Research Using Controlled Substances

State Registration

Researchers who maintain or intend to maintain a supply of Schedule II through Schedule VI controlled substances, other than manufacturer samples, must comply with the provisions of The Pharmacy Act and the Drug Control Act with Related Statutes (�54.1-3400 et. seq of the Code of Virginia) and apply for a controlled substances registration on forms approved by the Virginia Board of Pharmacy.

Federal License

Researchers must also register with the U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). Contact the DEA's Diversion Control Program for registration information and applications. Researchers must comply with 21 CFR Chapter 2.

Policies and Procedures

The Old Dominion University Policies and Procedures for Using Controlled Substances in research focuses on safe storage and disposal, and good record keeping. Researchers planning to use controlled substances as part of their research must complete the Controlled Substance Protocol Review Form.