Cheng, R., Miamee, A. G.. and Pourahmadi, M. (2003). On the geometry of L^p(mu) with applications to infinite variance processes. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 74 , pp. 35-42.
- Cheng, R., Miamee, A. G.. and Pourahmadi, M. (2000). Regularity and minimality of infinite variance processes. Journal of Theoretical Probability 13 , pp. 1115-1122.
- Cheng, R. and Houdre, C. (1999). On the prediction of some Lp random fields. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 67 , pp. 31-50.
- Cheng, R., Miamee, A. G.. and Pourahmadi, M. (1998). Some extremal problems in L^p(w). Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 126 , pp. 2333-2340.
- Cheng, R., Kinch, L. F.., Ebanks, B. R.., Larson, L. M.. and McFadden, R. B.. (1998). When does f^{-1} = 1/f?. American Mathematical Monthly 105 , pp. 704-717.
- Cheng, R. and Klotz, L. Peter. (1997). Hardy spaces on products of halfplanes and prediction of homogeneous random fields. Zeitschrift fur Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 16 , pp. 519-542.
- Cheng, R. and Pourahmadi, M. (1997). Prediction with incomplete past and interpolation of missing values. Statistics and Probability Letters 33 , pp. 341-346.
- Cheng, R. (1997). Some Banach spaces of analytic functions and an extremal problem. Analysis Mathematica 23.
- Cheng, R. (1995). Analytic range functions of several variables. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 41 , pp. 462-473.
- Cheng, R. (1994). On the structure of shift-invariant subspaces of L^2(T^2,mu). Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 24 , pp. 1307-1317.
- Cheng, R. (1994). Outer factorization of operator valued weight functions on the torus. Studia Mathematica 110 , pp. 235-246.
- Cheng, R. and Seubert, S. M.. (1994). Weakly outer polynomials. Michigan Mathematical Journal 41 , pp. 235-245.
- Cheng, R. and Pourahmadi, M. (1993). Baxer's inequality and convergence of finite predictors for multivariate stationary processes. Probability Theory and Related Fields 95 , pp. 115-124.
- Cheng, R. (1993). The mixing rate of a multivariate stationary process. Journal of Theoretical Probability 6 , pp. 603-617.
- Cheng, R. (1993). The spectral measure of regular stationary random field with the weak or strong commutation property. Annals of Probability 21 , pp. 1263-1274.
- Cheng, R. (1992). A strong mixing condition for second-order stationary random fields. Studia Mathematica 101 , pp. 139-153.
- Cheng, R. (1992). Holder classes of vector valued functions and convergence of the best predictor. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 42 , pp. 110-129.
- Cheng, R. (1992). On the prediction error for two-parameter stationary random fields. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 46 , pp. 167-175.
- Cheng, R. (1992). On the rate of strong mixing in stationary Gaussian random fields. Studia Mathematica 101 , pp. 183-191.
- Cheng, R. (1992). Rational spectral densities and strong mixing. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 42 , pp. 267-283.
- Cheng, R. (1992). Weakly and strongly outer functions on the bidisc. Michigan Mathematical Journal 39 , pp. 99-109.
- Cheng, R. and Trefil Jr., J. S.. (1985). Moving material into space without rockets. Physics Teacher 23 , pp. 85-90.
- Cheng, R., Mashreghi, J. and Ross, W. T.. (2020). Function Theory and $\ell^p$ Spaces. American Mathematical Society.
- Cheng, R. (2007). Practical Chess Exercises: 600 Lessons from Tactics to Strategy. Wheatmark.
Book Chapters
- Cheng, R., Ross, W. T.. and Mashreghi, J. (2019). Inner functions in reproducing kernel spaces Analysis of Operators on Function Spaces Birkhauser.
Conference Proceeding
- Cheng, R. and Felder, C. (2022). On interpolation by functions in $\ell^p_A$ Proceedings of the AMS Special Session on Recent Progress in Function Theory and Operator Theory AMS.
- Cheng, R. (April 11, 2015). Introduction to Mathematical Typesetting with LaTeX Oral Presentation SIAM Math Awareness Conference Norfolk, Virginia.
- Cheng, R. (January 23, 2015). Count It Twice! Keynote/Plenary Address Mu Alpha Theta Induction Ceremony Virginia Beach.