Vehicular Access to University Property

  • Responsible Oversight Executive: Vice President for Administration & Finance
  • Date of Current Revision or Creation: February 14, 2018
  • Download Policy PDF

The purpose of this policy is to control vehicular access on University property in order to protect landscapes and other property from vehicles and other motorized/non-motorized equipment and devices and to promote safety.

Code of Virginia Section 23.1-1301, as amended, grants authority to the Board of Visitors to make rules and policies concerning the institution. Section 6.01(a)(6) of the Board of Visitors Bylaws grants authority to the President to implement the policies and procedures of the Board relating to University operations.

Commercial Vehicles and Equipment - Vehicles or equipment, owned or operated by a commercial entity, on University property in support of University operations.

Electronic Personal Assistance Mobility Devices (EPAMDs) - Self-balancing two-wheeled devices with an electronic propulsion system, such as a Segway or a T-3. Hoverboards are not allowed on University-controlled property (see Policy 3231, Use of Bicycles, Skateboards and Personal Transport Devices on University Property).

Emergency Vehicles - Vehicles belonging to ODU Public Safety, Environmental Health & Safety along with Norfolk Fire and Police vehicles.

Grounds Vehicles and Equipment - Owned or operated vehicles and equipment used by the Facilities Management grounds workers or contractors

Landscapes - Property owned or leased by the University that is not paved and includes turf, flower beds and gardens on University property.

Pathways/Sidewalks - All outdoor paved, planked, graveled or other routes on University property or contiguous with University property that are not automobile right-of-ways, lots, garages or loading zones.

Pedestrians - Pedestrians include Individuals who are walking as well as those requiring medically-assistive mobility devices, including both motorized and non-motorized wheelchairs. The latter are not considered users of personal transport devices.

Privately Owned Vehicles and Equipment - Vehicles not owned by the University or commercial entities.

Personal Transport Devices (PTDs) - Generic term used to identify EPAMDs, roller skates/in-line skates, scooters, recreational devices and other variations of these devices that do not fall under strict definitions of bicycles or skateboards but must also abide by the rules set forth in this policy.

Service Vehicles and Equipment - Primarily University-owned vehicles and equipment (but may include contractor vehicles and equipment) belonging to Facilities Management, Transportation & Parking Services, and Athletics necessary to support the ongoing operations of the University.

Skateboard - A board of any length, regardless of the number of wheels in contact with the ground, that has no seat but is designed to be stood upon by the operator and propelled by human power.

University Property - Land and facilities that are owned by Old Dominion University or controlled by Old Dominion University via leases or other formal contractual arrangements to house ongoing University operations.

University Vehicle - Any vehicle owned by the University, including University Police vehicles, service vehicles, golf carts and other licensed or unlicensed vehicles or equipment.


This policy applies to all employees, students, volunteers, employees of affiliated organizations who are paid through the University, and visitors to the institution. Employees include all staff, administrators, faculty, full- or part-time, and classified or non-classified persons who are paid by the University. Students include all persons admitted to the University who have not completed a program of study for which they were enrolled; student status continues whether or not the University's programs are in session. Affiliated organizations are separate entities that exist for the benefit of the University through an operating agreement and include the Foundations, the Community Development Corporation, and the Alumni Association. Visitors include vendors and their employees, parents of students, volunteers, guests, uninvited guests and all other persons located on property, owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the University.


The University strives to protect its grounds and landscapes as well as individuals by controlling vehicular access on University property. Emergency vehicles, service vehicles, and commercial vehicles (when permitted by the Office of Facilities Management) may operate on sidewalks but only as necessary in performance of job-related tasks. Otherwise, except where/when specifically authorized, vehicular traffic operating on University property will be restricted to areas designed to bear the weight of vehicles. Such property includes streets, parking lots and decks, designated loading docks, and driveways.

Sidewalks are intended primarily for the use of pedestrians. Bicycles, skateboards, personal transport devices (PTDs), University golf carts and other unlicensed vehicles, and Personal Assistance Mobility Devices (EPAMDs) are granted access to sidewalks but must yield to pedestrians.


