We encourage Campus Departments to direct their visitors and guests to use hourly parking. If a Campus Department would like to pay for their guest's or visitor's parking we offer Monarch Passes and Validation Codes.
Departmental parking is intended for departments that have visitors throughout the year. This is NOT for special event parking, if you need parking for an event click here.
Monarch Passes
Transportation and Parking Services offers the "Monarch Pass" as an option for departmental visitor parking on campus. These passes are valid for one (1) day only. Vehicles displaying a Monarch Pass with more than one (1) day punched out will be issued a citation for Unpaid Parking. These passes can be purchased annually from our department for an annual set-up fee of $125. To purchase or receive additional information about Monarch Passes, please email parking@odu.edu.
- Please maintain a log sheet of these passes. Your log sheet should include pass number, date of visit, guest name, and license plate.
- Be sure to punch out the date on the pass and submit your previously completed log sheet when requesting more passes.
*Note: Passes punched for more than one day are invalid and may result in a citation.
Validation Codes
The validation code program is intended to allow on campus departments a way to offer parking to their visitors at no cost to the visitor. The codes provide users access to convenient hourly parking, and do not require the visitor to stop at the Transportation & Parking Services office.
Validation Codes are for business day use only (not overnight or multi-day) and are not intended for individuals returning for regular or extended parking on campus. Validation Codes can be established for use in one of our five garages or Lot 43. A Validation Code Agreement must be on file with TPS and there is a $125 set up fee per validation code when setting up departmental validation codes.
Rates are as follows
- 2 hours of parking for $4 per use
- 4 hours of parking for $8 per use
- All day parking for $10 per use
Please email parking@odu.edu if your department would like to setup Validation Codes or has any questions about Validation Codes.
Validation Codes are intended for non-ODU affiliated users, students and faculty/staff should purchase parking according to their university status. Daily and individual use of the validation code is monitored to avoid over-use or abuse. Contact TPS for more information about a validation code agreement.