Research Professor
Frank Reidy Research Center for Bioelectrics
Stephen Beebe
NORFOLK, 23529
Ph.D. in Medical Sciences/Pharmacology, Medical College Of Ohio, (1982)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Beebe, S. J. and Guo, S. "Nanosecond pulsed electric fields for immuno-oncology applications" $300,000. Commercial. March 1, 2017 - August 30, 2018
- Beebe, S. J. and Lai, N. "Effects of pulse electromagnetic fields on immune dell function and diff." $63,968. Commercial. February 1, 2017 - January 1, 2018
- Beebe, S. J. and Guo, S. "Mechanisms That Induce Immunogenic Cell Death And Restore Immunosurveillance In Rat Hepatocellular Carcinoma And Mouse Mammary Cancer" $201,600. Commercial. March 13, 2016 - August 31, 2017
- Osgood, C. J., Stacey, M. W., Elmustafa, A., Lai, N., Beebe, S. J., Hargrave, B., Zemlin, C. and Xu, X. "Addition of a micro-CT animal scanner to complement and expand current in vivo imaging capabilities" $423,850. Federal. -
- Pakhomov, A., Beebe, S. J., Swanson, R. J. and Xiao, S. "JNLWD Neuromuscular Effect" $665,350. Federal. January 22, 2009 - December 3, 2009
- Lassiter, B. P., Guo, S. and Beebe, S. J. (2018). Nano-pulse stimulation ablates orthotopic rat hepatocellular carcinoma and induces innate and adaptive memory immune mechanisms that prevent recurrence. Cancers 10 (3) , pp. 1-19.
- Beebe, S. J. (2015). Mechanisms of nanosecond pulsed electric field (nsPEF)-induced cell death in cells and tumors. Journal of Nanomedicine Research 2 (00016).
- Beebe, S. J. (2015). Considering effects of nanosecond pulsed electric fields on proteins.. Bioelectrochemistry (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 103 , pp. 52-9.
- Chen, R., Sain, N. M., Harlow, K. T., Chen, Y., Shires, P. K., Heller, R. and Beebe, S. J. (2014). A protective effect after clearance of orthotopic rat hepatocellular carcinoma by nanosecond pulsed electric fields.. European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990) 50 (15) , pp. 2705-13.
- Beebe, S. J. (2013). Applications for pulse power using nanosecond pulsed electric fields (nsPEFs) in cell biology and cancer treatment. Journal of Nanomedicine and Biotherapeutic Discovery 3 (e123).
- Beebe, S. J. (2013). Bioelectrics in basic science and medicine: impact of electric fields on cellular structures and functions. Journal of Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology 4 (163).
- Beebe, S. J., Sain, N. M. and Ren, W. (2013). Induction of Cell Death Mechanisms and Apoptosis by Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields (nsPEFs).. Cells 2 (1) , pp. 136-62.
- Ren, W., Sain, N. M. and Beebe, S. J. (2012). Nanosecond pulsed electric fields (nsPEFs) activate intrinsic caspase-dependent and caspase-independent cell death in Jurkat cells.. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 421 (4) , pp. 808-12.
- Chen, X., Zhuang, J., Kolb, J. F., Schoenbach, K. H. and Beebe, S. J. (2012). Long term survival of mice with hepatocellular carcinoma after pulse power ablation with nanosecond pulsed electric fields.. Technology in cancer research & treatment 11 (1) , pp. 83-93.
- Wang, J., Guo, J., Wu, S., Feng, H., Sun, S., Pan, J., Zhang, J. and Beebe, S. J. (2012). Synergistic effects of nanosecond pulsed electric fields combined with low concentration of gemcitabine on human oral squamous cell carcinoma in vitro.. PloS one 7 (8) , pp. e43213.
- Beebe, S. J., Chen, Y., Sain, N. M., Schoenbach, K. H. and Xiao, S. (2012). Transient features in nanosecond pulsed electric fields differentially modulate mitochondria and viability.. PloS one 7 (12) , pp. e51349.
- Long, G., Shires, P. K., Plescia, D., Beebe, S. J., Kolb, J. F. and Schoenbach, K. H. (2011). Targeted tissue ablation with nanosecond pulses.. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering 58 (8).
- Ren, W. and Beebe, S. J. (2011). An apoptosis targeted stimulus with nanosecond pulsed electric fields (nsPEFs) in E4 squamous cell carcinoma.. Apoptosis : an international journal on programmed cell death 16 (4) , pp. 382-93.
