CourseLeaf is a catalog management system that allows for electronic workflows and integrates with Banner for paperless catalog preparation. There are two modules within CourseLeaf, Catalog (CAT) and Course Inventory Management (CIM). CourseLeaf is designed for intuitive editing, manageable workflows, and on demand publishing to web, mobile, tablet, and print PDF platforms.
Benefits of CourseLeaf
- Centralized electronic information source.
- Electronic workflow to ensure proper approval of catalog and course changes.
- Integration with Banner
- Paperless catalog updates
2025-2026 Catalog
To view the screenshot video without the speaker box, click the “Toggle View” arrow button so that the speaker box is in the lower right corner, then click the “Single View” setting button.
Introduction to CIM: 0:00
- CourseLeaf webpage: 0:20
- Logging in to CIM: 1:00
- Searching for courses in CIM: 2:00
- Status column in CIM search results: 3:35
Features of a course proposal in CIM: 4:35
- Print Options: 4:50
- Preview Workflow: 5:05
- History: 6:45
- Catalog Pages Referencing this course area: 7:10
Submitting a new Course Proposal: 8:30
- Entering contact info, start term, college, department, and subject: 8:40
- Course Numbers (how to assign): 13:05
- Blue question mark buttons (what are they?): 12:45
- Course Title: 13:05
- Course Description: 14:30
- Credits and Contact Hours: 15:15
- Course repeatability: 17:50
- Grading mode: 19:15
- Corequisites: 19:35
- Prerequisites: 20:45
- Co/Prerequisites: 25:40
- Cross-listed/Equivalent Courses: 27:25
- Admin coding, rationale, and syllabus: 30:00
- Saving/submitting proposal: 30:45
- How to check on the status of a course you proposed: 31:50
Deactivations: 32:45
Editing Courses: 34:55
- When do you need to deactivate a course and create a new one under a new course number? 36:55
- Refer to the "Submitting a New Course Proposal" area for information on updating specific fields on a proposal.
Approving Changes (How to know when you need to approve something, what to expect, what to do, where to go, etc.): 39:20
- Approval options (Edit, rollback, or approve): 41:25
Closing Remarks: 42:40
To view the screenshot video without the speaker box, click the “Toggle View” arrow button so that the speaker box is in the lower right corner, then click the “Single View” setting button.
Introduction to CAT: 0:00
- CourseLeaf webpage: 0:13
- Preferred browser (Firefox): 0:45
- Logging in to CAT: 1:00
- Access to CAT: 1:34
- Navigating to a page to edit: 2:10
- Encountering access errors: 3:45
General Overview of the Editing Process: 4:11
(What to do, who can do what, submitting into workflow, etc.)
Basics of Editing a Page: 4:35
- Overview Tab: 7:58
- Single-spacing text: 8:35
- Adding links: 9:00
- Editing toolbar and saving your work: 12:10
- Navigating between tabs (to edit): 13:30
- Shared/Other Content (Gray Boxes): 14:30
- Undergraduate-Lower Division General Education: 14:45
- Inline courses (course links): 15:00
- Red boxes in CAT: 18:35
- Editing Shared/Other Content: 19:30
Editing a Course List Box: 22:20
- Predefined Comments (#): 23:10
- Area Headers: 24:50
- Adding/removing required courses from a course list: 25:55
- Elective lists and adding/removing predefined comment entries: 27:30
- Indenting courses: 30:45
- General handling of curriculum changes in a course list box: 32:05
- Comment field: 35:50
- Sequence field: 36:25
- Cross Reference field: 37:50
- Footnote field: 39:10
- Editing existing footnote box: 40:05
- "Or Class" field: 42:25
- Area Subheader: 44:20
- Sum Hours button: 46:05
Page Headings: 47:05
Adding & removing tables (Course List, Footnote, Other Content): 49:15
- Adding a Course List table: 50:50
- Adding a Footnotes table: 53:35
- Deleting tables: 54:45
- Viewing info in footnote tables: 55:05
- Normal text: 55:35
- Adding a Shared/Other Content table: 55:45
- Plan of Study Grids: 56:30
Adding/deleting/moving pages or programs: 1:04:05
Tabs on "Edit Page" toolbar (top of page): 1:04:50
Conclusion/Questions: 1:05:10
Help Buttons: 1:06:00
Update Deadlines
2025-2026 Catalog
- Update/Add Courses: The Course Inventory Management – CIM will be available as of October 21 until Friday, December 6, 2024
- Submit Curricular Change Forms - Friday, December 06, 2024
- Update Catalog Content - CAT will be available as of November 18 until Friday, January 31, 2025 (FINAL DEADLINE for all changes).
- Look for notifications from Academic Affairs and check this site for updates to submission deadlines and training dates.
For general questions about CIM or the Catalog, contact
New users can obtain access to CAT by asking your department chair to send an email to The email should include your UIN, name, MIDAS ID, and the catalog page(s) to which you need access.
New users can obtain access to CIM by sending an email to The email should include your UIN, name, and your MIDAS ID.
Yes, training videos will be provided for both CAT and CIM on this site. Quick guides will also be available for each system. Email if you need additional assistance or information.
The best browser to use is Mozilla Firefox (versions 10+).
Go to for CAT or for CIM. You will be required to log in using your Shibboleth log in.
Just click on the box to complete the log in process.
There is not a log out button, just close your browser window to exit the software.
First, try to refresh the page. If that does not work, then close the browser window, clear your Cache/browsing history, and then try to log in again.
You will get an email from Catalog Editor letting you know you have an action to approve. Click on the link in the email.