Acceptable Usage
The following statement must be affirmed by all account holders prior to their receiving their accounts:
Customers are granted access to computing, networks, and information stored electronically contingent upon their prudent and responsible use. Access is granted to the individual and no individual can transfer or share access with another. Customers may not (1) use information or resources for any illegal or unauthorized purpose or act, i.e., to violate state or federal laws or any established policies and procedures of the University; (2) participate in any behavior that unreasonably interferes with the fair use of other customers or harms them in any way; (3) use resources or information for commercial purpose without prior authorization from the Vice President for Administration and Finance. Misuse of computing, networking, and information resources may result in severe consequences, including the loss of access to computing resources. Realize that this loss of access could adversely affect the fulfillment of your University obligations.
Customers are likewise granted access to telecommunication resources contingent upon their prudent and responsible use. Customers may not (1) utilize these resources for any illegal or unauthorized purpose or act, i.e., to violate state or federal laws or any established policies and procedures of the University; (2) participate in any behavior that interferes with the fair use of such resources or harms others in any way; (3) use resources or information for commercial purpose without the prior authorization of the Vice President for Administration and Finance. Misuse of telecommunication resources may result in severe consequences.
By signing below, I acknowledge understanding of the information contained above and offer consent to the following: (1) in any investigation of misuse, the University may inspect, without prior notice, the contents of files, voice mail, logs, and any related computer-generated or stored material, such as printouts; and (2) customer computer files may be inspected occasionally by systems personnel when assuring system integrity or performing related resource management duties. I also consent to comply with the University's Policies and Procedures regarding computing and telecommunication resources.
This agreement applies to all current and future accounts and access to University resources.
Accounts and Security Issues
Account holders have certain responsibilities relative to the use of their account(s):
- An account is not to be used by anyone other than the owner and the owner is solely responsible for all work done in that account. By signing the Acceptable Usage Statement, the owner has agreed to that condition; letting another use one's account is against University security policies.
- Each account may be used only for work-related purposes and in accordance with the employee's job description.
- Account owners should choose each password carefully. A password should not be something another could easily guess and it should not be written down. Most unauthorized access is gained through an easily-guessed password or one that has been written down.
- Account owners should not tell anyone their password. NO ONE, under any circumstances, has the right to require that the owner share that information, including supervisors and personnel from Information Technology Services.
- No PC/workstation should be left unattended while the owner is logged in. The owner should either log out or the PC should be locked. Remember, the owner is be responsible if someone uses that account to make an unauthorized change or deletion, etc. This is a very serious situation; don't take a chance that it won't happen.
- If an account owner suspects that someone has been using his/her account or has tried to log in, he/she should contact the ITS Help Desk immediately.
Leaving the Department or University
It is important that ITS keeps access to computer resources as current as possible. If an account owner is leaving the University, access to his/her current accounts is no longer authorized or valid. If the owner is leaving his/her department for another on campus, the current access is no longer valid. Either the Budget Unit Director or the account owner should notify ITS by sending mail to If appropriate, the employee will need to apply for new accounts through the new Budget Unit Director.

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