- Beebe, S. J., Chen, X., Liu, J. A. and Schoenbach, K. H. (2011). Nanosecond pulsed electric field ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma.. Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference 2011 , pp. 6861-5.
- Chen, X., Kolb, J. F., Swanson, R. J., Schoenbach, K. H. and Beebe, S. J. (2010). Apoptosis Initiation and Angiogenesis Inhibition: Melanoma Targets for Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields. Pigment Cell Melanoma Research 23 , pp. 554.
- Song, J., Joshi, R. and Beebe, S. J. (2010). Cellular apoptosis by nanosecond, high-intensity electric pulses: model evaluation of the pulsing threshold and extrinsic pathway.. Bioelectrochemistry (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 79 (2) , pp. 179-86.
- Beebe, S. J., Schoenbach, K. H. and Heller, R. (2010). Bioelectric applications for treatment of melanoma.. Cancers 2 (3) , pp. 1731-70.
- Sabuncu, A. C., Liu, J. A., Beebe, S. J. and Beskok, A. (2010). Dielectrophoretic separation of mouse melanoma clones.. Biomicrofluidics 4 (2).
- Ford, W. E., Ren, W., Blackmore, P. F., Schoenbach, K. H. and Beebe, S. J. (2010). Nanosecond pulsed electric fields stimulate apoptosis without release of pro-apoptotic factors from mitochondria in B16f10 melanoma.. Archives of biochemistry and biophysics 497 (1-2) , pp. 82-9.
- Osgood, C. J., Nuccitelli, R., Chen, X., Pakhomov, A. G., Baldwin, W. H., Sheikh, S., Pomicter, J. L., Swanson, R. J., Kolb, J. F., Beebe, S. J. and Schoenbach, K. H. (2009). A new pulsed electric field therapy for melanoma disrupts tumor's blood supply and causes complete remission without recurrence. Int. J. Cancer 125 , pp. 438-445.
- Schoenbach, K. H., Joshi, R., Beebe, S. J. and Baum, C. (2009). A Scaling Law for Bioelectric Effects of Nanosecond Pulses. IEEE Trans. Dielectr. and Electr. Insula. 16 , pp. 1224-1235.
- Nuccitelli, R., Chen, X., Pakhomov, A., Baldwin, W. H., Sheikh, S., Pomicter, J. L., Ren, W., Osgood, C. J., Swanson, R. J., Kolb, J. F., Beebe, S. J. and Schoenbach, K. H. (2009). A new pulsed electric field therapy for melanoma disrupts the tumor's blood supply and causes complete remission without recurrence.. International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer 125 (2) , pp. 438-45.
- Beebe, S. J., Ford, W. E., Ren, W., Chen, X. and Schoenbach, K. H. (2009). Non-ionizing radiation with nanosecond pulsed electric fields as a cancer treatment: in vitro studies.. Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference 2009 , pp. 6509-12.
- Zhang, J., Blackmore, P. F., Hargrave, B., Xiao, S., Beebe, S. J. and Schoenbach, K. H. (2008). Nanosecond Pulse Electric Field (nanopulse): a Novel Non-ligand Agonist for Platelet Activation. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 471 , pp. 240-248.
- Schoenbach, K. H., Xiao, S., Joshi, R., Camp, J. T., Heeren, T., Kolb, J. F. and Beebe, S. J. (2008). The Effect of Intense Subnanosecond Electrical Pulses on Biological Cells. IEEE Trans. Plasma Science 36 (2) , pp. 414.
- Schoenbach, K. H., Hargrave, B., Joshi, R., Kolb, J. F., Osgood, C. J., Nuccitelli, R., Pakhomov, A., Swanson, R. J., Stacey, M., White, J. A., Xiao, S., Zhang, J., Beebe, S. J., Blackmore, P. F. and Buescher, E. S. (2007). Bioelectric Effects of Nanosecond Pulses. IEEE Trans. Diel. Electr. Insul. 14 (5) , pp. 1088-1109.
- Chen, N., Garner, A. L., Chen, G., Jing, Y., Deng, Y., Swanson, R. J., Kolb, J. F., Beebe, S. J., Joshi, R. and Schoenbach, K. H. (2007). Nanosecond electric pulses penetrate the nucleus and enhance speckle formation.. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 364 (2) , pp. 220-5.
