Old Dominion University will partner with the Virginia Department of Transportation April 9-13 to raise awareness about work zone safety.

During that time, a VDOT vehicle that was involved in a crash on Route 58 will be displayed on Kaufman Mall. Hampton Roads VDOT worker Jimmie Harris will share his firsthand account of the crash and his perspective on highway work zone safety.

From 9 to 11 a.m. on Monday, April 9, Harris and VDOT's Nina Napolitano will be on Kaufman Mall to answer questions about work zone safety and share the "See the Cone, Respect the Zone" message with drivers.

The January 31 accident involved a tractor trailer that collided with two VDOT trucks at a pothole patching work zone in Southampton County. During the incident, Harris helped a coworker, who was trapped in an overturned dump truck.

The vehicle display coincides with National Work Zone Awareness Week April 9 - 13. April is also Distracted Driving Awareness Month, and Gov. Ralph Northam designated April as Highway Safety Month in Virginia.