ODU Education Buidling



April 6, 2019 | 5:00-7:00 PM

Shearton Centre Hotel - BnB Restaurant

123 Queen St W, Toronto, ON, Canada


ODU's Darden College of Education and Professional Studies will be hosting a reception at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference. Join us for an exciting evening with ODU's outstanding faculty scholars. Heavy hors d'oeuvres provided. Reserve your spot today!

Faculty Presentations

Angela Eckhoff - Author

Enhancing Young Children's Learning Through Robots and Digital Technology - Enhancing Young Children's Learning Through Robots and Digital Technology

Brandon Butler - Chair

Learning in and Through Collaboration: Communities of Practice, Critical Friendships, and Collaborative Self-Study

Self-Study and Learning in Clinical Field Experiences

Bree Ruzzi - Author

Science Teaching and Learning SIG Poster Session - Three-Dimensional Science in the School Library: Student Results and Perceptions from a Learner-Centered Science Curriculum

Bridgette Epps, Tian Luo - Co-authors

Exploring the Potential - The use of eBooks among Emergent Readers: A systematic review

Cherng-Jyh Yen - Co-author

Networks, Transformation, and Finding Balance in Online Education - Community Development in Social Network Interaction and Social Presence in Online Discussion

Cherng - Jyh Yen - Co-author; Jihea (Kang) Maddamsestti - Author

Conversations on Video Feedback, Asynchronous Discussion, Accelerated Learning, and Games - Online Accelerated Learning Experiences and Self-regulated Learning Skills among Undergraduate Students; Cultivating Critically and Culturally Competence Curriculum for Preservice and In-Service Teachers - A Plurilingual Preservice Teacher's Intersectional Identity and Teaching in an Elementary Classroom

Chris Glass - Discussant

Emerging Perspectives on International Higher Education

Delaram Totonchi, Yuanyuan Yue, Tony Perez - Coauthor

Motivation and Sociocultural Context: Examining Ethnic Identity and Persistence - Stereotypic Experiences of Underrepresented Groups in STEM: Sources, Effects and Coping Strategies;Structural Relations of Ethnic Identity and Academic/Career Outcomes Among Different Race Groups: Multi-group Analysis

Doris U. Bolliger - Coauthor

Learning Experiences, Community of Inquiry, and Online Learner Engagement - Instructor and Student Perceptions of Online Student Engagement Strategies

Helen Crompton - Coauthor

Computer-Based Experts and Models - Mobile Learning and Student Cognition: A Systematic Review of Pre-K-12 Research Using Bloom's Taxonomy

Jay Paredes Scribner, Karen L. Sanzo - Coauthors

Perspectives on Implementing State Policy at the Local Level - Virginia's Standards of Accreditation: Using Logic Models to Understand Policy Implementation at the Local Level

Jennifer Jill Kidd, Krishnanand Kaipa - Coauthors

Supporting Learners in STEM, Making, and Computational Thinking - Making Animal-Inspired Robots with Fifth and Sixth Graders: Introducing Engineering in Preservice Teacher Education

Jill Stefaniak - Coauthor

Pressing Forward: Innovations and Deep Study - Services motivating instructional designers in higher education to engage in professional associations

Joanna K. Garner - Chair

Applying Complexity Perspectives on Educational Research

Joanna K. Garner, Daniel M. Russell - Coauthors; Tony Perez - Coauthor

Embracing and Modeling the Complex Dynamics of Motivation and Engagement: Contextual, Temporal, Dynamic, and Systematic - Using Symbolic Dynamics to Reveal a Strategy-Based Control Parameter When Learning From Text; Modeling Semester-Long Recursive Dynamics of the Expectancy-Value Motivation System Among Undergraduate Biology Students

Jori S. Beck - Coauthor

Advancements in Human Scoring: Bringing Together Multiple Approaches - Assessing Teacher Pedagogical Knowledge: The Video Assessment of Teacher Knowledge (VATK)

Data Use Tools and Resources: Models, Literature Reviews, and Dashboards - Differentiating Between Data Literacy and Assessment Literacy: A Systematic Review of Research

Jori S. Beck, Brandon M. Butler, KaaVonia Hinton - Coauthors

Developing Teacher Leadership Identities and Navigating Roles - "Personal Rather Than Positional Power": Defining Teacher Leadership and Exploring Preparation

KaaVonia Hinton - Author

Pioneering Women - Reflecting on Biography for Youth: The Case of Oprah

KaaVonia Hinton, Yonghee Suh - Coauthors

Changing Access to Literacy Through Disciplinary Literacy - How Do We Collaborate within Disciplinary Literacy? : A Literature Review

