Labs & Centers

Writing Center


The Writing Center provides supplemental instruction to help students improve their writing strategies. Instead of providing a proofreading service, we offer tutoring sessions that assist students in learning to proofread their own work, in getting projects started, and in developing the writing process for a paper.

The Writing Center offers 45-minute appointments with graduate student tutors who work with individual students or with groups. Most tutoring sessions are by appointment; walk-in appointments are provided when tutors are not in a scheduled session. For distance students, we use WebEx for online appointments. Students have the option of making standing appointments with tutors once per week for up to four weeks at a time. In addition to tutoring services for undergraduate and graduate students, we will visit classrooms to provide writing lessons and group tutorials.

Location: 1208 Learning Commons (Perry Library)
Contact: (757) 683-4013

Fall 2017, September 5 - December 8

Monday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Friday 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Digital Humanities, Media, and Computing Spaces

The English Department runs two media spaces. The Instructional Computing Space is located in BAL 2019 and mpark, a humanities makerpark, serving the English Department as well as the College of Arts and Letters, can be found around the corner in BAL 2027.

English Department Instructional Computing Space
Location: Batten Arts and Letters 2019

Do you like using technology in the classroom? Do you prefer using desktop macs instead of relying on student use of personal laptops? Do you need a hybrid classroom that enables distance learning and in-person learning? If so BAL 2019 may be a good option for you. This computing space has 24 Mac computers outfitted with software intended to support a wide variety of teaching and learning goals including image, sound, object and data modeling, and video editing. If you'd like to tour the space and explore its potential or if you already know that you'd like to hold a regularly scheduled course in this classroom you can check out the calendar to see whether BAL 2019 will work for your individual or ongoing class meeting days and times. If you see that there's space or if you'd like to schedule an orientation with one of the GA's, please email Professor Kilcline (Konkol) at


Location: Batten Arts and Letters 2027

Mpark, or makerpark is an inclusive digital humanities makerspace equipped with a range of digital and analog technologies that enable users to build, make, and innovate. We aim to provide professors and students access to a unique makerpark composed of old and new technologies--from typewriters and vintage sewing machines to 3D printers, arduinos, and laser cutters. Nurturing nonhierarchical collaborations across the disciplines, we support the vision, creativity, and research of Arts & Letters students and faculty. We do so through in-person labs, online tutorials, class visits and opportunities to use the space and its resources. Are you curious about Digital Humanities? Are you interested in what we do? Contact Professor Kilcline (Konkol) at