This minor serves as a valuable addition to various academic programs and majors, offering comprehensive training in the 12 core competency areas outlined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA).

This minor offers students with the interest in coaching in schools, private clubs, or collegiately an opportunity to explore the basics of coaching management, sports psychology, and complete a practical internship in their desired sport.

Fashion merchandising involves wearing many hats within the fashion industry, sometimes juggling them and sometimes focusing on one area exclusively.

This minor offers students with an interest in the health education field an opportunity to explore the core concepts of human growth and motor development, teaching health concepts, injury care, nutrition, and fitness.

With this minor, you will learn the roles and functions of the human services profession, characteristics of human growth and development; characteristics of human services agencies; theories and skills of human services and working with specialized populations.

The minor equips students with skills to make better personal decisions about technology and more appropriate choices for their futures.

This minor prepares students for careers within public, nonprofit and commercial park, recreation and tourism agencies. Possible settings include hotels, municipal parks and recreation departments, outdoor outfitters and event planning organizations.

This minor is designed to complement majors in education, psychology, and speech pathology. It can be helpful if students intend to become special education teachers or speech language pathologists.

This minor is designed to provide students with a solid theoretical foundation in the study and practice of sport management. Students will achieve this goal by completing a series of five courses in the undergraduate sport management program.

Offered to students majoring in disciplines (other than occupational and technical studies) who wish to enhance their content area of expertise and develop the knowledge and skills required to be an effective trainer in their respective disciplines and related fields.
Darden College of Education & Professional Studies
Darden College of Education & Professional Studies
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