Family Friendly Programs & Policies

work life balance

Monarchs can take pride in a work-life experience where both personal and professional aspirations are valued and encouraged.

Juggling work and personal life has become an increasing challenge for employees everywhere. At Old Dominion, we seek to enrich the quality of university life by providing resources and programs to support faculty, staff, and their families so they can face today's challenges with resilience and grit.

Big Blue and FBB on Kaufman Mall

Employees are invited and encouraged to participate in campus learning and entertainment activities, athletics activities and traditions, volunteer opportunities and constituent groups.

University Calendar ▶

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Employee Resource Groups (ERGs or affinity groups) affirm employee diversity and offer resources to enhance employee quality of life.

Employee Diversity at ODU ▶

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Telework and Alternative Work Schedules can promote achieving administrative efficiencies, reducing traffic congestion and transportation costs, supporting continuity of operations plans, and sustaining the recruitment and retention of a highly qualified workforce by enhancing work-life balance.

Baby bottle

ODU supports the lactation needs of nursing mothers with functional lactation rooms and reasonable break time, for up to a year after the birth of a child. campus.

Learn More ▶


The ODU Children's Learning and Research Center provides high quality comprehensive care from 7:30AM to 5PM weekdays for children from 8 weeks old through kindergarten.

See Also:


The Women's Center offers programs and services designed to promote gender equity and address the unique challenges and opportunities female students encounter in the pursuit of higher education.

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Temporary Change in Duties ▶
Policy supporting fulltime teaching faculty who expect a new family member through birth or adoption.

Tenure Clock Policy ▶
Supporting work-life balance for lifetime events such as the birth or adoption of a child and responsibility for care of dependent others.

Contact Academic Affairs for questions.

Bachelor Degree Program Guides

ODU makes it a priority to assist dual-career couples when one member has an offer of employment at the University and both are considering relocation to the area. See the ODU Faculty Handbook for more info.

Additional Contacts:

HR Training Presentation

ODU is committed to providing opportunities for education, job skills and career development for eligible employees and their family members.

HR Training & Professional Development ▶

Tuition Assistance Program ▶


The EAP provides affordable behavioral, financial, legal or mental health care support for employees and members of their household with personal or work-related challenges, big or small. Eligible employees have access to full behavioral and mental health benefits.

Learn More ▶

Marketing Image

Fitness and wellness programs provide a supportive environment that encourages employees to adopt and maintain healthy behaviors and overall lifestyle.

ODU Recreation & Wellness ▶


ODU Policy #5406 requires that no qualified individual be excluded or discriminated against in job application procedures, hiring, firing, advancement, compensation, fringe benefits, job training, and other terms, conditions and privileges of employment. Further, ODU provides reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities.

Students and Family

The "SeniorNavigator" website is a national model for aging and disability resources.

More Eldercare Resources & Referral Services ▶

Veterans Day

ODU is a certified V3 (Virginia Values Veterans) Employer, which allows us to develop and implement long-term strategies and nationally recognized best practices in recruiting, hiring, and retaining veterans. The Office of Military ActivitiesMilitary Connection Center, and Veterans Services support our military personnel.


ODU Leave benefits policies help to promote a satisfying balance of professional and personal life for employees.

Learn More ▶

PAPERS is a system used for Position Actions, Position Descriptions, Performance Evaluations, and Recruitments.

LeoOnline contains your official record, including personal information, grades, transcripts, employee payroll information and more.

MyODU is a personal gateway that pulls together the top ODU online resources, providing easy and centralized access to official info & services.