Employees, and those conducting University business, can be reimbursed for those out-of-pocket business expenditures that are allowed by University and Commonwealth of Virginia CAPP Manual Policies. It is Old Dominion University's policy to adhere to CAPP Manual Policies without regard to the ledger being charged. Exceptions to the University's published guidelines must be requested, and approved, IN ADVANCE, by the Assistant Vice President for Finance/University Controller or designee.
Generally, meals and certain incidental travel expenses are reimbursable on a per diem basis (not actual expenses) for overnight official business travel outside the traveler's official station. Some exceptions are allowed (business-related meals and overtime meals).
Learn about meal reimbursement ►
Petty Cash/Small Business Expenses
If an employee of Old Dominion University uses personal funds to purchase goods for departmental use, he/she can be reimbursed using the Petty Cash Expenditure Reimbursement form (PC-1) from a departmental petty cash fund or by inputting an Expense Report (TR) in the Travel and Expense (T&E) Reporting System.
Reimbursement from petty cash (including departmental petty cash funds) requires adherence to all applicable University and Commonwealth policies and procedures.
Learn about petty cash reimbursement ►
It is the policy of the Commonwealth of Virginia to limit travel costs to only those expenses that are necessary for providing essential services to the Commonwealth's citizens. Further, travelers and travel planners must seek ways to reduce the cost of essential travel.
Old Dominion University is required to communicate State travel policies, regulations and procedures to all employees who travel on State business. Additionally, ODU must ensure that all travel expenses conform to the State travel regulations.
Learn about travel reimbursement ►
Direct Deposit
All petty cash reimbursements/small business expense reimbursements for employees must be electronically deposited into the employee's checking or savings account as directed on the Old Dominion University Direct Deposit Process. Steps for updating or adding Direct Deposit Information may be found in the Direct Deposit Quick Reference Guide here.