- Garner, A. L., Chen, G., Chen, N., Sridhara, V., Kolb, J. F., Swanson, R. J., Beebe, S. J., Joshi, R. and Schoenbach, K. H. (2007). Ultrashort electric pulse induced changes in cellular dielectric properties.. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 362 (1) , pp. 139-44.
- Hall, E. H., Schoenbach, K. H. and Beebe, S. J. (2007). Nanosecond pulsed electric fields induce apoptosis in p53-wildtype and p53-null HCT116 colon carcinoma cells.. Apoptosis : an international journal on programmed cell death 12 (9) , pp. 1721-31.
- Joshi, R., Nguyen, A., Sridhara, V., Hu, Q., Nuccitelli, R., Beebe, S. J., Kolb, J. F. and Schoenbach, K. H. (2007). Simulations of intracellular calcium release dynamics in response to a high-intensity, ultrashort electric pulse.. Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics 75 (4 Pt 1) , pp. 041920.
- Hall, E. H., Schoenbach, K. H. and Beebe, S. J. (2007). Nanosecond pulsed electric fields have differential effects on cells in the S-phase.. DNA and cell biology 26 (3) , pp. 160-71.
- Frey, W., White, J. A., Price, R. O., Blackmore, P. F., Joshi, R., Nuccitelli, R., Beebe, S. J., Schoenbach, K. H. and Kolb, J. F. (2006). Plasma membrane voltage changes during nanosecond pulsed electric field exposure.. Biophysical journal 90 (10) , pp. 3608-15.
- Nuccitelli, R., Pliquett, U., Chen, X., Ford, W., James Swanson, R., Beebe, S. J., Kolb, J. F. and Schoenbach, K. H. (2006). Nanosecond pulsed electric fields cause melanomas to self-destruct.. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 343 (2) , pp. 351-60.
- Tiangco, D. A., Lattanzio, F. A., Osgood, C. J., Beebe, S. J., Kerry, J. A. and Hargrave, B. (2005). 3,4-Methylendioxymethamphetamine activates nuclear factor-kappaB, increases intracellular calcium, and modulates gene transcription in rat heart cells. Cardiovasc Toxicol 5 (3) , pp. 301-310.
- Hall, E. H., Schoenbach, K. H. and Beebe, S. J. (2005). Nanosecond pulsed electric fields (nsPEF) induce direct electric field effects and biological effects on human colon carcinoma cells.. DNA and cell biology 24 (5) , pp. 283-91.
- Hu, Q., Viswanadham, S., Joshi, R., Schoenbach, K. H., Beebe, S. J. and Blackmore, P. F. (2005). Simulations of transient membrane behavior in cells subjected to a high-intensity ultrashort electric pulse.. Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics 71 (3 Pt 1) , pp. 031914.
- Tiangco, D. A., Lattanzio, Jr, F. A., Osgood, C. J., Beebe, S. J., Kerry, J. A. and Hargrave, B. (2005). 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine activates nuclear factor-kappaB, increases intracellular calcium, and modulates gene transcription in rat heart cells.. Cardiovascular toxicology 5 (3) , pp. 301-10.
- Taylor, S. L., Weng, S. L., Fox, P., Duran, E. H., Morshedi, M. S., Oehninger, S. and Beebe, S. J. (2004). Somatic cell apoptosis markers and pathways in human ejaculated sperm: potential utility as indicators of sperm quality.. Molecular human reproduction 10 (11) , pp. 825-34.
- Beebe, S. J., Blackmore, P. F., White, J., Joshi, R. and Schoenbach, K. H. (2004). Nanosecond pulsed electric fields modulate cell function through intracellular signal transduction mechanisms.. Physiological measurement 25 (4) , pp. 1077-93.
- White, J. A., Blackmore, P. F., Schoenbach, K. H. and Beebe, S. J. (2004). Stimulation of capacitative calcium entry in HL-60 cells by nanosecond pulsed electric fields.. The Journal of biological chemistry 279 (22) , pp. 22964-72.
- Zhang, W., Morris, G. Z. and Beebe, S. J. (2004). Characterization of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit Cgamma expressed and purified from sf9 cells.. Protein expression and purification 35 (1) , pp. 156-69.
- Joshi, R., Hu, Q., Schoenbach, K. H. and Beebe, S. J. (2004). Energy-landscape-model analysis for irreversibility and its pulse-width dependence in cells subjected to a high-intensity ultrashort electric pulse.. Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics 69 (5 Pt 1) , pp. 051901.
