How is social media shaping the culture of teaching and learning in higher education?

Find out and join the conversation at the Center for Learning and Teaching's 2019 Faculty Summer Conference. "Jumping on the Social Media Bandwagon: Is It Worth It?" will take place May 21-22 at the Ted Constant Convocation Center.

The two days of reflection, sharing and learning are built around workshops and panel discussions focusing on the challenges and opportunities associated with social media. To register, visit 2019 Faculty Summer Conference.

The keynote speaker will be Jim Groom, a web innovator, instructional technologist, blogger and self-described "edupunk."

Groom formerly directed the Division of Teaching and Learning Technologies at the University of Mary Washington (UMW). He also taught there and took part in a number of inventive projects.

In 2010 he reimagined the Computer Science 106 course on digital storytelling at UMW as an open, online community dubbed "ds106" - an experiment in teaching and learning on the social web that won international notice.

In addition, he helped spearhead an initiative at UMW called A Domain of One's Own that, starting in fall 2013, gave incoming freshmen their own domain and web hosting account. This endeavor led to his current role as co-founder of Reclaim Hosting, which provides A Domain of One's Own to more than 80 universities worldwide.

For more information on the event, including the schedule, see the conference website.

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