25th Annual Pumpkin Drop Contest

Join us for the Annual Pumpkin Drop Contest!


When: October 25th at 12:30PM

Where: Batten Arts & Letters

Register by October 21st to participate!


Registration & Rules

Hello students!

You are invited to participate in the Society of Physics Students (SPS) Annual Pumpkin Drop.

This event has been held every year since 1998. Students compete to construct pumpkin catchers to catch pumpkins dropped from the top of the Batten Arts and Letters Building (BAL). The event will be taking place on October 25th from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM (Activity Hour). In the past students have used pillows, counterweights, and other mechanisms to catch pumpkins. This is a good opportunity to apply what you have learned in your classes! Below are the rules and regulations for this year's competition. The team with the most creative catcher wins a prize!


  1. Individual teams should register with me (amand002@odu.edu).Please include your team name and team member names in the email. Please list the subject line as "Registration for Annual Pumpkin Drop" so I can find it easily. Please keep team names appropriate as we have K-12 students spectate the event.
  2. Pumpkin catchers should be easily moved and at least 3x3 feet in size so that pumpkins can hit them easily.
  3. Teams are required to bring 1-2 pumpkins to the SPS lounge (OCNPS 136) no later than 10:00 AM the day of the event.
  4. Pumpkin catchers need to be quickly moved into and out of position (1-2 minutes setup time). No team members are permitted near the catcher during the drop.
  5. Teams may consist of up to 4 people. Enough members must be present to move their catchers into and out of the drop zone. Teams should plan to arrive with their catchers ready by 12 noon at BAL.
  6. No styrofoam peanuts, water, or other messy materials will be permitted. If it will create a mess, don't use it.
  7. You are not permitted to attach anything to your pumpkin, this means no parachutes, attached cushions, or wrapping allowed!
  8. If we deem your catcher dangerous to use, you will be immediately disqualified.
  9. No team members will be allowed on the roof for the pumpkin drop!
  10. Any attempts to break these rules will result in immediate disqualification and the inability to use your pumpkin catcher!