Advisory Councils
Approved: August 14, 1975; Revised February 13, 1986; Revised August 27, 1987; Revised June 12, 2014; Revised December 9, 2022
Scheduled Review Date: December 2027
Old Dominion University's academic programs can benefit substantially from the advice, counsel, and support available from alumni and friends through advisory councils. The Board of Visitors encourages the development of such councils and authorizes the president of the university to establish advisory councils, where appropriate, for the university's colleges, schools, departments, and programs. The Board further authorizes the president to establish such policies and procedures governing the composition and operation of the councils as the president deems necessary and to appoint the members of the councils. Annually, by July 1, the president or designee shall report to the University Advancement and University Communications Committee of the Board of Visitors the policies, procedures, and membership of the advisory councils which have been established.