Candidates in approved professional educational programs are required to provide a clearance background check when registering for a course that requires a field experience. It is strongly recommended that all students have completed the background check process by DROP / ADD each semester due to the increased turn around time by the state departments involved. The process is currently taking 8-10 weeks.
Find Out Your Status
Find out if your clearance background check process has been successfully completed and entered in your record by using myODU Portal Login and then reviewing in Leo Online your Test Score page.
The clearance background check process can take up to 8 weeks or longer
The clearance background check process includes:
- a social service/child protective service check through the Central Registry Release Information form ($10 fee)
- fingerprinting ($27 state police processing fee/$15 fingerprinting fee)
- a review of each candidate's name through the Virginia State Police: Sex Offender Registry
- ALL search results must be received and reviewed by ODU to determine successful completion of the clearance process for placement
- You can check your Leo Online secure page under Test Scores. A score of 1 means that you are cleared for placement.
Once a candidate is cleared by ODU, additional clearance background check will not be required unless there is a break in enrollment at ODU that requires the candidate to go through reactivation or readmission process with the Old Dominion University admissions office.
Office of Clinical Experiences
Every candidate must complete:
Completing the fillable form - Central Registry Release of Information Form
Follow the instructions below and complete each part of the form:
- Purpose of Search, check "Volunteer"
Old Dominion University
Office of Clinical Experience
Education Building, Suite 1107
Norfolk, VA 23529 - Contact Name: Jennessa Libby-Reynolds
Telephone: 757-683-3348
Contact E-mail: oce@odu.edu
- PART I - Complete in PART I all answers requested pertaining to YOU
- Print your information in the white blank spaces (not in the grey spaces)
- If any answer is none, write "N/A"
- Print the form after you complete it front to back in one page. DO NOT print two pages.
- Print this form in full size, 8.5 x 11 inches paper. This is required by the Virginia Department of Social Services
- Sign the form
- Sign the form
- Payment Fee
- $10.00 fee for the Central Registry Release of Information Form
- Payment must be in the form of a money order payable to Virginia Department of Social Services. Credit Card, Personal check or cash will NOT be accepted
- Submit in person or by postal services the signed form with $10 Money Order to (Please include a note with your UIN in your paperwork):
The Office of Clinical Experience
Education Building, Suite 1107
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529
**Please do not mail the form directly to the VA Department of Social Services.
Step 1
Complete Form
Form Directions
- Review the SAMPLE FORM
Follow the instructions below to complete the form:
- Section I
- Complete and sign Section I
- Complete and sign Section I
- Section II
- Do not complete Section II. Office of Clinical Experience will complete this section
SCAN the completed form to oce@odu.edu (include your UIN in the subject line).
Step 2
- Upon review of the completed form, you will be sent instructions to submit payment through OCE's UStore
- Please follow up with oce@odu.edu if email is not received within 72 hours of submitting
Step 3
- Once payment is completed, additional information will be sent for scheduling and completing the fingerprint process.
- Please follow up with oce@odu.edu if email is not received within 72 hours of submitting
Every candidate's name will be reviewed in the National Sex Offender Registry.
Every candidate MUST complete:
- Washington State Candidates are required to complete a pre-certification process. For information on this process, e-mail the Office of Clinical Experience at oce@odu.edu.
- Military and Military Affiliated Students
- Fingerprinting available at your nearest military base security office
- Contact the security office to schedule an appointment
- Bring two photo identification cards to your appointment (e.g. driver's license, military ID, or passport)
- Fingerprinting must be completed using:
APPLICANT FD258 (REV 3-1-10) 1110-0046 fingerprinting card - If the military base office does not have this fingerprinting card, you may request a blank one from Office of Clinical Experience by calling 757-683-3348.