Affirmations are positive statements that help you deal with negative feelings, thoughts, and situations. This may sound too simple; repeating the same sentences won’t change anything around you. But research shows that positive thinking can rewire your brain, changing the way you feel about things. Affirmations work because of neuroplasticity, or the brain’s ability to adapt to new situations.
- Affirmations are helpful for numerous reasons:
- Help you reprogram your subconsciousness
- Encourage you to create a better picture of yourself and your surroundings
- Lower your stress levels
- Decrease worry, fear, and anxiety
- Improve the quality of life
- Provide feelings of harmony, happiness, and optimism
How to Use Affirmations
Say affirmations aloud. Use the present tense. Try not to highlight the negative. Choose meaningful affirmations
Convenient places for your affirmations
- Mirrors
- Next to your computer
- Closet doors
- On the wall
- Exercise equipment
- Screen saver
- Ceiling
- Fridge
Say Them in the Morning
Many people enjoy saying affirmations in the morning, right after they wake up. At that time, your mind is fresh. So, find a few minutes before beginning the day to repeat your affirmations. That way, you will start the morning right with a dose of positivity. If you face what’s disrupting your tranquility every day, you will find morning affirmations for peace useful. They will help you create the right mindset and lower your stress and anxiety.
Look in the Mirror
One of the best ways to use affirmations is to stand in front of a mirror. Look yourself in the eyes, lift your chin up, and face whatever’s bothering you. Then, say the affirmations with courage and confidence, and you’ll notice how it positively affects your mindset.
Incorporate Affirmations in Meditation
One of the best ways to achieve peace is through meditation. Get the best of both worlds by saying affirmations before or while you’re meditating.
Final Thoughts on Affirmations for Peace
Saying affirmations for peace regularly helps our brain to create positive responses to different circumstances. Although it may seem hard to believe, these short phrases can significantly change how we perceive ourselves and our surroundings.
- I grow and improve every day.
- I appreciate the opportunities I've been given.
- My life is full of potential.
- I give myself permission to be myself.
- I have the power to change.
- I am courageous.
- I’m allowed to have needs and take up space.
- I am valued.
- I am worthy of love.
- I am enough.
- Nothing can disrupt my peace.
- I am 100% relaxed at this very moment.
- I choose to think positively about what’s bothering me.
- I have the power to let go of everything that’s negative.
- I can let go of things I can’t change.
- I can be relaxed in all situations.
- I am grateful for the peace I have right now.
- I attract good people into my life.
- I am allowed to feel upset, angry, and sad sometimes—that’s part of being human
- My personal boundaries are important, and I’m allowed to express my needs to others
- “No” is a complete sentence and I don’t have to explain or justify my boundaries
- I am allowed to feel good and to experience pleasure in life
- I am worthy of receiving good things and of accomplishing my goals in life
- The past is the past, and my past doesn’t predict my future
- I forgive myself for mistakes I made, and I refuse to hold them against myself
- I am allowed to take up space, to have desires, and to have a voice
- I don’t have to give up my hopes and dreams
- All this hard work I am putting into achieving my goals will pay off
- I am capable of making healthy choices
- It is easy for me to let go of stress, anxiety, and fear.
- I am confident I’m making the right decisions for my life.
- Nobody can take my peace from me.
- I give myself permission to remove stress from my life.
- My actions bring new understanding into my life.
- I am happy I am surrounded by people that bring value to my life.
- I accept that I am not perfect.
- Negative thoughts do not serve me anymore
- I will surround myself by people who love and support me unconditionally
- I accept myself for who I am
- With positive thoughts and self-confidence, I will be unstoppable
- I am proud of myself and will continue to strive to do well
- Today I will do my best
- I know it’s okay to get out of my comfort zone.
- Other people’s opinions don’t bother me.
- I focus on the positive aspects of every situation.
- I appreciate myself.
- I have a loving family that supports me and respects my needs.
- As worries leave my body, they leave room for peace and calmness.
- I let go of stress.
- There’s no room for pessimistic thoughts in my head.
- I know I am worthy of peace.
- The power is in my hands.
- Disagreements with my family and friends can’t disrupt my peace.
- I am a strong, capable person
- I have done difficult things in the past, and I can do them again
- I have experienced challenges in the past, and I am more resilient because of this
- I know my worth
- I deserve to be loved and to love others
- Growth is sometimes bumpy and isn’t always linear, but I will stay the course
- Healing is within reach for me
- I love my body, my mind, my dreams, and my goals
- I create a safe space for open dialogue.
- I practice empathy in my interactions with others.
- I engage in respectful conversations, even when I disagree.
- I recognize the impact of my words and actions.
- I commit to being a positive role model for civility.
- I recognize the shared humanity in every individual.
- I take responsibility for my part in creating a respectful environment.
- I encourage others to express their authentic selves.
- I approach every interaction with empathy and kindness.
- I strive to understand others’ feelings and perspectives.
- I choose kindness in every conversation I have.
- I focus on the positive aspects of every situation.
- I advocate for accessibility and inclusivity.
- I strive to be an ally to those who are marginalized.
- I celebrate the diversity of thought in my academic pursuits.
- I envision a future where civility thrives in our community.
- I commit to breaking down barriers and building bridges.
- I practice active listening to foster deeper connections.
- I treat others as I wish to be treated, with respect and dignity.
- I choose to respond to conflict with empathy rather than anger.
- I foster an environment where everyone feels safe to share.
- I choose to uplift others instead of tearing them down.
- I recognize the importance of mental well-being in communication.
- I embrace the beauty of cultural differences and shared humanity.
- I support initiatives that promote understanding and respect.
- I engage in self-reflection to improve my interactions.
- I advocate for inclusivity in every aspect of campus life.
- I approach each day with an open mind and heart.
- I recognize that empathy can change the world.
- I envision a campus where empathy and kindness flourish.
- I believe that together, we can create a more understanding world.
- I lead by example, demonstrating civil behavior.
- I commit to lifelong learning about diverse cultures.
- I celebrate the strengths that come from our differences.
- I challenge my own biases and assumptions.
- I create an atmosphere where everyone feels valued.
- I uplift others through words of encouragement and support.
Explore Civility with ODU
During August, National Civility Month, ODU places an emphasis on showing respect to others. But these concepts can be used throughout the year to improve our lives, and those of our others in our community.