- Chen, N., Schoenbach, K. H., Kolb, J. F., James Swanson, R., Garner, A. L., Yang, J., Joshi, R. and Beebe, S. J. (2004). Leukemic cell intracellular responses to nanosecond electric fields.. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 317 (2) , pp. 421-7.
- Hargrave, B., Tiangco, D., Lattanzio, F. and Beebe, S. J. (2003). Cocaine but not morphine causes the generation of reactive oxygen species and activation of NFκB in transiently co-transfected heart and renal epithelial cells. Cardiovascular Toxicology 3 , pp. 141-151.
- Stacey, M. W., Stickley, J., Fox, P., Statler, V., Schoenbach, K. H., Beebe, S. J. and Buescher, S. (2003). Differential effects in cells exposed to ultra-short, high intensity electric fields: cell survival, DNA damage, and cell cycle analysis.. Mutation research 542 (1-2) , pp. 65-75.
- Beebe, S. J., White, J., Blackmore, P. F., Deng, Y., Somers, K. and Schoenbach, K. H. (2003). Diverse effects of nanosecond pulsed electric fields on cells and tissues.. DNA and cell biology 22 (12) , pp. 785-96.
- Beebe, S. J., Fox, P. M., Rec, L. J., Willis, E. L. and Schoenbach, K. H. (2003). Nanosecond, high-intensity pulsed electric fields induce apoptosis in human cells.. FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 17 (11) , pp. 1493-5.
- Deng, J., Schoenbach, K. H., Buescher, E. S., Hair, P. S., Fox, P. M. and Beebe, S. J. (2003). The effects of intense submicrosecond electrical pulses on cells.. Biophysical journal 84 (4) , pp. 2709-14.
- Hargrave, B., Tiangco, D. A., Lattanzio, F. A. and Beebe, S. J. (2003). Cocaine, not morphine, causes the generation of reactive oxygen species and activation of NF-kappaB in transiently cotransfected heart cells.. Cardiovascular toxicology 3 (2) , pp. 141-51.
- Morris, G. Z., Williams, R. L., Elliott, M. S. and Beebe, S. J. (2002). Resveratrol induces apoptosis in LNCaP cells and requires hydroxyl groups to decrease viability in LNCaP and DU 145 cells.. The Prostate 52 (4) , pp. 319-29.
- Morris, R. C., Morris, G. Z., Zhang, W., Gellerman, M. and Beebe, S. J. (2002). Differential transcriptional regulation by the alpha- and gamma-catalytic subunit isoforms of cAMP-dependent protein kinase.. Archives of biochemistry and biophysics 403 (2) , pp. 219-28.
- Schoenbach, K. H., Beebe, S. J. and Buescher, E. S. (2001). Intracellular effect of ultrashort electrical pulses.. Bioelectromagnetics 22 (6) , pp. 440-8.
- Parvathenani, L. K., Buescher, E. S., Chacon-Cruz, E. and Beebe, S. J. (1998). Type I cAMP-dependent protein kinase delays apoptosis in human neutrophils at a site upstream of caspase-3.. The Journal of biological chemistry 273 (12) , pp. 6736-43.
- Wang, D. H., Prewitt, R. L. and Beebe, S. J. (1995). Regulation of PDGF-A: a possible mechanism for angiotensin II-induced vascular growth.. The American journal of physiology 269 (1 Pt 2) , pp. H356-64.
- Beebe, S. J. (1994). The cAMP-dependent protein kinases and cAMP signal transduction.. Seminars in cancer biology 5 (4) , pp. 285-94.
- Beebe, S. J., Salomonsky, P., Holroyd, C. and Becker, D. (1993). Differential expression of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase isozymes in normal human melanocytes and malignant melanomas.. Cell growth & differentiation : the molecular biology journal of the American Association for Cancer Research 4 (12) , pp. 1005-12.
- Beebe, S. J., Salomonsky, P., Jahnsen, T. and Li , Y. (1992). The C gamma subunit is a unique isozyme of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase.. The Journal of biological chemistry 267 (35) , pp. 25505-12.
- Beebe, S. J., Leyton, L., Burks, D., Ishikawa, M., Fuerst, T., Dean, J. and Saling, P. (1992). Recombinant mouse ZP3 inhibits sperm binding and induces the acrosome reaction.. Developmental biology 151 (1) , pp. 48-54.
- Takeuchi, K., Sandow, B. A., Morsy, M., Kaufmann, R. A., Beebe, S. J. and Hodgen, G. D. (1992). Preclinical models for human pre-embryo biopsy and genetic diagnosis. I. Efficiency and normalcy of mouse pre-embryo development after different biopsy techniques.. Fertility and sterility 57 (2) , pp. 425-30.