1. Permitted and prohibited areas where vehicles may be operated:

  1. Pathways/Sidewalks
    1. University and city pathways/sidewalks are primarily for the use of pedestrians.

    2. Bicycles, EPAMDs, PTDs and University owned-golf carts and other unlicensed vehicles are also permitted, but operators must yield to pedestrians, operate their vehicles/devices in a manner that does not endanger themselves or others, and may not use landscapes for any purpose to include passing pedestrians or slower moving devices.

    3. Emergency and service vehicles and equipment may operate on sidewalks in support of specific work assignments but operators must yield to pedestrians, operate their vehicles/devices in a manner that does not endanger themselves or others and may not use landscapes to pass pedestrians.

    4. Privately owned vehicles and equipment shall not transit or park on University walks except as directed for residential move-in and move-out periods.

    5. Commercial vehicles shall not transit or park on University walks, unless an exception is provided (see c., Exceptions).

  2. Landscapes
    1. Grounds Department vehicles and equipment and Grounds Department contractors (for mission specific tasks) may operate vehicles on landscapes.

    2. Emergency vehicles (in emergency situations) may operate on landscapes.

    3. Service vehicles and equipment and commercial vehicles shall not transit or park on University landscapes or walks and may not use landscapes to pass pedestrians, unless an exception is provided (see c., Exceptions).

    4. Privately owned vehicles and equipment shall not transit or park on University landscapes except as directed for residential move-in and move-out periods.

    5. No other vehicles, golf carts and other unlicensed vehicles, bicycles, PTDs or EPAMDs may operate on landscapes at any time. Cutting corners, using landscapes to pass pedestrians, etc. are prohibited activities.

  3. Exceptions

    When proximity to a job site is essential to the efficient completion of work and to the extent that service vehicles and equipment or commercial vehicles require access to facilitate loading/unloading materials, or when continued access to its contents is required, an exception is authorized, but only for the shortest period necessary. The Director of Facilities Management or designee (for pathways/sidewalks) or the designated project manager in the Office of Facilities Management (for landscapes) are responsible for designating the access/egress and parking location, with care being exercised to avoid/limit damage to University landscapes and walks. Consideration should be given to weather and ground conditions when permitting access. Exceptions may be requested via the Office of Facilities Management Maintenance Support Center.

    If an exception is granted, hang tags noting what access is permitted and for what duration will be issued. These hang tags are only for the purpose of granting an exception for the use of turf and sidewalks by commercial vehicles and equipment and not for use in any University parking lots or structures. Permits for use of parking lots and structures are distributed by the Office of Transportation and Parking Services.

2. Damage to Landscapes and Facilities

Departments and contractors/vendors causing damage to University landscapes and property are financially responsible for repairs.

3. Violations and Infractions

  1. Vehicle operators found violating this policy may be subject to disciplinary action. University employees failing to provide adequate supervision of employees/contractors/vendors or failing to observe the requirements of this policy may also be subject to disciplinary action.

  2. All vehicles operated/parked on University property are subject to the University's Parking and Traffic Procedures. The existing appeal procedures for parking regulations will apply.


Applicable records must be retained and then destroyed in accordance with the Commonwealth's Records Retention Schedules.

Director of Facilities Management

Policy History

Policy Formulation Committee (PFC) & Responsible Officer Approval to Proceed:

/s/ Michael J. Brady

Responsible Officer Signature

February 7, 2018


Policy Review Committee (PRC) Approval to Proceed:

/s/ Donna W. Meeks

Chair, Policy Review Committee (PRC)

September 26, 2017


Executive Policy Review Committee (EPRC) Approval to Proceed:

/s/ Gregory E. DuBois

Responsible Oversight Executive Signature

February 12, 2018


University Counsel Approval to Proceed:

/s/ James D. Wright

University Counsel

February 12, 2018


Presidential Approval:

/s/ John R. Broderick


February 14, 2018


Previous Revisions: December 1, 1989; February 14, 2018

Scheduled Review Date: February 14, 2023