Any individual traveling on behalf of Old Dominion University on official university business must complete the Travel Registry Process prior to departure, no exceptions.
It is the policy of the Commonwealth of Virginia to limit travel costs to only those expenses that are necessary for providing essential services to the Commonwealth's citizens. Further, travelers and travel planners must seek ways to reduce the cost of essential travel.
Old Dominion University is required to communicate State travel policies, regulations and procedures to all employees who travel on State business. Additionally, ODU must ensure that all travel expenses conform to the State travel regulations.
Travelers are responsible for understanding and complying with all Commonwealth of Virginia and Old Dominion University policies and procedures. Failure to follow travel guidelines could result in a reduced reimbursement or delayed processing of a travel reimbursement request. Travelers are also reminded that submitting a false reimbursement claim constitutes fraud.
Travelers can use the Traveler's Checklist for Overnight Travel to help ensure compliance with Commonwealth travel regulations. It provides a checklist of steps and actions that must be completed prior to overnight travel, while in overnight business travel status, and after overnight business travel is completed.
Travelers may not approve their own travel-related documents. The traveler's supervisor and Budget Unit Director (BUD) must approve Pre-Approval Requests (for international travel) and Expense Reports in Chrome River. The BUD approving travel must be on the Master Signature List.
The Chrome River Travel System must be used for all travel and small business expense reimbursements. All non-employees must be enrolled in Chrome River to receive reimbursements. (See Enrollment for Non-Employees).
Travel Procedures
Office of Finance
Here are the official procedures for travel, outlined in detail. If you have any questions, please direct them to the Office of Finance.
6-700 - General Travel and Travel Planning Information (revised April, 2018)
6-701 - Travel Terms and Definitions (revised April, 2018)
6-702 - Traveler's Checklist for Overnight Travel (revised April, 2018)
6-703 - Travel Expenditure Sub-Object Codes (revised April, 2018)
6-704 - Common Travel Reimbursement Errors (revised April, 2018)
6-705 - Lodging/Accommodation Guidelines (revised July, 2022)
6-706 - M&IE Per Diem and Lodging Guidelines (revised April, 2020)
6-707 - Exceptions to the Meals and Lodging Guidelines (revised July, 2022)
6-708 - Reimbursable Meal Limits (revised April, 2020)
6-709 - Meals (overnight) (revised April, 2018)
6-710 - Meals (non-travel related) (revised April, 2018)
6-711 - Conference - Registration Fees (revised April, 2018)
6-712 - Use of Personal Vehicles (revised July, 2022)
6-713 - Use of Rental Vehicles (revised January, 2021)
6-714 - Travel Outside the United States (revised April, 2018)
6-715 - Other/Miscellaneous Expenses (revised April, 2018)
6-716 - Non-Reimbursable Expenses (revised April, 2018)
6-717 - Travel Credits (revised April, 2018)
6-718 - Travel Advances - Employees (revised April, 2020)
6-719 - Travel Advances - Students (revised April, 2020)
6-720 - Travel Vouchers - General Information (revised April, 2018)
6-721 - Travel Vouchers - Completing Travel Reimbursements (revised April, 2020)
6-722 - Travel Vouchers - Submitting Travel Reimbursements (revised April, 2021)
6-725 - Travel - Public Carriers (revised April, 2019)
6-730 - Corporate Travel Card (revised April, 2021)
6-735 - Completing Non-Employee Travel Reimbursements (effective March, 2020)
6-775 - Meals - Student Academic & Student Club Functions (revised April, 2020)
Office of Risk Management
University Travel Risk Management Policy #1007
Global Travel Registry Requirement
Specific Travel Guidelines