- Morsy, M., Takeuchi, K., Kaufmann, R., Veeck, L., Hodgen, G. D. and Beebe, S. J. (1992). Preclinical models for human pre-embryo biopsy and genetic diagnosis. II. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of deoxyribonucleic acid from single lymphoblasts and blastomeres with mutation detection.. Fertility and sterility 57 (2) , pp. 431-8.
- Foss, K. B., Simard, J., Bérubé, D., Beebe, S. J., Sandberg, M., Grzeschik, K. H., Gagné, R., Hansson, V. and Jahnsen, T. (1992). Localization of the catalytic subunit C gamma of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase gene (PRKACG) to human chromosome region 9q13.. Cytogenetics and cell genetics 60 (1) , pp. 22-5.
- Thomas, M. K., Francis, S. H., Beebe, S. J., Gettys, T. W. and Corbin, J. D. (1992). Partial mapping of cyclic nucleotide sites and studies of regulatory mechanisms of phosphodiesterases using cyclic nucleotide analogues.. Advances in second messenger and phosphoprotein research 25 , pp. 45-53.
- Landmark, B. F., Fauske, B., Eskild, W., Skålhegg, B., Lohmann, S. M., Hansson, V., Jahnsen, T. and Beebe, S. J. (1991). Identification, characterization, and hormonal regulation of 3', 5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate-dependent protein kinases in rat Sertoli cells.. Endocrinology 129 (5) , pp. 2345-54.
- Blackmore, P. F., Neulen, J., Lattanzio, F. and Beebe, S. J. (1991). Cell surface-binding sites for progesterone mediate calcium uptake in human sperm.. The Journal of biological chemistry 266 (28) , pp. 18655-9.
- Becker, D., Beebe, S. J. and Herlyn, M. (1990). Differential expression of protein kinase C and cAMP-dependent protein kinase in normal human melanocytes and malignant melanomas.. Oncogene 5 (8) , pp. 1133-9.
- Beebe, S. J., Oyen, O., Sandberg, M., Frøysa, A., Hansson, V. and Jahnsen, T. (1990). Molecular cloning of a tissue-specific protein kinase (C gamma) from human testis--representing a third isoform for the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase.. Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.) 4 (3) , pp. 465-75.
- Blackmore, P. F., Beebe, S. J., Danforth, D. R. and Alexander, N. (1990). Progesterone and 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone. Novel stimulators of calcium influx in human sperm.. The Journal of biological chemistry 265 (3) , pp. 1376-80.
- Beebe, S. J., Segaloff, D. L., Burks, D., Beasley-Leach, A., Limbird, L. E. and Corbin, J. D. (1989). Evidence that cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate-dependent protein kinase activation causes pig ovarian granulosa cell differentiation, including increases in two type II subclasses of this kinase.. Biology of reproduction 41 (2) , pp. 295-307.
- Oyen, O., Eskild, W., Beebe, S. J., Hansson, V. and Jahnsen, T. (1988). Biphasic response to 3',5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) at the messenger ribonucleic acid level for a regulatory subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase.. Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.) 2 (11) , pp. 1070-6.
- Beebe, S. J., Beasley-Leach, A. and Corbin, J. D. (1988). cAMP analogs used to study low-Km, hormone-sensitive phosphodiesterase.. Methods in enzymology 159 , pp. 531-40.
- Corbin, J. D., Cobb, C. E., Beebe, S. J., Granner, D. K., Koch, S. R., Gettys, T. W., Blackmore, P. F., Francis, S. H. and Wells, J. N. (1988). Mechanism and function of cAMP- and cGMP-dependent protein kinases.. Advances in second messenger and phosphoprotein research 21 , pp. 75-86.
- Corbin, J. D., Gettys, T. W., Blackmore, P. F., Beebe, S. J., Francis, S. H., Glass, D. B., Redmon, J. B., Sheorain, V. S. and Landiss, L. R. (1988). Purification and assay of cAMP, cGMP, and cyclic nucleotide analogs in cells treated with cyclic nucleotide analogs.. Methods in enzymology 159 , pp. 74-82.
- Beebe, S. J., Blackmore, P. F., Chrisman, T. D. and Corbin, J. D. (1988). Use of synergistic pairs of site-selective cAMP analogs in intact cells.. Methods in enzymology 159 , pp. 118-39.
