Graduating Graduates

GSSS graphic

The Graduate Student Satisfaction Survey (GSSS) is a longstanding exit survey that captures graduating students’ sentiments about their educational career at Old Dominion University. The survey is administered to all graduate students who have applied for graduation in the final term of their enrollment before commencement. The data contained herein have been limited to only those whose degree was awarded. The data represent aggregated graduate perceptions from Spring 2014 to Fall 2023.

NOTE: The sentiments contained herein are self-reported student perceptions.

These data are brought to you by The Office of Institutional Effectiveness &, (757) 683-3322.

Results are disaggregated in two ways: College and Modality

  • College refers to the College from which the student's degree was conferred
  • Modality refers to how students complete the majority of their coursework. This determination is made by utilizing both a student's admissions type as well as a self-response within the survey itself.

For assessment results older than what is listed below, please complete a Data Request form.

Data Request

Did you know that department & degree program-level data can be provided upon request?

Report Abbreviation Key
By College By Modality
AL College of Arts and Letters Blended A combination of online and face-to-face courses
BU Strome College of Business F2F Only Only face-to-face courses
ED Darden College of Education and Professional Studies Online Only Only online courses
EN Batten College of Engineering and Technology Total All Responses
HS College of Health Sciences    
SC College of Sciences    
Total All Responses