Tom Chapman
NORFOLK, 23529
Ph.D. in Geography, Florida State University, (2007)
M.A. in Geography, University of Toledo, (1992)
B.A. in Geography, Michigan State University, (1985)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Chapman, T. E.. and Yen, C. "School performance in context: A geospatial framework for understanding the influence of community factors on educational achievement in Hampton Roads" $16,520. Old Dominion University. -
- Chapman, T. E.. and Yarbrough, R. "Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Detecting Substandard Georgia.Research grant for project entitled: “Housing in Camden County"" $10. - 2009
- Chapman, T. E.. and Yarbrough, R. "Academic service award to fund a Community Geography Initiative" $6. - 2008
- Chapman, T. E.. and Steinberg, P. E.. (2009). Key West’s Conch Republic: Building Sovereignties of Connection. Political Geography.
- Chapman, T. E.., Webster, G. and Leib, J. (2009). Sustaining the ‘Societal and Scriptural Fence’: Cultural, Social and Political Topographies of Same Sex Marriage in Alabama. The Professional Geographer.
- Chapman, T. E.., Leib, J. and Webster, G. (2007). Race, The Creative Class, and Political Geographies of Same Sex Marriage in Georgia. Southeastern Geographer 47 (1) , pp. 27-54.
- Chapman, T. E.. (2005). Globalization, Identity, and the Florida Realm of the ORION Knights of The Ku Klux Klan: Landscapes of Resistance in Immokalee, Florida. The Florida Geographer 36 , pp. 84-98.
- Chapman, T. E.. and Warf, B. (2006). Cathedrals of Consumption: The Political Phenomenology of Wal-Mart.” in Wal-Mart World. Routledge.
Book Chapters
- Chapman, T. E.. (2006). Essays on "Public Space" and "Geographies of Justice." in Barney Warf (ed.). Encyclopedia of Human Geography (pp. 388-89; pp. 265-66.) Sage Publications.
- Chapman, T. E.. ( 2010). Study of the American South Specialty Group Plenary Session Association of American Geographers Washington, DC.
- Chapman, T. E.. and Yarbrough, R. ( 2010). Mapping New Terrain: An Initial Assessment of Community Geography Project Outcomes Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting Washington, DC.
- Chapman, T. E.. and Yarbrough, R. ( 2009). Community Geography in the Rural American South: Lessons Learned, Challenges Ahead Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Chapman, T. E.. ( 2008). Embodied Identities and the Body: Community Discourse and Debate Of Local Anti-Discrimination Law Based Upon Sexual Orientation Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting Boston, Massachusetts.
- Chapman, T. E.. and Yarbrough, R. ( 2008). Community Mapping Workshop GIS and mapping workshop given to regional non-profit organizations as part of Georgia Southern University’s Community Geography Initiative .
- Chapman, T. E.. ( 2008). How to get Job in GIS Seminar given to undergraduate Geography/GIS majors at Georgia Southern University .
- Chapman, T. E.. ( 2007). No Mouse in My House? Orlando ‘Gay Days’ and the Geographies of Spectacle Southeastern Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting Charleston, SC.
- Chapman, T. E.. ( 2006). An Applied Approach to the Politics of Place: Sexual Minority Rights and Spaces of Citizenship in Three Florida Localities Applied Geography Conference Tampa, Florida.
- Chapman, T. E.. and Steinberg, P. ( 2006). Contesting Connectedness: Performance of Difference in Key West, Florida the Center for Cultural Studies University of California, Santa Cruz.
- Chapman, T. E.. ( 2005). Heterosexualizing Ownership of Place: Scale Politics and the Contestation of a Human Rights Ordinance in Collier County, Florida Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting Denver, Colorado.
- Chapman, T. E.. and Steinberg, P. ( 2005). The Conch Republic: Where Sovereignty is a State of Mind Political Geography Pre-Conference, Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting Denver, Colorado.
- Chapman, T. E.. and Leib, J. ( 2005). The Political Geographies of Same Sex Marriage in Georgia Southeastern Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting West Palm Beach, Florida.
- Chapman, T. E.. ( 2004). The Political Geography of the 2004 Presidential Election. Session panelist Southeastern Division of the Association of American Geographers Biloxi, Mississippi.
- Earl and Sophia Shaw Award for Doctoral Dissertation Research, Florida State University
- 2008: Best Journal Article of the Year, Southeaster Geographer
- 2005: Graduate Assistantship (Doctoral level), Florida State University