Our Stop Trying to Make Fake News Happen! panel will be held on Thursday, November 2 from 7:30-9:00 PM in MBG 102. It is free and open to all.

The goals of the event are to:

  • Introduce students to the news editorial process
  • Discuss how fake news is generated and spread, consumer responsibilities, and societal consequences
  • Discuss current events related to news and fake, misinterpreted, or biased news

The panel, hosted by Giovanna Genard, ODU's Assistant VP of Communication & Marketing, will include ODU faculty and local news journalists. Audience participation is highly encouraged!

Featured Panelists Include:

  • Brandi Cummings, WAVY-TV
  • Lora Hadzhidimova, Graduate Student, International Studies
  • Jakon Hays, The Virginian Pilot
  • Jeff Reece, The Virginian Pilot
  • Jesse Richman, Associate Professor, Political Science
  • Ronald Rugg, WODU Studios General Manager, Student Veteran Association, and SGA Chief Justice

Supplementary teaching materials are available here. If you are interested in giving your students extra credit for attendance, please submit this form.

For more information contact lrush@odu.edu.