Welcome to Computer Science!

We are eager to assist you as you begin your progress toward a degree in Computer Science.
You will learn how to apply your knowledge of mathematical sciences, natural sciences, programming fundamentals, and computational theory as you solve problems using software-engineering analysis, design, and development principles. We are here to aid you in becoming a successful student, scholar, and future Monarch alumnus.
Advising Resources
Career Development Services
Undergraduate Advising
Advising support is provided to undergraduate students by a team of professionals who are specialists in areas of academic support.
Soad Ibrahim
Chief Departmental Advisor
Dr. Soad Ibrahim is the Computer Science Chief Departmental Advisor. She is the primary advisor for all on-campus BSCS seniors (students with 90 earned credit hours or more). She manages all requests for catalog related clarifications and degree requirement exceptions, manages all transfer course equivalency evaluations, coordinates the CS Exit Exam, evaluates all candidates for graduation, advises all students minoring in computer science and web programming, and assists with the advising of all BSCS majors.
Mirta Williams
Computer Science Success Advisor
Mirta Williams is a coordinator for First Year Student Success. She manages all new student orientations, and assists students with academic progress through our 200-level programming courses. Advises students with less than 60 earned credit hours.
Nirmala Karunarathna
Computer Science Advisor - Juniors & Transferring Students
Nirmala Karunarathna is the primary advisor for the students transferring 24 or more credit hours. She is also the primary advisor for all on-campus BSCS juniors (students who have earned 60-90 credit hours). She will become the primary advisor for traditional freshmen when they are able to enroll in MATH 211 and CS 250.
Online Advising Tool
3rd & 4th Year Students Only: To receive online advising, complete this form and an email will be sent to the CS advisor.
During the summer we ask that students make an appointment:
- Dr. Soad Ibrahim: https://odu.retain.io/meet/sfibrahi
- Dr. Nirmala Karunarathna: https://odu.retain.io/meet/mkarunar
- Mirta Williams: https://odu.retain.io/meet/mwilliams
Students who are considering transferring to Old Dominion University may schedule pre-transfer advising appointments here. For additional information on transfer policy and guidelines, use the links below:
LeADERS connects students to courses and real-world experiences in the areas of: Leadership, Academic Internship, Diversity, Entrepreneurship, Research, or Service Learning. Students complete courses in three, four, or five of these areas and develop a LeADERSePortfolio to showcase the employer-valued skills they gained through taking the courses listed below. Program graduates are recognized during commencement with bronze, silver, or gold LeADERS graduation medallions.
The CS 367-368, 411W, and 410 courses carry LeADERS designations.
Graduate Advising
Masters Information
Ph.D. Information