Application Deadlines:
Epsilon Chi Chapter Awards
Deadline for Submission: June 1st
- Nursing Education
- Nursing Research
- Nursing Practice
- Nursing Leadership
- Chapter Excellence
Individual Research Award
The amount of funds requested, the number of requests, and the available monies in the Chapter research fund will determine the amount of any grant award. The maximum amount to be awarded each applicant is $3,000. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis for both individual and collaborative awards.
Collaborative Research Award
The amount of funds requested, the number of requests, and the available monies in the Chapter research fund will determine the amount of any grant award. The maximum amount to be awarded each applicant is $3,000. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis for both individual and collaborative awards.
Application Forms
Guidelines for Grant
Applicant Criteria
- Applicant must be a registered nurse.
- Applicant or sponsor must be a member of Sigma Theta Tau. Priority given to member of Epsilon Chi members and to proposals not currently being funded from other sources, other attributes being equal.
- Baccalaureate or higher degree.
- Applicant submits research award application, which includes name, title of research proposal, project date, anticipated completion date and funds requested.
- Applicant submits vitae, which includes education, work experience and other activities relevant to research that does not exceed two pages. (Students enrolled In a higher degree program with direct supervision of a qualified instructor may want to Include this information.)
- Applicant submits research proposal. This proposal must include statement of the problem, research question/a or hypothesis/es, design, sample, procedure, data analysis, significance of project and a detailed listing of anticipated costs associated with the project. This section is limited to five (5) pages.
Competitive Basis for Fund Allocation
- Clinical relevance of the project.
- Clarity of written proposal rated on a scale of one (low) to five (high).
- Appropriateness of the design.
- Clear delineation as to the significance of nursing.
- Research proposal budget.
- Research fund budget and the number of proposals submitted.
- Grant recipient abstains from attending Executive Committee meeting slated for recipient award selection.
- Grant recipient signs letter of agreement following application guidelines.
- Grant recipient submits a summary of research progress six (6) months after award of funds and upon completion of the study.
- Grant recipient presents the research findings to the Chapter at a designated Chapter meeting or induction activity.
- Grant recipient credits the support of the Chapter In any publication or presentation relating to the funded research.
Ellmer School of Nursing
Faculty Counselor for Application Submissions:
Tinnikka Robertson-Jones DNP, RN, CNE, ACNS-BC
Clinical Assistant Professor, Nursing