Types of Faculty
Human Resources manages the employment of Administrative & Professional (AP) Faculty

Administrative faculty require the performance of work directly related to the management of the educational and general activities of the institution, department, or sub-division. Incumbents in these positions have a reporting relationship normally no lower than three levels below the president.

Professional faculty require advanced learning and experience acquired by prolonged formal instruction and/or specialized work experience. This category is normally limited to librarians, counselors, coaches, lawyers, and other professional positions serving education, research, athletic, student affairs and development functions.

Administrative faculty require the performance of work directly related to the management of the educational and general activities of the institution, department, or sub-division. Incumbents in these positions have a reporting relationship normally no lower than three levels below the president.

Professional faculty require advanced learning and experience acquired by prolonged formal instruction and/or specialized work experience. This category is normally limited to librarians, counselors, coaches, lawyers, and other professional positions serving education, research, athletic, student affairs and development functions.
Academic Affairs manages the employment of Adjunct, Teaching & Research Faculty

Adjunct faculty members teaching undergraduate-level courses hold either a doctoral or masters' degree with a concentration in the teaching discipline OR hold a masters' degree and has completed at least 18 graduate credit hours in the discipline. Adjunct faculty members teaching graduate-level courses hold a terminal degree in teaching discipline (usually the doctorate) and has current certification for graduate instructions.

Positions in this category have specific assignments that customarily require instruction, research, or public service as a principal activity. Examples include academic rank titles such as professor associate professor, assistant professor, instructor, or lecturer.

Adjunct faculty members teaching undergraduate-level courses hold either a doctoral or masters' degree with a concentration in the teaching discipline OR hold a masters' degree and has completed at least 18 graduate credit hours in the discipline. Adjunct faculty members teaching graduate-level courses hold a terminal degree in teaching discipline (usually the doctorate) and has current certification for graduate instructions.

Positions in this category have specific assignments that customarily require instruction, research, or public service as a principal activity. Examples include academic rank titles such as professor associate professor, assistant professor, instructor, or lecturer.
Talent Management and Culture
PAPERS is a system used for Position Actions, Position Descriptions, Performance Evaluations, and Recruitments.
LeoOnline contains your official record, including personal information, grades, transcripts, employee payroll information and more.
MyODU is a personal gateway that pulls together the top ODU online resources, providing easy and centralized access to official info & services.
Academic Affairs
Academic Affairs is responsible for all of the instructional, research and continuing education/public service programs of the University and their associated faculty, staff and resources.