The Center for Faculty Development is happy to welcome you to the 2023-2024 academic year. The fall semester always includes exciting moments as classes begin again and some faculty start teaching at ODU for the very first time. If you are brand new to Old Dominion University, please accept a warm welcome from the Center for Faculty Development and consider coming to the CFD if you have new faculty questions, especially if they are related to teaching. We are located in the New Education building rooms 2330, 2331, and 2338 or email us at
Our summer was so eventful. In July, ODU received a three-year, $1 million grant from the National Science Foundation to address the underrepresentation of women in science and engineering faculty positions at ODU. The ADVANCE Adaptation Grant project is entitled "Re-envisioning Inclusive and Sustainable Excellence (RISE): Advancing Women in STEM at Old Dominion University.” It is designed to improve the hiring, tenuring and promotion processes for women STEM faculty, particularly women of color STEM faculty, and enhance department climates so that all faculty members can thrive. The Center for Faculty Development will be involved in working to implement the grant initiatives as Center Director, Annette Finley-Croswhite, is a co-PI on the RISE project. Read about the grant.
Many faculty are busy at this time working on their syllabi. At the CFD, we want to remind you that we have valuable syllabus design material online. Find advice on what should be in your syllabus as well as suggestions for building out your syllabus on our CFD syllabus design page.
Finally, we would like to welcome everyone to our “DAYS OF TEACHING” set for September 28 and 29. Save those dates for a variety of sessions focused on Day 1: “Digital Literacy, Evaluation & Research,” and Day 2: “Accessible Teaching Practices.” Associate Professor Kevin DePew from the Department of English will be our keynote speaker on September 28th with an address entitled: “Look What You Made Me Do, Designing Digital Pedagogy.” More details will be forthcoming about sessions, times, and modalities.
In the meantime, Welcome Back!
- Annette Finley-Croswhite (Director, CFD)
- M’hammed Abdous (Associate Director for Faculty Innovation and Teaching with Technology, CFD)
- Kristal Kinloch-Taylor (Educational Program Developer, CFD)
Upcoming Events
September 28 and 29
Days of Teaching
The series highlights innovative teaching pedagogies and features faculty and administrators from the ODU campus.
Day 1: “Digital Literacy, Evaluation & Research,” and Day 2: “Accessible Teaching Practices.” More information will be forthcoming.
October 2, 5:30-7:00 pm
Reflections on Social Justice through Study Abroad to France, Poland, and Senegal
Executive Dining Room Webb Student Center
Please come and hear from ODU students about their Study Abroad Experiences.
Sponsored by the Center for Faculty Development, the Institute for Jewish Studies and Interfaith Understanding, the Center for Global Engagement, the Office of Study Abroad, and the Department of History. Hosts include Drs. Amy Milligan (IJIU), Annette Finley-Croswhite (History) and Elizabeth Fretwell (History)
October 26, 3:30-5:00 pm
Provost's Spotlight with Dr. Yuping Liu-Thompkins
University Theatre
The Provost’s Spotlight highlights the impressive accomplishments of Old Dominion University Faculty. The fall 2023 semester honoree is Dr. Yuping Liu-Thompkins, Professor of Marketing from the Strome College of Business. Sponsored by the Office of Academic Affairs and the Center for Faculty Development. A reception follows the event.
October 31, 2:00-3:15 pm
CFD Salon on Civility and Cultural Humility in the Workplace
To amplify the civility emphasis from August 2023, the Center for Faculty Development will hold a panel discussion on civility matters. The panelists include: Dr. Anil Nair (Management), Carolyn Rutledge (Nursing), and Gary Beck (Communication and Theatre Arts) along with Dr. Judith Taylor-Fishwick (Director of Professional Development and Assistant Professor at Eastern Virginia Medical School). Location and more information will be forthcoming.