It is strongly recommended that travelers use the University's Enterprise Rental Car contract when renting vehicles for out-of-town University-related business.
Reimbursement for car rental expenses is limited to official business use only. Car rentals may be made through commercial rental agencies. The traveler must select the most economical contractor and type of vehicle available, and acquire any commercial rate or government discount available when the vehicle is rented.
- In most cases, rental vehicles are to be used only after reaching the travel destination. However, the traveler may conduct a cost/benefit analysis to determine if it is beneficial for the State if they use a rental car in lieu of a personal vehicle for the planned trip. The cost/benefit analysis should consider the cost of the rental car, any surcharges, and the cost of fuel for operating the rental vehicle. Be sure to attach the analysis to the reimbursement request.
- For local travel when University-related travel is expected to be 200 miles or more per day, departments should use the Enterprise Rent-A-Car contract.
- No add-on GPS charges are allowed.
- Receipts for the car rental and accurate accounting of gas purchases must be submitted with the Expense Report. Gas accounting and rental information must be itemized (receipts are required). Original receipts must be centrally maintained in a department file.
- Attach a copy of the rental form to the Expense Report.
Refueling/Gas Expenses
Rental vehicles should be refueled before returning the vehicle to the rental contractor unless an exception is noted. Reimbursement will be based on the fuel used and receipts provided. Refueling fees are not allowed. Some vendors may use the term "fuel service option," but this is a refueling fee and is not allowed.
If you are being reimbursed for fuel expenses, you must attach a copy of the rental agreement to your Expense Report unless driving a state vehicle.
If any claim for gas expenses is submitted, you MUST attach a copy of the rental agreement to the Expense Report. Travelers may not claim gas expenses for personal vehicle use.
Gasoline Purchases/State Vehicles - If a state vehicle is driven, provide the make, model, and license plate number of the state vehicle with the receipt to request reimbursement of gasoline self-service expenses.
Insurance Coverage

Insurance Coverage - State Employees - Insurance coverage offered by rental car contractors should be declined. Costs associated with optional coverage will not be reimbursed. (The Department of Treasury, Division of Risk Management, provides a Statewide Self-Insured Automobile plan for State Employees).
Insurance Coverage - State Employees - Outside Virginia - A traveler may encounter a situation when renting a car outside of Virginia and the car rental company requires the traveler to obtain coverage from the car rental company or show some evidence of insurance coverage.
The traveler should determine if this requirement is in effect for their travel destination PRIOR to travel if possible and if so obtain a "Proof of Insurance" certificate from the Division of Risk Management. This can be obtained on-line from the Department of Treasury web site at:
Insurance Coverage Consultants and Non-State Employees - Consultants and non-State employees are not covered under the state's insurance coverage and are required to purchase Liability Damage Waiver (LDW) and Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) insurance. These individuals will be reimbursed for LDW and CDW coverage. Limits may apply. Discuss reimbursement for insurance coverage for these individuals with the Accounts Payable Manager at 3-4813.
Insurance Coverage - Travel Outside the Country - Individuals traveling outside the territorial U.S. (including Canada and Puerto Rico) are required to purchase, and will be reimbursed for, LDW and CDW insurance only. Other types of insurance offered, such as trip cancellation, personal, health or life insurance are not reimbursable.