Old Dominion University hosted "Beach Girls Rock," a virtual STEM-focused enrichment program for girls, on Oct. 23.
The event was sponsored by the Virginia Beach City Public Schools' (VBCPS) Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. It aimed to encourage girls in grades 5 to 8 to aspire to careers in STEM-related fields.
The keynote speaker was Gail Dodge, dean of ODU's College of Sciences and professor of physics. In addition, the event offered interactive breakout sessions led by University faculty in business analytics, chemistry and cybersecurity. Big Blue also made an appearance, and the Green Run High School Marching Stallions performed.
The program had been planned as a live event at the University's Virginia Beach Higher Education Center. ODU's Regional Higher Education Centers are providing leadership for this initiative and intend to resume in-person semi-annual "Beach Girls Rock" events, beginning in March 2022 at ODU Virginia Beach.
For more information on future events, contact the VBCPS Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at 757-263-1396 or email Sebrina.Lindsay-Law@vbschools.com