Undergraduate Programs

The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Old Dominion University offers a four-year program of study leading to the Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering (BSME). The program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. Program graduates are prepared for professional careers as mechanical engineers, and for graduate study in mechanical engineering or related fields.
Mechanical Engineers design and manufacture systems that convert energy into useful work. Using the laws of nature, along with mathematical analysis, communications, and computational skills, students are educated to develop creative solutions for societal needs.
As a fundamental engineering discipline, mechanical engineers are sought by virtually every industry and government agency. Mechanical Engineers are employed in areas specializing in design, research and development, manufacturing, production, management, project planning, consulting, testing, quality assurance, and technical sales. In addition, some mechanical engineering graduates pursue graduate study that prepares them for research, development, and academic careers.

Undergraduate Student Info
Advisors, Transfers from Community College, and Program Objectives & Outcomes.
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Graduate Programs

Graduate degrees offered are the Master of Science and the Master of Engineering in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, and the Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. The department also offers a Master of Engineering program emphasizing design and manufacturing.
The graduate programs have been designed to prepare graduates for professional practice in the many facets of mechanical engineering, including teaching, research, development, design, and consulting. Graduates are prepared for challenging and creative work in Mechanical Engineering with industries, research organizations, consulting firms, and government agencies.