- Beebe, S. J., Koch, S. R., Chu, D. T., Corbin, J. D. and Granner, D. K. (1987). Regulation of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase gene transcription in H4IIE hepatoma cells: evidence for a primary role of the catalytic subunit of 3',5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate-dependent protein kinase.. Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.) 1 (9) , pp. 639-47.
- Gettys, T. W., Blackmore, P. F., Redmon, J. B., Beebe, S. J. and Corbin, J. D. (1987). Short-term feedback regulation of cAMP by accelerated degradation in rat tissues.. The Journal of biological chemistry 262 (1) , pp. 333-9.
- Beebe, S. J., Redmon, J. B., Blackmore, P. F. and Corbin, J. D. (1985). Discriminative insulin antagonism of stimulatory effects of various cAMP analogs on adipocyte lipolysis and hepatocyte glycogenolysis.. The Journal of biological chemistry 260 (29) , pp. 15781-8.
- Corbin, J. D., Beebe, S. J. and Blackmore, P. F. (1985). cAMP-dependent protein kinase activation lowers hepatocyte cAMP.. The Journal of biological chemistry 260 (15) , pp. 8731-5.
- Robinson-Steiner, A. M., Beebe, S. J., Rannels, S. R. and Corbin, J. D. (1984). Microheterogeneity of type II cAMP-dependent protein kinase in various mammalian species and tissues.. The Journal of biological chemistry 259 (16) , pp. 10596-605.
- Beebe, S. J. and Corbin, J. D. (1984). Rat adipose tissue cAMP-dependent protein kinase: a unique form of type II.. Molecular and cellular endocrinology 36 (1-2) , pp. 67-78.
- Beebe, S. J., Holloway, R., Rannels, S. R. and Corbin, J. D. (1984). Two classes of cAMP analogs which are selective for the two different cAMP-binding sites of type II protein kinase demonstrate synergism when added together to intact adipocytes.. The Journal of biological chemistry 259 (6) , pp. 3539-47.
- Beebe, S. J., Reimann, E. M. and Schlender, K. K. (1984). Purification and characterization of a cAMP- and Ca2+-calmodulin-independent glycogen synthase kinase from porcine renal cortex.. The Journal of biological chemistry 259 (3) , pp. 1415-22.
- Schlender, K. K., Beebe, S. J., Willey, J. C., Lutz, S. A. and Reimann, E. M. (1980). Isolation and characterization of cyclic AMP-independent glycogen synthase kinase from rat skeletal muscle.. Biochimica et biophysica acta 615 (2) , pp. 324-40.
- Schoenbach, K. H., Xiao, S., Camp, J. T., Migliaccio, M., Beebe, S. J. and Baum, C. E. ( 2009). Wideband, High-Amplitude, Pulsed Antennas for Medical Therapies and Medical Imaging ICEAA'09 Torino, Italy.
- Camp, J. T., Xiao, S., Beebe, S. J., Blackmore, P. F. and Schoenbach, K. H. (June , 2009). Bioelectric Studies with Subnanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields 17th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference (PPC2009) Washington DC.
- Kolb, J. F., Chen, X., Zhuang, J., Ren, W., Swanson, R. J., Beebe, S. J. and Schoenbach, K. H. (June , 2009). Exposure conditions for the treatment of solid tumors with nanosecond pulsed electric fields BioElectrics International Symposium Columbia, Missouri.
- Swanson, R. J., Zhang, Y., Sonenshine, D. E., Osgood, C. J., Beebe, S. J. and Schoenbach, K. H. (August , 2008). Hatching and death rates of nematode Caenorhabditis elegans post-nanosecond pulsed electric fields (nsPEF) 1st International Conference for Invertebrate Morphology Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Schoenbach, K. H., Xiao, S., Camp, T., Kolb, J. F., Joshi, R. and Beebe, S. J. (July , 2007). From Submicrosecond to Subnanosecond Pulses-Entering a New Domain of Electric Field-Cell Interactions URSI 2007, North America Radio Science Meeting Ottawa, Canada.
- Schoenbach, K. H., Katsuki, S., Akiyama, H., Heeren, T., Kolb, J. F., Xiao, S., Camp, T., Joshi, R., Osgood, C. J., Nuccitelli, R. and Beebe, S. J. (May , 2006). Biological Effects of Intense Subnanosecond Electrical Pulses Conf. Record of the 2006 IEEE Power Modulator Conference Washington DC.