Kristie Gutierrez - Coauthor

Cross-Sector Strategies for OST Learning - "Not Just a Waste of Time": Families Exploring STEM Activities in their Homes

Informal Learning Environments Research Poster Session - After-School STEM Clubs: Exploring Their Potential to Fill Learning Opportunity Gaps

Laura Elizabeth Smithers - Author

Post-Qualitative Inquiring: Discussions on Transcripts, Writing, Fields, and Research - Research to Create New Worlds: Narrating Difference Through Paradox

Leonor Mendiola Adams - Coauthor- Student

Assessment, Learning Readiness, and Online Learning and Teaching Practices - Formative Assessment of a Web-based Experiential Role-Playing Aging Simulation

Linda Bol, Christopher M. Fischer, Melissa Quackenbush(Student) - Coauthors

21st Century Calibration: Judging Performance in Digital and Classroom Contexts - How do Individual or Group Guidelines Impact Calibration Accuracy and Achievement of High School Students in a U.S. Governance Course?

Melva R. Grant - Chair

Perspectives on Social Justice in Self-Study

Pauline Salim Muljana - Coauthor- Student

Motivation and Self-Regulation in Educational Technology Contexts - Learning Analytics in Web-Assisted Learning: Connecting Self-Regulation, Learning Behaviors and Course Achievement

Rachel Sue White - Author

What Shapes Public Perceptions of Educational Systems? - Examining the Public's Confidence in (Misinformed) Understanding of Charter School Policy

Rachel Sue White - Coauthor

SEL Measurement and Continuous Improvement: Lessons From the CORE Districts - Setting Targets for School Improvement on SEL and other Non-Academic Indicators

Rebecca John - Author- Student

Early Childhood Poster Session 2 - Mothers' Voices in Early Childhood Education: Resettled Refugee Women's Experiences

Shana L. Pribesh, Yuanyuan Yue(Student) - Coauthors

Social and School Context - Residential Mobility and Educational Outcomes: Testing Competing Theories

Steve P. Myran - Coauthor

New Approaches to Learning and Leading - Looking Through a Learning Sciences Lens: Forging a Dialogue Between Leadership, Teaching and Social Justice

Leaders at Multiple Levels Who Address Issues of Access and Equity

Sue C. Kimmel - Coauthor

Multimodal Artifacts, Narratives, and Affective Experiences - "Please Let This be the Crassest Thing My Child Reads!": Exploring Community Perceptions of Challenged Children's Literature

Thomas W. Bean, Tony Perez, Jamie Colwell - Coauthors

Topics in Adult Education - A Multicase Study of Community College Discipline Faculty's Participation in a Disciplinary Literacy Learning Community

Tony Perez - Chair

Division C Graduate Student Seminar (Day 2 of 2) - Learning and Instruction

Tony Perez - Coauthor

Postsecondary Achievement and Dropout: Explorations and Interventions From Multiple Theoretical Perspectives - Short-Term and Long-Term Trajectories of Science College Students' Achievement Goals: Development and Outcomes

Motivation, Engagement, and Achievement in STEM Learning - Combined Cognitive-Motivational Interventions with Substantial Benefits for Undergraduate Biology Grades: A Meta-Analysis of 10 New Experiments

Motivation Interventions: Insights From a Multicomponent Perspective Theory, Practice, and Research - The Long-term Effects of a Motivationally Supportive Undergraduate Science Enrichment Program on Science Career Persistence; Combining Different Motivation and cognitive Supports in Undergraduate Biology in Different Contexts: Lessons Learned

Division C Graduate Student Seminar (Day 1 of 2) - Learning and Instruction

Yonghee Suh - Coauthor

Teacher Education and PCK in Teaching History - Professional Development and The Place of Teacher Content Knowledge: A Case of Teaching School Desegregation

Yuanyuan Yue(Student), Tony Perez - Coauthors; Pauline Salim Muljana(Student), Tian Luo - Coauthors; Cherng-Jyh Yen - Coauthor

Exploring Motivational Constructs in Authentic Academic Settings - Testing Assumptions of Dweck's Social-Cognitive Model of Achievement Motivation in Science: A Latent-Interaction Modeling Study; Learning and Instruction - Factors Contributing to Student Retention in Online Learning and Recommended Strategies for Improvement: A Systematic Literature Review; Technology as an Agent of Change in Teaching and Learning - Social Network Interaction and Self-regulated Learning Skills in Online Discussion