Mary Beth Pennington
NORFOLK, 23529
Ph.D. in English, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, (2010)
M.A. in English, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, (2004)
B.A. in Communications, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, (2000)
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Pennington, M. "Recipient of VMI Undergraduate Research Initiative’s Integrating Undergraduate Research into the Curriculum Grant" $1,000. 2011 - 2011
Research Interests
Disciplinary evolution of rhetoric and composition; reading instruction in the university; rhetorical and metacognitive instructional strategies
- Pennington, M., Ritola, T. and Walzer, B. (2017). The Public Fallout of the Humanities’ Crisis: Critiquing the Public Turn in Rhetoric and Composition Studies. Rendezvous Journal of Arts and Letters (Crisis in the Humanities Special Edition) 43 (1).
Book Chapters
- Pennington, M. (2016). Powerlessness Repurposed: The Feminist Ethos of Judy Bonds Rethinking Ethos: A Feminist Ecological Approach to Rhetoric (pp. 150-173) Carbondale IL: Southern Illinois University Press.
- 2021: John R Broderick Diversity Champion Award (DCA) Winner (with Kristi Costello), ODU/Institutional Equity and Diversity
- 2009: Graduate Student Essay Award for “The Persistence of Country: An Ethnographic Study and Reflection on Being Rural and Academic”, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
- 2005: Oleta Norman Fellowship, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
- 2004: Phi Beta Kappa, Virginia Tech