Two Old Dominion University alums will hold book signings this month at the Village Bookstore.

Michael Zitron, author of "Waconomics: Redefining Water's Role in Our Economy," will be in the store from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov 19. Zitron, who graduated with a degree in international business with a Latin American concentration in 2012, has made raising awareness of the importance of water his passion. In addition to publishing "Waconomics" in 2018, he founded the nonprofit Water M. Mission in 2017. To read more about Zitron, go to this link.

Tamara Critzer, author of "Discordia," will sign her book from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 21. Her debut novel is an urban fantasy take on Greek mythology and interaction with mortals. Her upcoming novel, "They All Fall Down," is a modern take on Dante's Inferno involving a human's reluctant involvement with the reapers of Hell's nine circles.

Critzer, an eighth-grade English teacher in Suffolk, earned her bachelor's degree in 2015 and her master's in 2018.