In my current position, I evaluate development assistance to reduce violence against women in Melanesia and East Timor, through our GenderPro Initiative in partnership with UNICEF. My role also consists of supporting the Institute's communications, research dissemination and outreach efforts. In my experience, much of this is applying and putting theory into practice. I directly apply the skills of critical thinking, problem solving, with an intersectional feminist methodology lens. In communications and outreach, much of what is called for is talking about why this work is important with others and why people should care. I still reflect back on those elevator speeches in Professor's Knight's class for sure!

When I was hired and introduced to the staff at my current job, my Director specifically noted my degree background as an indicator that I understood the relevancy of our work. I value that my degree has provided me with the opportunity to work in a field I truly care about. I feel very fortunate to be contributing to such an important mission.

My advice to current students would be to schedule some time to speak with a professor or get connected with an alumni like myself. One of the most important reasons I decided to major in Women's Studies was because core to the values of the department was supporting social justice movements and amplifying the voices of the most marginalized in our communities. The piece that resonates the most with me about Women's Studies is activism. My Women's Studies degree prepared me to transition into the workforce not just with a diverse set of core skills, but also as a scholar-activist. I also felt that my own voice and experience was valued and I was able to really tailor my interests to my course work and degree.