Graphic design students from Old Dominion University were recognized in the following competitions:

This is the advertising industry's largest and most representative competition, attracting over 40,000 entries annually in local ad club competitions. The Addy's competition has a unique system, which includes three judging levels (local, regional and national). If a gold or silver is awarded, it moves to the next level. The students below were awarded for their design work at the American Advertising Federation of Hampton Roads competition.

Hannah Zach
Project: Wounded Warrior Project Poster
Award: Gold ADDY

Hannah Zach
Project: Deification Spelling Bee Poster
Award: Silver ADDY

Ryan Witherow
Project:The Little Penguin Wine Bottle Package
Award: Silver ADDY

Brandon Harrell
Project: ICBL Public Service Poster
Award: Silver ADDY

Out of over a hundred entries from schools nationwide, judges chose one winner, two runners-up, and two honorable mentions for each category. Each winning piece will be exhibited in the VAC Gallery on the Mississippi State University campus, will be displayed online and will be published in a Blurb book.

Brianna Cole
Project: Unicef: Water Under Fire Project (second runner-up, Merit Winners in Advertising)

Jasmine Gasca
Project: Kamikaze, Spelling Bee Poster (second runner-up, Merit Winners in lllustration)

The ICDE is an organization dedicated to fostering opportunities for design students, organizations and professional designers. It is positioned to leverage the expertise of both the design industry, diverse corporations in all fields, business partners, young talent and individuals who share a passion and need for design. Their competitions are meant to showcase the most talented students within the field of Communication Design.

2019 Logo Winners

Silver Medalist: Jamie Relleva
Project: Benchtop Brewing Company

Bronze Medalist: Jamie Relleva
Project:Three Lives and Company

2019 Poster Winners

Bronze Medalist: Julia Drake
Project: Mercy Ships

Bronze Medalist: Julia Drake
Project: Duck Tape Festival

Meghan Smith: Page 34 (see link below)
Brianna Ivey: Page 45 (see link below)

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