Here is a list of the campus Recycling Events that take place throughout the year. For questions or more information, please contact us at (757) 683-3005. If you are interested in volunteering at an event, please submit a Volunteer Interest Form.

Don't dump it! - Donate it! End-of-Year Donation Areas are set up in every Residence Hall for students moving out to donate unwanted items.

This day on November 15th encourages Americans to make more sustainable choices and commit to recycling on a personal and community level. Make the pledge with us!

Residential areas on campus compete in a month-long weigh-in to see how much recyclables they can collect. The team with the highest total weight wins!

Every spring ODU participates in the intercollegiate recycling competition "Campus Race to Zero Waste". We need every Monarch's participation to win!

The faculty and staff from each of the University's colleges compete to recycle the most per capita!

During RecycleMania, Greek organizations compete in teams to see who can collect the most recyclable materials for Greek Week.

Recycle your cycle or donate it! Bike ODU accepts bicycle donations year-round. Donations help support bicycle programs on campus.

During Recycleathon, Student Residents are divided to compete in a ONE DAY weigh-in to see how much recyclables they can collect per capita.

On Earth Day, the campus community is asked to bring their confidential documents to Facilities Management for professional shredding services.

It's cardboard chaos! Once you’ve finished unpacking, we’d like you to think GREEN and recycle any boxes or other recyclable materials you have.

Don't dump it! - Donate it! End-of-Year Donation Areas are set up in every Residence Hall for students moving out to donate unwanted items.

This day on November 15th encourages Americans to make more sustainable choices and commit to recycling on a personal and community level. Make the pledge with us!

Residential areas on campus compete in a month-long weigh-in to see how much recyclables they can collect. The team with the highest total weight wins!

Every spring ODU participates in the intercollegiate recycling competition "Campus Race to Zero Waste". We need every Monarch's participation to win!

The faculty and staff from each of the University's colleges compete to recycle the most per capita!

During RecycleMania, Greek organizations compete in teams to see who can collect the most recyclable materials for Greek Week.

Recycle your cycle or donate it! Bike ODU accepts bicycle donations year-round. Donations help support bicycle programs on campus.

During Recycleathon, Student Residents are divided to compete in a ONE DAY weigh-in to see how much recyclables they can collect per capita.

On Earth Day, the campus community is asked to bring their confidential documents to Facilities Management for professional shredding services.

It's cardboard chaos! Once you’ve finished unpacking, we’d like you to think GREEN and recycle any boxes or other recyclable materials you have.

Don't dump it! - Donate it! End-of-Year Donation Areas are set up in every Residence Hall for students moving out to donate unwanted items.
Facilities Management