Miltos Kotinis
NORFOLK, 23529
Ph.D. in Mechanical Eng., Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, University of Michigan, (2005)
M.S. in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, University of Michigan, (2001)
Other in Naval Architecture, Marine, and Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, (2000)
- Certificate, Summer Naval Surface Ship Design Program
- Sponsoring Organization: University of Michigan
- Date Obtained: 2005-01-01
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Kotinis, M. and Parsons, M. G. . "Further Development and Optimization of the Ballast-Free Ship Design Concept" $44,000. October 2007 - October 2008
- Kotinis, M. and Parsons, M. G. . "Hydrodynamic Optimization Testing of Ballast-Free Ship Design" $43,000. October 2006 - October 2007
- Kotinis, M. and Parsons, M. G.. "Seaway-Sized Bulk Carrier Model for Hydrodynamic Optimization of Ballast-Free Ship Design" $49,559. January 2006 - August 2006
Research Interests
Ship Hydrodynamics:
Numerical methods for computation of ship resistance, turbulence modeling, marine propeller cavitation.
Computational Intelligence:
Application of particle swarm optimization algorithms to multiobjective engineering optimization problems, hybrid evolutionary algorithms.
- Kotinis, M. (2011). . Engineering Optimization 43 (6) , pp. 635-656.
- Parson, M. G. and Kotinis, M. (2011). Trim and Draft Control Capability of the Variable Buoyancy Ship. Journal of Ship Production and Design 27 (3) , pp. 118-126.
- Dolinskaya, I. S.., Kotinis, M., Parsons, M. G.. and Smith, R. L.. (2009). Optimal Short-Range Routing of Vessels in a Seaway. Journal of Ship Research 53 (3) , pp. 121-129.
- Dolinskaya, I. S.., Kotinis, M., Parsons, M. G. . and Smith, R. L. . (2008). Optimal Short-Range Routing of Vessels in a Seaway. Journal of Ship Research .
- Kotinis, M. and Parsons, M. G. . (2007). Hydrodynamic Investigation of the Ballast-Free Ship Concept. Transactions SNAME.
- Kotinis, M. (2005). Concept Ship Design for the Iron Nugget Trade. Marine Technology 4.
- Kotinis, M., Parsons, M. G.., Lamb and Sirviente I. . (2004). Development and Investigation of the Ballast-Free Ship Concept. Transactions SNAME.
Conference Proceeding
- Kotinis, M. and Parsons , M. G. . (2007). Numerical Investigation of the Flow at the Stern of a Ballast-Free Bulk Carrier Model Ann Arbor, Michigan: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference in Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics (ICNSH).
- Kotinis, M. and Lamb, T. (2005). A Study of U.S. Short Sea Shipping using the Michigan Ship Design Synthesis System Busan: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding (ICCAS).
- Lamb, T., Spicknall , M., Kotinis, M. and Michalopoulou, K. (2004). Ship Design Accounting for Multiport Operation and Lifecycle Cost Luebeck-Travemuende: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and other Floating Structures (PRADS).
- Lamb, T. and Kotinis, M. (2003). A Set-Based Ship Design Synthesis System Athens: Proceedings of the 8th International Marine Design Conference (IMDC).
- Kotinis, M. and Parsons, M. G. . (November 13, 2008). Hydrodynamics of the Ballast-Free Ship Revisited meeting of the Great Lakes and Great Rivers SNAME Section Ann Arbor, MI.
- American Bureau of Shipping - Captain Joseph H. Linnard Prize, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME)
- Graduate Paper Honor Prize, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME)
- Member of Technical Committee, 9th International Marine Design Conference
- Outstanding Service Award, Quarterdeck Honorary Society, Department of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, University of Michigan
- 2003: Travel Grant, Rackham School of Graduate Studies, University of Michigan
- 2000: Graduate Student Fellowship, Department of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, University of Michigan