The Health and Physical Education area of study within the Physical Education Program, houses the academic majors for undergraduate (B.S. Ed.) and graduate (M.S. Ed.) students pursuing teacher licensure and advanced studies in coaching and health and physical education designed for the PreK-12 school setting. This unique discipline is designed to promote the coaching and teaching competencies of future and current professionals. The curriculum is conceptual-based, aligned with SHAPE, America Standards and the Virginia Standards of Learning. The coursework addresses a wide range of content and skill areas such as physical education pedagogy, teaching of sports, motor development, motor learning, coaching theory, motivational issues in sport, exercise science, biomechanics, and health education.
Bachelor's Degree


Department of Human Movement Studies & Special Education
Master's Degree


Graduate Certificates

Background Clearance Policy
Virginia Teacher Reciprocity Agreements
Office of Clinical Experience
Background Clearance Policy
Virginia Teacher Reciprocity Agreements
Office of Clinical Experience
**Look for special student membership prices and student conference fees to these organizations.
The HPE Majors Club meets monthly and is open to all HPE majors from freshmen to seniors. The focus of the club has been to provide service to the community. Recent activities include Walk for Life, a sports day activity program for Thurgood Marshall Elementary School from Chesapeake, a Family Fun Night at Fairlawn Elementary School in Norfolk, and a collection drive for clothing, toys, and toilet articles for Mother's Inc. in Virginia Beach, a women's assistance organization. The club also participates in activities in the Darden College of Education including the annual Welcome Back Cook-Out with the SVEA and the Dean's Leadership Team and university activities such as the Big Blue Experience. In recent years, the club has raised money for officers and interested students to attend professional conferences such as VAHPERD and AAHPERD.
**Look for special student membership prices and student conference fees to these organizations.
The HPE Majors Club meets monthly and is open to all HPE majors from freshmen to seniors. The focus of the club has been to provide service to the community. Recent activities include Walk for Life, a sports day activity program for Thurgood Marshall Elementary School from Chesapeake, a Family Fun Night at Fairlawn Elementary School in Norfolk, and a collection drive for clothing, toys, and toilet articles for Mother's Inc. in Virginia Beach, a women's assistance organization. The club also participates in activities in the Darden College of Education including the annual Welcome Back Cook-Out with the SVEA and the Dean's Leadership Team and university activities such as the Big Blue Experience. In recent years, the club has raised money for officers and interested students to attend professional conferences such as VAHPERD and AAHPERD.
Program Directors

Accredited by CAEP

Special Education and Health & Physical Education are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation for Education Preparation (CAEP). The Virginia Standards of Technology for Instructional Personnel are also satisfied within the coursework.